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In Arena can't click on enemy champions and get details

In Arena can't click on enemy champions and get details

Mar 24, 2022, 08:1503/24/22

In Arena can't click on enemy champions and get details

Before this update (3/23/22) you could :

1)  Go into Classic Arena

2)  Click the Battle button

3)  Click on any of the four enemy champions

4)  Observe the name of champion, the champion's stats (when fully upgraded), and their skills.

This is extremely helpful in deciding whether to fight an enemy team as it is nearly impossible to memorize every champion, their stats, and what skills they have. 

Also, the team power disappears at the bottom when you try to click one of the champions.  This leads me to believe that it may be trying to launch something, but fails.

I am seeing this on PC and mobile device (iPhone). 

Mar 24, 2022, 21:4703/24/22

Yes it is the same for me with this update. As we all know the "team power" has nothing to do with deciding a good or bad team or if you can beat that team. Without looking at the enemy's stat's is going to battle Blind!

   I'm on PC

Mar 24, 2022, 22:5303/24/22

It appears this was an intended change, but it will be returning in a future patch. 

Mar 25, 2022, 11:4103/25/22

OMG you have to be kidding WHY?? with the arena as Hard as it is to max your great hall (Years to max) 

Now we have to fight BLIND as well? I ask agan WHY?

This will mean I fight less often each day OR spend a lot more of my time going to the index

 leaving Less time for all the rest of the game.

 And if we can see the kit's at the index anyway what is the point of making players go to the index to see the kit's we used to see in the arena battle screen?

 This help's Nothing!  This is a mistake!

  "Returning in a future patch" Well I hope that future is Soon!