Items; Potion & Drop Rates
I have been attempting to collect Potion for champion ascending but I think the drop rate is bugged, I use my phone for play so I cannot provide a screen shot. I believe there is an issue with the current drop rate of Potion items if I am stage 9, I receive the same amount of potions if I was on stage 10.
I am kind of under the impression that the level should improve the drop rate of different Potion types, so far it seems the drop table is simply added to when you progress into the towers with "Superior" being offered at stage 9 of 15 staged appearing less frequently but still providing only a singular Potion drop at a kind of middle section of the tower.
I would expect that to be not the case as I went through the staged that only drop lessers, but I seem to have a greatest chance of finding lessers on all staged of a tower, ??.