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Reset your password/Access old emailReset your password/Access old email

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Reset your password/Access old email

AndriiTechnical Support
Jun 13, 2018, 07:1006/13/18

Reset your password/Access old email

Here are the tips you can try to get back into your account:

1. Click "Forgot Password" in the login interface.

2. Enter your email to reset your password. A password reset request will be emailed to you.

3. Follow the instructions to access your account using your recovery email address.

N.B. If you did not give us a real email address when you created your account, we cannot send you an email.

What if I cannot reset my password because I can't access the email?

  • Make sure you enter the same email address that you used while creating your Plarium ID. 
  • Double check that email and password you insert don’t contain any odd symbols and extra spaces. 
  • Try to recover your email account. If you registered your game account with an email, contact your email service provider to regain access to the email on your game account.  
  • As soon as you regain access to your email, you can finish the steps to reset your password

If the issue persists, contact our Support Team and specify in your report the model of your device and your in-game nick-name. 

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