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Flat stats in the middle row?

Flat stats in the middle row?

Jul 23, 2022, 16:1107/23/22

Flat stats in the middle row?

Is there any point to having a flat ATK, DEF or HP stats on gloves, boots and chest? Just genuinely curious what the justification is for leaving them in the game. Because all it does is mess up the drops. 

Can we get rid of them or at least boost the values so they are somewhat equivalent to their %-based counterparts? For example: if the average HP is 15K, make it so the HP% chest and HP chest improve it by roughly the same amount. That way, flat stats would be more beneficial to use with champions with below average stats and %-based stats are better with above average stats. Otherwise, the flat stats seem to be underwhelming and feel like just a waste of players' time and energy.

Jul 23, 2022, 16:3007/23/22

Auto  sell!

As  far  as  the  drops,  they  are  all  balanced  based  on  what's  available.    If  they  got  rid  of  those  pieces,  they  would  then  sit  down  to  rebalance,  probably  lowering  the  rates  of  6*  and/or  legendary  pieces.    Which  could  lower  the  average  sale  value  of  crap  gear.    I  don't  know  thats  what  they'd  do,  but  most  likly  they'd  find  some  way  to  'fix'  it.

Jul 23, 2022, 18:5207/23/22

That's why I'm wondering if it is, by design, created to dilute the quality of drops. Otherwise, I don't see a plausible purpose for it.

Jul 23, 2022, 22:3607/23/22
Jul 23, 2022, 22:37(edited)

A way to earn silver easy ? I rarely will roll any middle row flat stat , so thats more silver to upg the good ones ?

If all middle row had % stats only , i would need to sort them , upg them to 8 , then decide if its complete trash or could be used for fw gear ... eventually run out of silver since i do keep my gear cache pretty clean ..

Jul 23, 2022, 23:3407/23/22

From  a  business  perspective,  i  imagine  eliminating  the  flat  main  stats  on  middle  row  gear  would  be  a  hard  sale.    Better  drops  translates  into  less  grinding,  which  means  less  energy  refills  and  gems.    Less  revenue.

Jul 26, 2022, 04:3807/26/22

A way to earn silver easy ? I rarely will roll any middle row flat stat , so thats more silver to upg the good ones ?

If all middle row had % stats only , i would need to sort them , upg them to 8 , then decide if its complete trash or could be used for fw gear ... eventually run out of silver since i do keep my gear cache pretty clean ..

I think once you get enough solid gear, you'll be selling pieces based on substats and rolls. It's not like you keep every %-stat piece of gear you get, you'll just suffer through some time when you get better gear....seems like a good problem to have.