Dark Elhain passive Lethal Winter not working in Arena
So I guess someone else has also noticed that Dark Elhain has some setback using the passive skill to counterattack when frozen.
When I first got DE and leveled to 60 the skill was ok 99% of the time. But lately it is not being used at all.
I uploaded an video recording of my ipad screen while fighting in the arena with DE against tormin.
DE got the buffs from Veins of Ice passive skill, but no counterattack due Lethal Winter skill.
Link to the matches recording:
Sorry if its a bit big, 187MB, guess I should’ve reduced the games quality before recording.
Once before that DE froze, buffed herself up but didn’t counterattack and then in a few turns randomly attacked due that Lethal Winter skill. It’s like it was “saved-up” to use later although it should be used at once.
I’m using iPad Pro with IOS 13.3.1