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Guaranteed Ragash tomorrow

Guaranteed Ragash tomorrow

Jul 18, 2022, 21:0007/18/22

Guaranteed Ragash tomorrow

I  only  have  106  ancients  saved  up,  so  I'd  have  to  trade  3,600  gems  for  the  other  44.    And  I've  only  opened  50  since  my  last  leggo,  so  no  garanteed  pity  second  leggo.    But  I'm  kinda  light  on  skinwalkers.    I  only  have  Warchief  and  Cleo  for  leggos.   It's  one  of  my  weakest  factions  and  I  still  need  to  clear  FW.   He  looks  like  a  worthwhile  champ.   His  A2  has  100%  chance  to  proc  a  def  down  AND  a  stun.

Also,  it  would  count  for  cvc  with  any  other  champs  I  pull.

Jul 18, 2022, 21:1007/18/22

The announcement for those who haven't seen it on the Content Creator stuff yet:

This Tuesday, July 19th, we're planning to launch a Guaranteed Champion event. Summon Champions using Ancient Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get Ragash by your 150th Ancient Shard. Remember, if you do happen to summon Ragash before your 150th Ancient Shard, your event will end. 

Jul 18, 2022, 21:1107/18/22

And Angwil, Ragash looks pretty darn good. If I had the gems or the ancients to get him, I would be doing so. (I have been spending my resources snagging all the fusions though, and the Kyoku event. So no Ragash for me.)

Jul 18, 2022, 21:1207/18/22

I'm missing 19, so only 2 packs for me. I've got Shadowkin and Orc at 61, Sacred Order at 60, and then trailing way behind are the Skinwalkers at 45, so I figure it might be worth it just for that. Looks like a pretty decent champ in general too.

Jul 18, 2022, 21:2307/18/22

I'm missing 19, so only 2 packs for me. I've got Shadowkin and Orc at 61, Sacred Order at 60, and then trailing way behind are the Skinwalkers at 45, so I figure it might be worth it just for that. Looks like a pretty decent champ in general too.

Definitely no-brainer for you.  I have 93 blue after the candy event, have absolutely no glaring need for this champ but debating gemming it up.... 😆 

Jul 18, 2022, 21:2407/18/22

My sacred bank was the one that was ready for a guaranteed event.... ugh.

Jul 18, 2022, 21:4507/18/22

And Angwil, Ragash looks pretty darn good. If I had the gems or the ancients to get him, I would be doing so. (I have been spending my resources snagging all the fusions though, and the Kyoku event. So no Ragash for me.)

I  normally  save  for  for  frag/fusions  as  well.    But  on  Dreng  I  wrapped  up  a  few  days  ago  and  tried  to  see  how  efficient  I  could  be.    I  used  zero  gems  and  the  only  energy  I  pulled  out  of  the  inbox  were  the  999  we  got  from  the  promo,  and  only  pulled  them  because  of  the  short  expiration.    I  didn't  even  kmow  that  could  be  done  and  I've  been  waiting  for  an  excuse  to  bring  it  up  lol.   Anyway  sorry  for  the  off  topic.

Jul 18, 2022, 22:1807/18/22

I am at 158 ancient shards, though I am not sure if I am ready to committ them all to Ragash.  He does look like a very good champion and my skinwalker faction is arguably the weakest of the group.

Going to have to think about it.  The next 2x Ancients event is on the 22nd of July (i.e. this Friday), but won't be during a fragment/fusion event.  The next Fragment/Fusion event should have 2x Sacreds on the 5th of August, and the one after that will have 2x Ancient on the 2nd of September, so we are a decent 6 weeks out from technically needing Ancients again...

Jul 19, 2022, 01:0107/19/22

I am at 158 ancient shards, though I am not sure if I am ready to committ them all to Ragash.  He does look like a very good champion and my skinwalker faction is arguably the weakest of the group.

Going to have to think about it.  The next 2x Ancients event is on the 22nd of July (i.e. this Friday), but won't be during a fragment/fusion event.  The next Fragment/Fusion event should have 2x Sacreds on the 5th of August, and the one after that will have 2x Ancient on the 2nd of September, so we are a decent 6 weeks out from technically needing Ancients again...

