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I am not voting till you wake up to the reality

I am not voting till you wake up to the reality

Nov 16, 2019, 12:4711/16/19

I am not voting till you wake up to the reality

Well, our last topic about this was deleted. Seems sketchy. But look, Plarium. We have opinions and the right to say what we want if we are respectful. We did not swear or insult moderators or even use all caps! Your forums are blowing up with people who are mad about your game, and you solve this by deleting/closing our topics? Huh... seems like you DO need to wake up to the reality. 

Because face it, Plarium. You cannot just keep bringing in new champions and deals to make money from p2Ws while ignoring player satisfaction. Your disregard for your average player is NOT okay, even though you ARE making millions.

Refusing to listen to your players has consequences, and now it is up to us to show Plarium those consequences. We cannot let RSL win the Google Play award--else Plarium will figure they are doing great and continue to ignore their player satisfaction. 

Maybe, if they do not win this, Plarium will begin to open their eyes to our requests, since we would have been the ones that sunk their boat. 

So-- to the average player-- If you are upset about Plarium churning out p2w deals, champions, and events while ignoring needed rebalances and QoL changes, then DO NOT vote for Raid. This may be the only way to show Plarium that our satisfaction matters, and not just our wallets.
