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Clan Boss Help

Clan Boss Help

Sep 6, 2022, 00:4109/06/22

Clan Boss Help

So, Im looking to build a good clan boss team. Im dealing decent damage but not what i think i should be getting? Im guessing im just using the wrong mix or havent got people built for the job.

Ive started building Demytha, And i thought my Ninja was strong but hes doing about the same damage as my Fayne who i built ages ago. I assumed he would have passed her but nothing.

Team comps would be helpful, But if i could get set recomendations per champ with rough stats to hit? I find it hard to build people. I try go for high speed and accuracy but i feel like there must be some kind of balance you need. My Ursala and Minaya are two heavy hitters of mine against the clan boss. Same with Dracomorph (even though hes built for pvp, But hes doing the most damage to the CB for me.) I have Scyl in there to help too.

Just dont know who or how to build a good team really. Ive been putting books into Ninja now to see if thatd help. Any help would be appreciated!



Sep 6, 2022, 01:1509/06/22

I think at a pretty fundamental level there are quite a few things you need to learn / understand about CB, including, but not limited to:

  • How abilities (debuffs especially, but buffs and others as well) are timed in order to be used at the right moment
  • How rotations are constructed in order to have the same set of abilities used on the same set of turns
  • How Clan Boss damage scales over the course of the fight, and how buffs and debuffs can help mitigate that damage

You say that you're building Demytha up, but Demytha alone doesn't make for a CB team. She's an important piece of many of them, but on her own she doesn't contribute a huge amount.

My recommendation is to build a team around Sepulcher Sentinel. Specifically, this one: Even more specifically, this one:

  • Replace Skullcrusher in that tune with Toragi
  • Replace Frozen Banshee with Draco
  • Replace Rhazin with Fayne
  • Replace Bulwark with Brakus
  • Keep Sepulcher Sentinel 
Sep 6, 2022, 01:1909/06/22

could you post screenshots of the champs you'd like to know about? if your visix is anything to go by, i suspect they have some pretty serious build issues.

Sep 6, 2022, 01:5809/06/22

I think at a pretty fundamental level there are quite a few things you need to learn / understand about CB, including, but not limited to:

  • How abilities (debuffs especially, but buffs and others as well) are timed in order to be used at the right moment
  • How rotations are constructed in order to have the same set of abilities used on the same set of turns
  • How Clan Boss damage scales over the course of the fight, and how buffs and debuffs can help mitigate that damage

You say that you're building Demytha up, but Demytha alone doesn't make for a CB team. She's an important piece of many of them, but on her own she doesn't contribute a huge amount.

My recommendation is to build a team around Sepulcher Sentinel. Specifically, this one: Even more specifically, this one:

  • Replace Skullcrusher in that tune with Toragi
  • Replace Frozen Banshee with Draco
  • Replace Rhazin with Fayne
  • Replace Bulwark with Brakus
  • Keep Sepulcher Sentinel 

Ill have a good look at this.

I knoe Demytha doesnt make a team, She was just one piece i was working on that was recomended to me

Sep 6, 2022, 01:5909/06/22

could you post screenshots of the champs you'd like to know about? if your visix is anything to go by, i suspect they have some pretty serious build issues.

Thats a bad build for her? She can barely be killed, Not against clan boss but in most other activities.

But right now its just who in my roster should i try use, Then build.

Sep 6, 2022, 02:0209/06/22

I think at a pretty fundamental level there are quite a few things you need to learn / understand about CB, including, but not limited to:

  • How abilities (debuffs especially, but buffs and others as well) are timed in order to be used at the right moment
  • How rotations are constructed in order to have the same set of abilities used on the same set of turns
  • How Clan Boss damage scales over the course of the fight, and how buffs and debuffs can help mitigate that damage

You say that you're building Demytha up, but Demytha alone doesn't make for a CB team. She's an important piece of many of them, but on her own she doesn't contribute a huge amount.

My recommendation is to build a team around Sepulcher Sentinel. Specifically, this one: Even more specifically, this one:

  • Replace Skullcrusher in that tune with Toragi
  • Replace Frozen Banshee with Draco
  • Replace Rhazin with Fayne
  • Replace Bulwark with Brakus
  • Keep Sepulcher Sentinel 

Also, That specific build, Thatd work on auto? Or would i need to manual it?

Sep 6, 2022, 02:0909/06/22

Also, That specific build, Thatd work on auto? Or would i need to manual it?

Read the linked page. It provides you all the information you need.

Sep 6, 2022, 02:3209/06/22

Thats a bad build for her? She can barely be killed, Not against clan boss but in most other activities.

But right now its just who in my roster should i try use, Then build.

it really is. the lack of speed boots is the most obvious issue but her hp is also far lower than ideal, particularly given that you have her in a regeneration set.

in terms of who to use though the setup krama mentioned should work fine, though i would drop brakus in favour of someone with a leech debuff. ghrush would be a solid choice.

Sep 6, 2022, 02:5609/06/22

Yes - do that. I had mixed a few builds together and forgot about the leech part. Vogoth is also a good candidate for leech, as is Deliana.

