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Cagebreaker in Arena

Cagebreaker in Arena

Mar 2, 2020, 23:3303/02/20

Cagebreaker in Arena

I am finding that the attacks are not what I would expect. 

When fighting a mainly force arena team, I start Cagebreaker as the leader because he gets a boosted attk, in addition to that I have Seeker on my arena team that adds a boost to attk. So what I do not understand is when I use this setup against a team of mostly force champs how is it that Cagebreaker is not absolutely destroying them? My Cagebreaker has over 1800 total attk as a lvl 40 and is fighting level 40 champs like Shaman.

With 1800 attk and his AOE hit I would expect serious damage to occur with his Aura plus Seekers attk boost that are added to his powerful attk but instead I see little happen. In fact my level 50 Elhain does more damage to the Force opponents and she is not even getting the spirit attk boost from the Aura. I know my Elhain is very strong but how can she get a better result than Cagebreaker fighting against Force? 

Has anyone seen anything similar? Anyone have any suggestions on why this might be happening, it is very disappointing to see his arena attk so weak when his attk points are higher than my lvl 50 Elhain.
Mar 8, 2020, 18:0203/08/20
Mar 10, 2020, 13:26(edited)

I'll try to explain, but you have to be patient with my English.

There are hidden numbers behind each skill called modifier that determine the output damage of each skill. What we know about this modifier is that it varies between different champions, different skills, and even between different hits in one skill.

In most cases it is initially lower as you develop your champion, and when your champion hit 6/60 his modifiers (just like some of his base stats) increase to some extent. I'll give you an example.

Your Elhain has three skills. Her second skill (we call them A1, A2, etc.), so her A2 shoots one arrow first, then shoots arrows at all targets. You may have noticed (if not, try noticing next time) that the first arrow does more damage than the each arrow from next multi hit. How is that possible, it's same skill, just different hit. This is where this hidden multiplayer comes into play. The multiplier behind first shot is 6.3 when not fully leveled and 7.7 when she is fully leveled 6/60 and for second multi hit is 3.5 and 4.4 respectively.

So one of the main reasons your Cagebreaker hitting for less damage might be the smaller modifier of his skills (of course, considering all the other possible conditions such as the stats difference between the two champions, crit rate, crit damage, different target and so on).

I don't know Cagebreaker's modifiers and i don't know how correct is your observation, I'll just assume you are right, all other conditions are the same and in that case that may be one possible explanation.

Edit - thank you, @HUSTLAHASTY87
Mar 10, 2020, 12:5103/10/20
Daering said:

I'll try to explain, but you have to be patient with my English.

There are hidden numbers behind each skill called modifier that determine the output damage of each skill. What we know about this modifier is that it varies between different champions, different skills, and even between different hits in one skill.

In most cases it is initially lower as you develop your champion, and when your champion hit 6/60 his modifiers (just like some of his base stats) increase to some extent. I'll give you an example.

Your Elhain has three skills. Her second skill (we call them A1, A2, etc.), so her A2 shoots one arrow first, then shoots arrows at all targets. You may have noticed (if not, try noticing next time) that the first arrow does more damage than the each arrow from next multi hit. How is that possible, it's same skill, just different hit. This is where this hidden multiplayer comes into play. The multiplier behind first shot is 6.3 when not fully leveled and 7.7 when she is fully leveled 6/60 and for second multi hit is 3.5 and 4.4 respectively.

So one of the main reasons your Cagebreaker hitting for less damage might be the smaller modifier of his skills (of course, considering all the other possible conditions such as the stats difference between the two champions, crit rate, crit damage, different target and so on).

I don't know Cagebreaker's modifiers and i don't know how correct is your observation, I'll just assume you are right, all other conditions are the same and in that case that may be one possible explanation.

I'm giving you a thumbs up because of the time and effort you put into writing this.  Also you're correct.