Tyrannt Ixlimor - CB Ki Bug
You gave Tyranns his A2 prio over his A3, but if the CB already has 10 Debuffs on him. He doesnt use his A2 anymore (he did befor, i am running this comp for months now)
So what happens is, if you have 10 Debuffs on the CB on Tyranns designated A2 turn he will delay it and use it in the next turn when he is supposed to use his A3 and your teams dies without ally protect/inc Def.
The way he is now he is complete unsuable/unreliable if your team can fully fill the debuff bar.
Here he is supposed to use his A2
then the next turn where he should A3
but well yeah he drops the hp burn instead
and your team simply dies if that happens in the later turns.
Honestly please fix that ...