Peon CrotchskiNov 13, 2023, 00:3011/13/2307/15/214MB's in champ pass not being sent to inboxthis has been reported several times on support ticket and in discord, and has not been rectified, please fix.
steveNov 16, 2023, 18:1411/16/2308/30/212I have missed 3 MB"S from champ pass. these are not being sent to my inbox or crecited to my account . PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE . I'm not the only one.
ThomV2Nov 26, 2023, 04:1911/26/2312/31/228I reported the same issue in another thread, I earned five 20 multi-battles but received none.
dthorne04ModeratorNov 27, 2023, 18:5711/27/2312/30/206215ThomV2I reported the same issue in another thread, I earned five 20 multi-battles but received none.Sorry to hear this, let me look into this one again.