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Why is Klondike and storm fall saga of survival not on the Plarium play app?

Why is Klondike and storm fall saga of survival not on the Plarium play app?

Nov 16, 2021, 02:3611/16/21

Why is Klondike and storm fall saga of survival not on the Plarium play app?

I'm just curious why the two games (Klondike and Stormfall) not on the plarium play app. I would love to finally play a good survival game worth my time thats not on mobile (Stormfall) and Klondike it would be easier to access for me if it was on the app. besides that i also noticed alot of games on the web site were not on the app. just curious why, if its a money thing or a change in code that i would understand because coding is deffinately not easy by far. I'm not an expert on programing but i know enough batch to make a video out of symbols. which in its own is difficult.

Nov 16, 2021, 04:0311/16/21

I honestly have no idea. But I will ask.

Jan 4, 2022, 05:0801/04/22


I cannot find a place to ask something about Klondike. So I ask here.

How can I go to the Ice Bear Plateau? I finished Northridge but I cannot see any possibility to go to the Plateau. Can somebody help me?

Than you

Jan 8, 2022, 18:1501/08/22


I cannot find a place to ask something about Klondike. So I ask here.

How can I go to the Ice Bear Plateau? I finished Northridge but I cannot see any possibility to go to the Plateau. Can somebody help me?

Than you

So I tried to start it and it wouldn't let me click on the tree to build the sawmill. ALREADY HAVING PROBLEMS. I wonder if any of the other mods have played it.

Apr 1, 2022, 21:1304/01/22

Is there a forum specifically for Klondike, the Lost Expedition?

Apr 2, 2022, 19:3104/02/22
Auntie Emu

Is there a forum specifically for Klondike, the Lost Expedition?

These are all the forum options here at Plarium:


Jun 16, 2022, 17:2006/16/22

one of my neighbors is asking for assistance with the Klondike game and can not find anything to do with the game anywhere. i would like to help him but i couldn't find any place (besides this and two other comments) that even Mentions the game Either.

pleasse and thank you if you can direct me to something that he might find of use that i can send him through the gift messages. i will also direct him to this forum so that maybe he can find something i'm not seeing on here.

Jul 20, 2022, 01:5707/20/22

I cannot open the Klondike game. What's wrong?

Jul 23, 2022, 06:1707/23/22
Jul 23, 2022, 06:24(edited)

This is why I wont spend real money on the game.  Not finding it in the forum or on the support page tells me its either on its way out, or just not that important.  :/

But in case a moderator knows the answer, How does one reset a quest?  I full filled the tunnel to golden lake (train, but instead of clicking 'okay' I remembered I had food on the campfire so clicked the ground, usually that X's out of the window.  Grabbed the food then went to click the tunnel.  But it just says I have to fulfill the contract.  All my resouces are gone.  The contract disappeared.

anyone know?  I cleared cache.  Cant uninstall because I play via PC clicking FB icon to log in.   its not installed.


Jul 28, 2022, 17:4607/28/22

I see I am not the only one who feels abandoned.  Doesn't look as though any manager or moderator even looks here?  Would sure like to know as I enjoy Klondike, but do not even see how I can add any neighbours?

Aug 1, 2022, 22:1508/01/22

Klondike needs an official forum.  I have questions about playing the game.

Aug 3, 2022, 16:5908/03/22
Aug 3, 2022, 17:00(edited)

Is there a process to add games (Klondike), to the forum? Who should we contact? This is a great game that I have played since it started several years ago on FB (with multiple groups that can help). Earlier this year I started playing on the Vizor (dev) platform, and there is ample assistance there also. I also started on Plarium earlier this year, and have been VERY disappointed with the lack of forum space, easier ways to add neighbors, ect.  Klondike is a game of strategy and patience, you must have lots of neighbors to help with resources and for hiring to get tasks done. Plarium cannot expect Klondike to succeed here without some sort of support or acknowledgement, of those players who want to play this game on this platform. Could I at least get an acknowledgement that a mod has read this?

Sep 15, 2022, 05:1109/15/22

is there a way to get the free itams and gougnuts in this game

Sep 22, 2022, 05:3209/22/22
TRDR Buddy KA101

Is there a process to add games (Klondike), to the forum? Who should we contact? This is a great game that I have played since it started several years ago on FB (with multiple groups that can help). Earlier this year I started playing on the Vizor (dev) platform, and there is ample assistance there also. I also started on Plarium earlier this year, and have been VERY disappointed with the lack of forum space, easier ways to add neighbors, ect.  Klondike is a game of strategy and patience, you must have lots of neighbors to help with resources and for hiring to get tasks done. Plarium cannot expect Klondike to succeed here without some sort of support or acknowledgement, of those players who want to play this game on this platform. Could I at least get an acknowledgement that a mod has read this?

I've read it. :)

Did I read it correctly that you have a community on Facebook already?

Oct 4, 2022, 10:4210/04/22

Is there a wiki for Klondike? I am trying to get the Horse wagon/sled but i cant find the small sled so i can work my wat back to the indigo sled. any help?

Oct 27, 2022, 19:3610/27/22

so the beginners hasnt been touched since 2019..

What about the main group?

Mar 21, 2023, 05:3503/21/23

Hi, i have just built a skyscaper {30 bed} so i deleted my old houses but i can,t find a way to get my workers to come out?

Apr 2, 2023, 14:5204/02/23

It seems that Klondike is broken now, because I get every few minutes the message: "Something is gone wrong. Please reload the side.". Can you fix that ?

Feb 2, 2025, 11:5002/02/25


I cannot find a place to ask something about Klondike. So I ask here.

How can I go to the Ice Bear Plateau? I finished Northridge but I cannot see any possibility to go to the Plateau. Can somebody help me?

Than you

Hallo Robert, 

ich schicke Dir einen Link von einer Seite wo Du alles, auch Karten, von Klondike den Missionen u. Events sehen kannst ;) 

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