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Unity to charge RAID for every download of  the game

Unity to charge RAID for every download of the game

Sep 16, 2023, 22:1309/16/23

Unity to charge RAID for every download of the game

The game Engine that Raid Shadow Legends  uses is called Unity

Unity has announced  it will be starting to charge all gaming companys  using its game engine a fee for every download of said game / affecting NEW downloads  only not past

With Raids millions  of downloads and high turn over  of customers Raid will have to pay Unity quite a sum I surmise

Now who do you think those cost will get handed off too?????  Basic economics says the customers will have to pay these additional fees

how though Raid will recover this lost revenue from its customers will be yet to unfold.

I feel bad for Raid but there are 1000s  of gaming companies  using Unity game engine and everyone will pay say Unity

Yes Unity is taking a ton of heat right now from this announcement

Sep 17, 2023, 23:3709/17/23

So how do you think free to download games like Raid or Genshin Impact can/will deal with these changes?

Sep 18, 2023, 00:0109/18/23

So how do you think free to download games like Raid or Genshin Impact can/will deal with these changes?

that is the question among many  on the internet (youtube) debating this

Most think this will only affect the little free to play companies  or the small developers  say like the game Valheim on steam

But I do not expect Plarium to stand idle by and pay any fee for downloads going forward....pretty sure  Plarium has a decent legal team on it ;)

and sounds  like Unity headquarters have been getting threats already by phone so not sure  how it will all work out in the end but I think its certain to say that Unity screwwwwed themselves  going forward for prospecting game companies using their game engine

Sep 21, 2023, 09:4309/21/23

I chuckled at the latest news  on this topic which reads the CEO of Unity sold 50% of their shares  in unity (public traded company)  1  month before this announcement of making gaming companys pay for downloads

lol  insider trading anyone?  lol