That's better than what I had! Though don't dismiss these two quickly either. Paragon is insanely useful when you need to have your enemy Heal Blocked. I was struggling in the Spirit Keep before I pulled him, now it's a breeze up until the hard level ceiling.
And Zargala is a powerful attacker, the 50% Weaken debuff that she can place with her primary Skill means that the target will be getting 50% more damage from the rest of your Team. She decreased DEF on the entire enemy team and gets to attack with that AoE Skill if she uses Devastate to finish off an enemy. She is fairly good in the Arena thanks to that and should really shine in PvE scenarios with lots of "adds". At least in my opinion.
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Axeless said:
Сайбер said:
One of the most powerful in this game for now . I think she is a litle bit imbalance ..) Wery strong woman ( maybe she is from Russia ?)Чувак, да тут каждый герой имбаланс и его надо нерфить, если он ходит раньше тебя на арене. Качай скорость, в ней сила