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Currency has changed from Canada to US today.Currency has changed from Canada to US today.

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Currency has changed from Canada to US today.

Sep 28, 2021, 02:0409/28/21

Currency has changed from Canada to US today.

I was playing Raid this morning and the currrency was correct as CDN $ but after I shut down and rebooted my PC it has changed to US. I verified that Google Play has the correct Region and Currency.

Sep 29, 2021, 00:4409/29/21

Update: I played on Android last night and and the Currrency was CDN$ show I thought the issue was resolved, I have just logged into the PC Raid program on Win10, and the currency still shows US$. So it seems the Win10 version is not pulling the right currency somehow.

My user ID is um93603663 | 90676429

Sep 30, 2021, 23:0509/30/21


I changed my DNS and did speedtests from my router with great speed. I uninstalled Raid from Plarium play, cleared the cache, uninstalled Plarium Play. I connected my VPN service to a Canadian server. I then reinstalled everything and I got the same problem. I did the uninstall and reinstall twice withe the same results of getting USD.

I uninstalled everything again and installed BlueStacks and installed the Raid game. After starting the game in BlueStacks, I had to do the short play-through and then logged into my Plarium account. The game and my profile loaded correctly and the correct currency of CDN $ now shows. 

I am baffled how I got CDN currency in the Plarium Play once and then it changed and I could not get it back. Oh, well at least I am getting the CDN currency now using BlueStacks.

Oct 3, 2021, 04:2310/03/21

Bluestacks is my JAM. Love it. :D