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Mobs in dragon sticking with immunity buff.

Mobs in dragon sticking with immunity buff.

Jan 5, 2021, 19:4401/05/21

Mobs in dragon sticking with immunity buff.

There a mob in the first pack of dragons that has an immunity buff. Twice in the past few days he gotten stuck with no life but the buff wont drop. I cant even steal it with vigor theft. Also, the game has been sticking at dungeon loading screens   quite a bit the last few days. It's not my phone. It's brand and new (xmas) and my internet, which ussually has 3 people playing rift on ultra graphics easily , isn't even being used at the moment other than raid on my PC and phone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Edit :                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
         OK, so I went back to the game after I wrote this and after a few tries it ended up letting me steal the buff and then on the next pack the whole game stuck. Tried to log out, screen went black and I cannot log out or even swipe off my "tabs"  screen and it won't close even when I hit "close all tabs".Had to turn of my phone. Got me a little sketchy as to whether or not I want to keep this game on my phone.
