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Skull Lord Var-Gall Bug

Skull Lord Var-Gall Bug

Nov 19, 2020, 15:5511/19/20

Skull Lord Var-Gall Bug

trying to level this guy up in minotaur 15, alongside two skull sworns, Cardinal, and Dark Athell

im not sure exactly what triggers it as ive been running on auto but 3 or 4 times now i have come back to skull Lord running circles around his last target. sometimes the others will carry on with their attacks and such while he is stuck doing this, but several times i have come back 30 minutes later to find him doing it and the game locked up 30 minutes later where hes only completed one or two rounds before glitching out.

its reproduceable within 7 attempts on the dungeon with that team comp, not sure what is happening to trigger it but it has cost me several 100 energy as i save my 30 autos till bedtime and start them before going to bed, usually waking up with only a few sucessful runs and the mountain of energy (300+) still sitting unused while i lost the 8 hours of regen due to him bugging out.
