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Dumb two factor forum login doesn't workDumb two factor forum login doesn't work

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Dumb two factor forum login doesn't work

Jan 12, 2025, 01:0201/12/25

Dumb two factor forum login doesn't work

I had to create a whole account to tell you that the two factor authentication for the forum - which is preposterously unneeded - won't let you actually, you know, log in. It just keeps saying you've reached the maximum send and to wait a while. Yeah, I didn't even get to enter the code sent to email a SINGLE time. And it is sending email every time I try anyway, so it's obviously not past a maximum "send" - it keeps sending! But is there a place to enter the number? NO. What exactly are you protecting with this iron clad system that just lets you set up a new account and log in anyway? You don't need it and it's obviously full of holes, and it doesn't do the one thing it's here for. LET YOU LOG IN.