Sep 6, 2022, 03:5309/06/22

This is the comp you need to work towards:

You have Deacon/Seeker/Demytha and one of the best CB DPS in Ninja. That said, speeds may be an issue for you, for now. This will be where you want to end up. 

Sep 6, 2022, 04:1209/06/22

This is the comp you need to work towards:

You have Deacon/Seeker/Demytha and one of the best CB DPS in Ninja. That said, speeds may be an issue for you, for now. This will be where you want to end up. 

And Draco as a backup DPS if we need it, or don't want to run Ninja that slow cause he's being used in other content.

Here is the team Thorne is recommending with their required speeds below:


Demytha is quite fast here at 274, so it might take a bit of work to get her there. Heiress you don't yet have, but she is the farmable rare from Palace of Aravia in campaign.

Myth-Heir will certainly be the last CB team you'll ever need, and since it is an Unkillable team, the only true stat you need to worry about is hitting these speeds. After that you can worry about Deacon and your DPS' accuracy and the DPS' damage and such.

Sep 6, 2022, 13:3809/06/22

it really is. the lack of speed boots is the most obvious issue but her hp is also far lower than ideal, particularly given that you have her in a regeneration set.

in terms of who to use though the setup krama mentioned should work fine, though i would drop brakus in favour of someone with a leech debuff. ghrush would be a solid choice.

Intresting, It must be the HP thing being the main problem then. I had her in speed boots before and she was performing far worse. Ill have to look her over again and get some more HP in there, Thanks for the tip!

Sep 6, 2022, 15:5409/06/22

And Draco as a backup DPS if we need it, or don't want to run Ninja that slow cause he's being used in other content.

Here is the team Thorne is recommending with their required speeds below:


Demytha is quite fast here at 274, so it might take a bit of work to get her there. Heiress you don't yet have, but she is the farmable rare from Palace of Aravia in campaign.

Myth-Heir will certainly be the last CB team you'll ever need, and since it is an Unkillable team, the only true stat you need to worry about is hitting these speeds. After that you can worry about Deacon and your DPS' accuracy and the DPS' damage and such.

Thanks, Greatly appreciated. I actually had her just in my vault, She was 4 star for some food, Guess im part way to getting her to 6 star now!

Im gonna build Ninja since my Draco is for PVP so hes incredibly fast, Dont wanna risk slowing him down from second go in my team. Seeker should be fine slower for me too in my PVP team until I find someone to swap him out for.

Sep 6, 2022, 15:5409/06/22

This is the comp you need to work towards:

You have Deacon/Seeker/Demytha and one of the best CB DPS in Ninja. That said, speeds may be an issue for you, for now. This will be where you want to end up. 

Thanks, Gonna save up silver and see what i can do about it

Sep 6, 2022, 15:5909/06/22

OP - don't take this the wrong way, but try to plan out your team before you dive headfirst into myth-heir. Judging by the gear you're currently using, as well as your relative account progression, I'm skeptical that you'll actually be able to meet the gear requirements for myth-heir.

The team that I'd mentioned earlier is much easier to build, and may suit you better in the interim while working on the myth-heir gear.

Sep 6, 2022, 16:0109/06/22

Thanks, Greatly appreciated. I actually had her just in my vault, She was 4 star for some food, Guess im part way to getting her to 6 star now!

Im gonna build Ninja since my Draco is for PVP so hes incredibly fast, Dont wanna risk slowing him down from second go in my team. Seeker should be fine slower for me too in my PVP team until I find someone to swap him out for.

Awesome! Saves you some energy not needing to farm her then. :)

The link above has some videos and such too about the tune. It is a super solid CB comp, is an easy 2 key UNM team with almost any gear, and isn't crazy to see the team pushing 90million damage to UNM per key with solid gear. :)

Sep 6, 2022, 16:1609/06/22
Sep 6, 2022, 17:17(edited)

OP - don't take this the wrong way, but try to plan out your team before you dive headfirst into myth-heir. Judging by the gear you're currently using, as well as your relative account progression, I'm skeptical that you'll actually be able to meet the gear requirements for myth-heir.

The team that I'd mentioned earlier is much easier to build, and may suit you better in the interim while working on the myth-heir gear.

We don't want to build and rank up two champs and book them, and rank up gear and such, just to swap to another team as soon as we can. That's such a waste of resources it's criminal.

If any combination of gear gets Demytha to 274, you build the Myth Heir comp. If not, you go farm Dragon 20 and 24 and keep plugging away with minor CB improvements in the month or so, or even two, it takes to find some speed gear.

OP... please ping us with any questions while you're building and we'll see what we can do to get you into an Unkillable with the least resources spent.

Sep 8, 2022, 19:4309/08/22

We don't want to build and rank up two champs and book them, and rank up gear and such, just to swap to another team as soon as we can. That's such a waste of resources it's criminal.

If any combination of gear gets Demytha to 274, you build the Myth Heir comp. If not, you go farm Dragon 20 and 24 and keep plugging away with minor CB improvements in the month or so, or even two, it takes to find some speed gear.

OP... please ping us with any questions while you're building and we'll see what we can do to get you into an Unkillable with the least resources spent.

