Not getting CB chests
Title: Not receiving clan boss chests
Device: Custom-built PC
OS: Windows 10 Pro (21H2), Build: 19044.2006
WTR: Unknown how exactly to trigger the bug
The last 2 days, I did not get any clan boss chests (rewards) despite doing > 40 million damage to the nightmare clan boss. I did not do enough damage to other level of CB to know if it's specific to nightmare CB or not.
Yesterday, I did ~50m damage to NM CB + ~12m on UNM CB (not enough to qualify for UNM chest)
Day before, I did ~40m damage to NM CB. Did not do any other level of CB.
Prior to that, I never had an issue getting CB chests. The first time it happened I thought it might have been a glitch because I finished with a little less than 1 minute left before CB resets. But 2nd day I finished well before reset.