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Mob in 1st pack of dragons lair keep throwing up immunity buff and sticking.

Mob in 1st pack of dragons lair keep throwing up immunity buff and sticking.

Jan 5, 2021, 20:5001/05/21

Mob in 1st pack of dragons lair keep throwing up immunity buff and sticking.

For the 3rd time in 2 days , there's a mob in the 1st pack dragons 5 and the next highest force dungeon (not sure which one) that throws up an immunity buff and then just stands there unkillable. When I try to get out of the dungeon my screen goes black and I have to turn off my phone to kill the game. was hoping it was just a one or two time glitch but now I'm just deleteing the game from my phone. Which sucks cuz I hate sitting at a computer to play a game when I can just go anywhere and if I get a break I can play it and not feel like I'm wasting time sitting a comp getting fat while my wife tells me to get up and do something around the house. Please fix this so I can go hide from her and play my game in peace. :)
                                                                                                                                                                              TY, JD Ahlers.                                                                                                                                                                                              .                                                                                                                                                                                                                     OK, so I figured out the problem. I was using Allure. Her A1 (Psychic whip) which decreases a mobs turn meter on crits and its 3 shots. So the mob with immunity never gets to go unless you stop using the a1 long enough for the mobs turn meter to fill up so it can have its turn. What this means though, is unless you can 1 shot these immunity mobs everytime you cannot run dragons 7 on auto which means multi battle will not work. I realize this is one of those things thats unique to certain characters and levels but it still needs to be looked at.
