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Need help with arena team

Need help with arena team

Aug 18, 2022, 16:1208/18/22

Need help with arena team


im not really sure who to use and im getting stuck in arena. i currently use nekhret, kael, deliana, and goddess anri.( i also get scyl of the drakes in afew days). my team isnt fast enough and i feel like nekhrets defense isnt helping my team as a whole. 

Aug 18, 2022, 16:2008/18/22

Arena tends to be very speed-dependent and/or strategic. You have a great nuker and speed lead in Genbo. Tayrel is a great debuffer. I see Martyr and Nekhret quite a bit in G5, but I don't have them, so not sure how to play them (they may be more suitable for go-second teams). 

The glaring hole is the turn meter booster (unless I'm missing some champs), depending on your tier, Apothecary can fill that role decently. Do you have a High Khatun yet?

Aug 18, 2022, 16:2008/18/22

Im confused by few little 60s you have when closing 180days 0.o No High Katun ? You have anything 60 in your vault ? 

You shouldnt get stuck in arena if you focus on the easy wins until you reach platinum .. i maintain gold 4 weekly by doing so , granted i have access to my phone at work , so i can do a lot of refresh daily since its only 15mins in between . 

Would like to see the gear and masteries on your champs 60 , because outside maybe missing a speed lead , kael , deliana and nekhret are plenty to get you into g4-g5 by picking your fights wisely .

Aug 18, 2022, 17:4808/18/22
Aug 18, 2022, 17:56(edited)

i sold high khatun a while ago without realizing, also im behind in the game due to me just logging in without playing everday. i recently got back into the game which is why i have so few 60s. on nekhret i have sheild and speed, waiting for bolster. on deliana i have speed and stun, kael i have lifesteal and divine speed. goddess anri i have relentless. 









Aug 18, 2022, 18:5908/18/22

If we were to go with a standard speed nuke team, I'd have Genbo lead for Aura, Apothecary as the turn meter (as fast as possible), Martyr as a CC after Apothecary to make sure the enemies don't cut in line, Tayrel as debuffer, and Genbo nuker.  

That said, you have great champions for other strategies, but I can't really advise on how to build or utilize them effectively.

Aug 19, 2022, 00:1808/19/22

You're very lucky in that you have Nehkret, who truly is great, as his name describes him. Your team should be built around him. You literally only need to ensure optimal gear on two people - him and the nuker.

For starters, you need him to be super tanky. His entire purpose is to stay alive so that the person he is protecting survives. At your current arena tier, I wouldn't concern myself with buff strippers, so you don't need to worry about the person he protects resisting - his block debuffs will handle that. You do, however, need him to resist everything.

That makes both his gearset and his stats completely incompatible with what your goal is. Right now you have him geared with a whole bunch of level 16 gear, but with stats that are, no offense, utterly garbage. I'm truly surprised you could put a full set of level 16 gear and still end up with so little. My only theory is that you may be using gear with flat stats instead of % stats. Check your gloves, chest, and boots. If any of them just say HP for example, instead of HP%, as the primary stat, then you're making a critical error.

For Nehkret specifically, you're going to want his gloves to be either HP% or DEF%, his chest to be Resist, and his boots to be the other of either HP% or DEF%. You don't need him to be fast, so you can afford to just gear him purely as a tank. You're also going to want his ring and amulet to be either be DEF or HP, and his banner to be Resist.

For all of your items, in terms of substats, you're going to want to ensure that at least three of the substat rolls are either HP% or DEF%. If you have any fewer than that, pick a new item.

For your nuker, because Nehkret will be protecting them so effectively, you can truly build them as a glass cannon. Kael is perfectly fine to use for this role, but I notice you have him in lifesteal gear. I expect you're using him as your campaign farmer - which is fine, but you should pick someone else to do your arena nuking, in that case. Genbo is really the perfect choice for this. He truly shines as an arena nuker because he can self-buff himself, and also ignores unkillable buffs.

Genbo is going to want to focus entirely on offensive stats. You can 100% ignore HP, DEF, RES, ACC, and SPD. The only three stats you need to care about for him are ATK, CR%, and CDMG%. You want him to have 70% CR (because he gets a free 30% from his self-buff), and then you want all remaining stats to go into either ATK or CDMG.

Since you get so much free CR, you should absolutely use CDMG gloves. You'll also want ATK chest and boots, an ATK ring, a CDMG amulet, and an ATK banner. For substats, for every item, you'll want to get at least three rolls on a combination of ATK, CDMG, and CR.

For your final two spots on the team, honestly - you can run whoever you want. Genbo will singlehandedly win you the fight. You could literally just run a two-man team.

Aug 19, 2022, 01:0608/19/22
Aug 19, 2022, 01:12(edited)

You're very lucky in that you have Nehkret, who truly is great, as his name describes him. Your team should be built around him. You literally only need to ensure optimal gear on two people - him and the nuker.

For starters, you need him to be super tanky. His entire purpose is to stay alive so that the person he is protecting survives. At your current arena tier, I wouldn't concern myself with buff strippers, so you don't need to worry about the person he protects resisting - his block debuffs will handle that. You do, however, need him to resist everything.

That makes both his gearset and his stats completely incompatible with what your goal is. Right now you have him geared with a whole bunch of level 16 gear, but with stats that are, no offense, utterly garbage. I'm truly surprised you could put a full set of level 16 gear and still end up with so little. My only theory is that you may be using gear with flat stats instead of % stats. Check your gloves, chest, and boots. If any of them just say HP for example, instead of HP%, as the primary stat, then you're making a critical error.

For Nehkret specifically, you're going to want his gloves to be either HP% or DEF%, his chest to be Resist, and his boots to be the other of either HP% or DEF%. You don't need him to be fast, so you can afford to just gear him purely as a tank. You're also going to want his ring and amulet to be either be DEF or HP, and his banner to be Resist.

For all of your items, in terms of substats, you're going to want to ensure that at least three of the substat rolls are either HP% or DEF%. If you have any fewer than that, pick a new item.

For your nuker, because Nehkret will be protecting them so effectively, you can truly build them as a glass cannon. Kael is perfectly fine to use for this role, but I notice you have him in lifesteal gear. I expect you're using him as your campaign farmer - which is fine, but you should pick someone else to do your arena nuking, in that case. Genbo is really the perfect choice for this. He truly shines as an arena nuker because he can self-buff himself, and also ignores unkillable buffs.

Genbo is going to want to focus entirely on offensive stats. You can 100% ignore HP, DEF, RES, ACC, and SPD. The only three stats you need to care about for him are ATK, CR%, and CDMG%. You want him to have 70% CR (because he gets a free 30% from his self-buff), and then you want all remaining stats to go into either ATK or CDMG.

Since you get so much free CR, you should absolutely use CDMG gloves. You'll also want ATK chest and boots, an ATK ring, a CDMG amulet, and an ATK banner. For substats, for every item, you'll want to get at least three rolls on a combination of ATK, CDMG, and CR.

For your final two spots on the team, honestly - you can run whoever you want. Genbo will singlehandedly win you the fight. You could literally just run a two-man team.

thanks, is there any reccomended sets for genbo and nekhret. i have them on savage, cruel and shield, speed

Aug 19, 2022, 06:3008/19/22

Alexander to drop defence on all and a serious nuker. Dark elhane would work best as she increases attack before nuking. You have some solid champs and just need a speed leader. Khatun or deacon?