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Warpriest divine light bug.

Warpriest divine light bug.

Mar 7, 2019, 23:2803/07/19

Warpriest divine light bug.

I just started playing this game, and i've noticed a lot of text in skill upgrades saying "increase chance to debuff by 10%" etc.

well on the divine light skill its has a total of 20% increase in healing, but it is increasing it by 20% of the initial 20% max hp heal, for a total of 24% of max hp healed. which should be how damage is calculated, but not a % based skill. the text could just say "heals for an additional 1% of max hp" per upgrade if this is intended.

Also the reduced cooldown by -1 is actually increasing the cooldown to 4 turns from 3, instead of reducing it to 2.

maybe i am just misunderstanding the text descriptions, but it seems weird to invest into a skill so heavily for a 4% hp upgrade and a longer skill cooldown.

DeletedTechnical Support
Mar 9, 2019, 09:3903/09/19


The healing increase is based on the original value.

So, if the original value of the skill is 20% and you upgrade the skill to give you 30% additional heal, it will increase by 6%: 30% out of 20% = 6%
As for the cooldown case, it should not work like that. Please send us more information about this case:
1. Hero name
2. Skill name (is it divine light only?)
3. Screenshot of the skill

Apr 15, 2019, 04:5004/15/19
Apr 15, 2019, 07:23(edited)

Sorry to somewhat pull this out of the crypt, but I'm adding onto it because it somewhat frustrated me to come across this situation.

The problem at hand is that Warpriest's 'Divine Light' ability simply gains a two-turn Cooldown upon level 3 Awakening with zero warning to be had, other than paying sly attention to her maxed stats in the compendium, which I did not catch until mid-fight after Awakening her.

So far, no other Champion I've upgraded has had a skill increase in CD, and their starting CDs match their Awakened CDs in the compendium.

So yes, the level 5 'Cooldown -1' is technically working, but it's extremely frustrating to have boosted her via items just to discover a hefty fine that I was not at all expecting in the form of that +2 turn base CD; I would have happily left her Unawakened for a 2-turn single heal instead of a 4-turn AoE.

I actually would like to know if it's intended, because the 10% AoE is NOT AT ALL strong enough to warrant a TWO turn increase. MAYBE one, but not TWO.
Dec 20, 2020, 07:2812/20/20


The healing increase is based on the original value.

So, if the original value of the skill is 20% and you upgrade the skill to give you 30% additional heal, it will increase by 6%: 30% out of 20% = 6%
As for the cooldown case, it should not work like that. Please send us more information about this case:
1. Hero name
2. Skill name (is it divine light only?)
3. Screenshot of the skill

"The healing increase is based on the original value" -ok, but text "Heal +5%" is incorrect. It makes a mistake. From the description it is not clear from what meaning. And the only way to know is to spend books. I spent 14 books and ended up not getting what I expected. This is misleading and demotivating. 

Skill "Admonish" - on max level it has freeze chance also 16.5% ? Or 25% ? 

Dec 21, 2020, 15:3612/21/20

Nice catch, I have to not accend my WP then.