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Who should my 5th 60 be??

Who should my 5th 60 be??

Aug 1, 2022, 16:3908/01/22

Who should my 5th 60 be??

So im gonna prob have enough food to 60 kalvalax the day after CvC ends and was wondering, who next?? I'm thinking Vogoth to help with cb and his heals, but is there anyone else that I should prioritize over him??


Aug 1, 2022, 17:0508/01/22

I would suggest you plan out your CB team before making that decision. At first glance, it looks like you'd want to run something like:

  • Giscard (DEF up, ATK up)
  • Vogoth (Leech). Make him lead on non-red to be stun target
  • Venomage (DEF down, ATK down, Poisons, Passive)
  • Ninja (Damage, HP burn) - make sure you tune him properly so he doesn't mess up your rotations
  • [Anyone blue] - Make lead on red to be stun target. You don't have any great choices here, so just put whoever you want
Aug 1, 2022, 17:2108/01/22
Aug 1, 2022, 17:38(edited)

For Clan Boss: I think I'd like Jareg, probably more than Giscard. Jareg has another turn cooldown on the defense up, but then we get ally protection to go along with it. Giscard would be better in more areas of the game, but I'm not sure that makes him a better option than Jareg.

If we really want a champ that does what Giscard does, I much prefer Ursala, who we already have built. 

As for after Kalv I'd be inclined to go Venomage or Vogoth. If you feel like you're need a little more help in Dragon (I don't think you will) I'd go Venomage. Otherwise, Vogoth.

Aug 1, 2022, 18:5308/01/22

Fellhound. 5 sec XP famer. After you dont want to ask who should next.