Valkerie Bug report on clan boss
Hello this is Mr. P, I wanted to address an issue with Valkerie on clan boss. Kizzle and I were creating a 2 key auto build for clan boss and discovered that Valkerie was taking huge critical strikes from the clan bosses AOE2 which seemed to be doing around 70k damage, I though this was very interesting since the other heros weren't affected as much and she has 6700 defense and also had a defense up placed on her and rougly 45k HP.
If you go to exactly 14:48 on the youtube video which is 13 minutes and 31 seconds into the clan boss run you will see Valkerie put the shield on. Once gathering Fury hits you will see valkerie take a hit that brings her HP lower than any other champion and takes shield off plus an additional 30,331 damage. Other people have been reporting this issue and I feel it needs to be addressed.
I understand that Grizzled Jarl and Valkerie do not have ally protection on. Valkerie has approx 1500 more armor before buffs than Grizzled Jarl however Valkerie is taking over 8,000 more damage than Grizzled in the video when they were both critically struck.
thank you for your time
Mr. P