Yeah im going to keep using my current team which is only 20-30 million per key. Its not great but with my clan it gets brutal killed (the tier we're on for clan exp medals). This is going to be my main focus. I tend to hoard resources until CVCs that way i can do a big bit of progression. Ill make sure to pop back here every so often and ask anything im unsure about.

I think my main one, And just say if the site specifies, But any recomendations for artifacts for those champs? From what you say, Demethya is just speed, Nothing but speed.

Also, I have my Seeker built for my PVP team, Hes got a speed of 220 for that to be third, Should i lower hims as the build suggests? Or is he safe as long as others are just higher?

Sep 8, 2022, 19:5809/08/22
Sep 8, 2022, 19:59(edited)

Yeah im going to keep using my current team which is only 20-30 million per key. Its not great but with my clan it gets brutal killed (the tier we're on for clan exp medals). This is going to be my main focus. I tend to hoard resources until CVCs that way i can do a big bit of progression. Ill make sure to pop back here every so often and ask anything im unsure about.

I think my main one, And just say if the site specifies, But any recomendations for artifacts for those champs? From what you say, Demethya is just speed, Nothing but speed.

Also, I have my Seeker built for my PVP team, Hes got a speed of 220 for that to be third, Should i lower hims as the build suggests? Or is he safe as long as others are just higher?

The speed tuning is very specific. You can't build for arena and then hope for it to be useful in CB. You need to do it the other way around.

As indicated in the link, Seeker needs to be 169-175 SPD. 220 will not work. Period.

With respect to gear - this is an unkillable team. That means your priority number one is making sure that you meet the exact speed requirements listed. There's no wiggle room outside of the ranges the guide provides for. You can't build Demytha with 260 speed for example. She must be between 274-287 speed. Be sure to also take into account masteries and set bonuses. NOBODY on your CB team can have *any* TM boosting masteries.

Once you meet those speed requirements, though - everything else goes into damage. You don't need any survivability whatsoever.

So, in terms of artifacts, use whichever ones let you reach your speed requirements, but the "ideal" ones will likely be Cruel / Savage.

One last thing - speed tunes are generally built for UNM, and often have provisions for NM, but rarely have anything for Brutal. That doesn't mean the team can't 1-key brutal, but it is something you'll need to be aware of.

Sep 8, 2022, 20:3209/08/22
Sep 8, 2022, 20:35(edited)

Yeah im going to keep using my current team which is only 20-30 million per key. Its not great but with my clan it gets brutal killed (the tier we're on for clan exp medals). This is going to be my main focus. I tend to hoard resources until CVCs that way i can do a big bit of progression. Ill make sure to pop back here every so often and ask anything im unsure about.

I think my main one, And just say if the site specifies, But any recomendations for artifacts for those champs? From what you say, Demethya is just speed, Nothing but speed.

Also, I have my Seeker built for my PVP team, Hes got a speed of 220 for that to be third, Should i lower hims as the build suggests? Or is he safe as long as others are just higher?

100% needs to be in the listed speed ranges, as well as following any instructions/presets for skills. You'll be able to find that in the link, too. (I have a screenshot for this specific comp somewhere, used it for 6 months or so, will post when I find it, if you would like) If we don't stay in those speed ranges and have proper AI set up for our skills, the tune fails.

Stay away from anything masteries that will affect turn meter boosts, or affecting skill cooldown such as Cycle of Magic. 

I assume you'll mostly end up using Speed or artifacts that affect your speed, especially on Demytha and Heiress. After that, you can focus on damage, and accuracy on champs that need it. Savage is pretty useless due to the CB's low defense, the return is not nearly enough. Better off with Cruel for DPS if it doesn't hamper your build. 

This tune will work Brutal through UNM with no changes, too. :)

Sep 8, 2022, 20:3509/08/22

The speed tuning is very specific. You can't build for arena and then hope for it to be useful in CB. You need to do it the other way around.

As indicated in the link, Seeker needs to be 169-175 SPD. 220 will not work. Period.

With respect to gear - this is an unkillable team. That means your priority number one is making sure that you meet the exact speed requirements listed. There's no wiggle room outside of the ranges the guide provides for. You can't build Demytha with 260 speed for example. She must be between 274-287 speed. Be sure to also take into account masteries and set bonuses. NOBODY on your CB team can have *any* TM boosting masteries.

Once you meet those speed requirements, though - everything else goes into damage. You don't need any survivability whatsoever.

So, in terms of artifacts, use whichever ones let you reach your speed requirements, but the "ideal" ones will likely be Cruel / Savage.

One last thing - speed tunes are generally built for UNM, and often have provisions for NM, but rarely have anything for Brutal. That doesn't mean the team can't 1-key brutal, but it is something you'll need to be aware of.

Ok gotcha. I recently got Arbiter so ill swap Seeker out for her once i have her built.

You mentions that no one can have TM boosting masteries, What is TM boosting?

Hmmm... Ok ill look at my Cruel and Savage. I was already looking at swift parry since i had 6* speed boots there and the 18% speed. Savage and Cruel still beat that set out though for Demethya?