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Wight Queen Ankora Skill

Wight Queen Ankora Skill

Aug 6, 2024, 20:5708/06/24

Wight Queen Ankora Skill

System: Mostly PC, but phone some during the day.

Problem:  When using her third skil Rise, My love on King Narses it does not seem to work as it says. A lot of the time I will use it in live arena and Narses will not get a turn after. I am not sure why this is the skill states he is resurected with 100% turn meter and then says the skill reduces enemy turn meter by 20% which can not be resisted. So if he has 100% and enemies have 20% less how does he not get a turn?

Aug 6, 2024, 22:1308/06/24

would need far more details (opposing champs, blessings, etc.) given this would be a brand new bug, preferably able to see it in video form. 

Sep 17, 2024, 20:5009/17/24

So don't have any video, but this literally happens everyday all the time. It happens in Live Arena and Tag Team arena everyday against many different champions/teams. Not sure what could even counter this because what the skill says is pretty straight forward. Narses gets 100% TM and skill reset and enemies get -20% TM that can't be resisted. SO from what that says he should go as soon as he is resurected. If not then maybe explan what the 100% TM and -20% TM unresisted means because it sounds very straightforward.

Sep 18, 2024, 16:4009/18/24

So don't have any video, but this literally happens everyday all the time. It happens in Live Arena and Tag Team arena everyday against many different champions/teams. Not sure what could even counter this because what the skill says is pretty straight forward. Narses gets 100% TM and skill reset and enemies get -20% TM that can't be resisted. SO from what that says he should go as soon as he is resurected. If not then maybe explan what the 100% TM and -20% TM unresisted means because it sounds very straightforward.

I use Narses and don't appear to have any issues with it - nor have I heard of any ongoing issues with Narses. It's why I need to see what the situation is in a given fight. Otherwise I can't really add any insight, nor can I take it to support as a purported bug.