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Mighty Ukko doesn't place block buffs on BorgothMighty Ukko doesn't place block buffs on Borgoth

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Mighty Ukko doesn't place block buffs on Borgoth

Mar 18, 2025, 23:478 days

Mighty Ukko doesn't place block buffs on Borgoth

Description: When using Mighty Ukko against Borgoth he doesn't place block buffs on his A2 while the boss has no active buffs. 

1. Although Borgoth has no active buffs on him that are displayed after using Ukko's A2 on the boss it does not place block buffs, nor say resisted.

2. I first asked my clan about this problem wondering if he had a special passive or something that wasn't being displayed. But during some testing if you use Candraphon and you use his A1 against the boss, Punish Hubris, Attack 1 enemy place an extra hit on target if they are under any active buffs, he hits twice. 

Device: Plarium Play / iPhone 12

OS: Windows 10 / iOS 17.6.1


Step 1: Fight against Borgoth with Mighty Ukko of course, I fought him on Cursed City: Stage D9 Normal

Step 2: Use Mighty Ukko A2 

Step 3: No resists or block buffs / decrease acc being placed

Mar 19, 2025, 02:398 days
Mar 19, 2025, 02:41(edited)

With Borgoth his "shield" that reduces damage counts as a buff, which is giving Ukko's conditional block buffs on Scarab problems.