Zivia block revive not applied correctly on Ice Golem's Peak
Device: OnePlus5
OS: Android 7.1.2
WTR (way to reproduce the issue):
Step 0: Acent Zavias 3 times to upgrade the Deadly Catalyst skill
Step 1: go to Dungeons - Ice Golem's Peak
Step 2: Select Zivia as one of your heroes
Step 3: kill the first two rounds of minions
Step 4: Apply the poision debuff on the boss minions then kill them with the Deadly Catalyst skill while they are still poisioned
Zivia block revive not applied correctly on Ice Golem's Peak when her Deadly Catalyst skill kills the boss minions while they are poisoned, this bug might also appy outside of Ice Golem's Peak but I was unable to test that.