If you haven't finished SW then absolutely get ragash.  The aoe  stun is like astralon but with dec defense first.   That's crazy good.  I use astralon in g4 tag.  Ragash would be a massive improvement since I have no def down, and give me affinity flexibility as well.  Hmm, I am talking myself into spending the gems....

Jul 19, 2022, 10:1207/19/22
Jul 19, 2022, 10:17(edited)

If you haven't finished SW then absolutely get ragash.  The aoe  stun is like astralon but with dec defense first.   That's crazy good.  I use astralon in g4 tag.  Ragash would be a massive improvement since I have no def down, and give me affinity flexibility as well.  Hmm, I am talking myself into spending the gems....

Agree, after thinking about it all day I am leaning more and more towards doing the event.  I'm also thinking he might be useful to pair with Candy in a potential arena team.  Normally I use Candy in a go-second team, but with Ragash I could do a go-first team, with Arbiter into Ragash into Candy, with a spare slot

Jul 19, 2022, 14:2707/19/22

Well, 150 ancients gone. No epics worth keeping, but I picked up a Karato and a Kyoku (dupe unfortunately) in addition to the guaranteed one along the way, so ultimately I'd say it was fairly successful.

Jul 19, 2022, 19:1607/19/22
Jul 19, 2022, 19:16(edited)

Once again regretting my lack of diamond hands with non sacreds. 😭

Ragash seems real, real good. Grats to everyone who picked them up. 

Jul 19, 2022, 22:2907/19/22

Logged into Raid this morning and looks like Plarium wants me to use my Ancients for this!


Jul 20, 2022, 00:0707/20/22

Logged into Raid this morning and looks like Plarium wants me to use my Ancients for this!


Did we DO IT??


Jul 20, 2022, 05:4307/20/22

Did we DO IT??


I did end up pulling 150 shards and getting Ragash, yes 😁

I also managed to get an Abbess and a Minaya too, neither of which I had before, but to be honest I don't know where they would fit in any of my comps

To be honest, I was really hoping to snag some of my much sought after epics during the 150 ancients.  Still looking for my first Alure, Uugo and Jareg, which I haven't managed to get any of after all this time 🙁.  Even a Rector Drath would be good.  Sometimes it isn't the legendaries that I am hoping for, but rather the epics!

Still, I'm happy for now!

Jul 20, 2022, 09:0407/20/22

Logged into Raid this morning and looks like Plarium wants me to use my Ancients for this!


Yes they really want. But i burned out almost all my ancient shard, so i wont get Ragash. But ...

But Plarium gave me a Void shard from CB box. So i didnt pulled out nothing from 2x void event, so i though i dont want that void shard and i pulled out without any event yesterday. And what a luck i pulled a Krisk. LOL 

Jul 20, 2022, 15:0807/20/22

Yes they really want. But i burned out almost all my ancient shard, so i wont get Ragash. But ...

But Plarium gave me a Void shard from CB box. So i didnt pulled out nothing from 2x void event, so i though i dont want that void shard and i pulled out without any event yesterday. And what a luck i pulled a Krisk. LOL 

You are never allowed to bitch about shard rng EVER... 😆 

congratulations, dumb luck ftw:)

Jul 21, 2022, 07:2107/21/22

I did end up pulling 150 shards and getting Ragash, yes 😁

I also managed to get an Abbess and a Minaya too, neither of which I had before, but to be honest I don't know where they would fit in any of my comps

To be honest, I was really hoping to snag some of my much sought after epics during the 150 ancients.  Still looking for my first Alure, Uugo and Jareg, which I haven't managed to get any of after all this time 🙁.  Even a Rector Drath would be good.  Sometimes it isn't the legendaries that I am hoping for, but rather the epics!

Still, I'm happy for now!

I just got my first Alure and Rector two months ago?

Sometimes those epics take FOREVER, so I totally understand.

Good job saving all those shards though. I am still trying to get better at saving. Haven't been able to do a guaranteed event since Geomancer and Madame Serris.