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Arena needs heal DR

Arena needs heal DR

Jul 17, 2022, 01:3907/17/22

Arena needs heal DR

As a new player being forced to pvp to progress my account against players with established accounts that for some reason are happy to sit in silver 2 and troll new accounts, is killing the game for me.  I have to concede way too many games due to the way some players build their healing units. To just full heal themself over and over creating a stalemate.  Either put in diminishing returns on healing or allow the town hall to be leveled from other aspects of the game, I cant accept that you are happy with the balance in pvp, if it leads to this gameplay outcome...

Jul 17, 2022, 02:0107/17/22

I can understand how this can be annoying - especially early game when you might lack answers for these teams, or late game when players with deep rosters and great gear can build very, very tanky comps - but I don't think cutting off or neutralizing an entire strategy makes sense, here. 

It's frustrating, but it's well within their rights to create defenses that people don't want to challenge. It makes complete sense from their standpoint because they're just trying to progress through arena, too.

Can you post your roster and see if we can find answers for those types of matchups? Also, what champions in particular are giving you trouble?

Jul 17, 2022, 02:1807/17/22

Not calling for removing the ability to heal, just once a fight has repeated a cycle for over 50 turns with no end possible it is an indication of an imbalnce or broken mechanic.  Given what I now understand about these builds, once I have all the town hall unlocked and no further reason to push arena rank, I can just build a broekn team and troll others like these pllayers are doing.  To be blunt this is not a strat its abuse of a game mechanic.

Jul 17, 2022, 02:3907/17/22
Jul 17, 2022, 02:40(edited)

I'll be honest in saying that I don't think this is an issue, and is instead something that the player needs to identify and work through.  The goal of an arena battle is for the attacker to win, and the defender to simply not lose.  If the defender is healing themselves at a rate that exceeds the attackers ability to kill them, then the outcome is that the defender is winning.

The attacker already has all of the advantages, because the attacker can choose which battles to do, and also make better use of skills, as the defending team will just use basic AI.  

This is where it matters to pay attention to who you are attacking.  If the enemy team has a healer that is capable of healing a lot, then bring in a champion that has heal reduction, or stun, or some other crowd control that will allow you to take over the flow of the battle.  You cannot simply go into every battle with the exact same build and expect the same results.

This doesn't just apply to healing, because soon enough you will find that healing is actually the least of your concerns in arena.  There will be unkillable/block damage teams, as well as bomb teams, high resist teams, speed teams, go second teams, etc.  You'll have to start learning to recognize these teams and react accordingly

Edit: This is not meant to be having a dig at you, just that I think that if you keep playing, you will see that the healing teams aren't actually that bad to deal with.  I agree with dthorne above in that if you post your roster, we can probably help you build a solid arena team where you won't have as much issues

Jul 17, 2022, 04:3207/17/22
Jul 17, 2022, 04:34(edited)

If it ran for 50 turns , your team also healed to full ;)

Best thing for arena is having more champs , even at 50 , to use the fact you can plan and counter when attacking . 

I either know not to challenge a team or i build around it and usually win it , even if i need to manual the fight .

Im sitting easily into gold2-3 each week at day 81 following that simple strat with limited champs !!

Jul 17, 2022, 08:1007/17/22

Nice gaslighting Roseroyal, you describe the problem say we have to work around it and tell ppl to deal with it, gg back in your box buddy.  The team doesn't indicate how it is build, also I did mention I am a new player and get limited match ups that are even close to beatable... The fact that a player can build a team to sit in silver 2 and troll new players is unacceptable no matter how much you try to justify it.  This will be the major reason for ppl leaving this game.  Starting late is hard enough as is and this creates a frustrating experience as you are learning. Also even if you learn that you need X to over come Y as a new player you do not have access to the characters or resources to overcome the obvious problem.  This is just bad game design full stop, please stop being appolagists. 

Jul 17, 2022, 09:0107/17/22
Jul 17, 2022, 09:29(edited)

You know that you spend a lot more time complaining then trying to find a solution.  If you do actually care about being solution oriented, then post your roster and let us brainstorm a solution.  I promise you that these types of team compositions can be dealt with

Or alternatively, just keep complaining.  I guess that gets results too

Edit: And don't say that starting late is the reason you are struggling in Arena.  There are many videos of content creators that frequently re-start brand new accounts, and can make their way into Gold 5 over the course of a couple of months.  It's not about being late to the party, it's about knowing the game and understanding the mechanics.  If they can do it, then so can you, as long as you are willing to explore solutions.

An example of a CC that has done this is Hell Hades (, who has started his second FTP brand new account about 4 odd months ago I think, and is not only in gold 5 arena, but has also participated in two fragment/fusion events.  

Edit2: Actually, it was 5 months ago that he started his second FTP account, and you can check out the full journey here:


Note that these were back when Arena was much harder than it is now, but still it gives you an idea

24 days in, he was in Silver 2 Arena:

32 days in, he was in Silver 3 Arena:

60 days in, he was in Silver 4 Arena:, though he was distracted for 3 weeks with other things on his main account, including a guaranteed Krisk event, so I actually think he would have gotten there earlier

78 days in, he was in Gold 2 Arena:

Also note, I really am not trying to have a go at you here.  I'm trying to give you videos and information that you might find useful.  There is a thought process to how you tackle Arena.  You just need to be willing to have a solutions oriented discussion about it and start by posting your roster

Jul 17, 2022, 17:3307/17/22
Pankus Telos

Nice gaslighting Roseroyal, you describe the problem say we have to work around it and tell ppl to deal with it, gg back in your box buddy.  The team doesn't indicate how it is build, also I did mention I am a new player and get limited match ups that are even close to beatable... The fact that a player can build a team to sit in silver 2 and troll new players is unacceptable no matter how much you try to justify it.  This will be the major reason for ppl leaving this game.  Starting late is hard enough as is and this creates a frustrating experience as you are learning. Also even if you learn that you need X to over come Y as a new player you do not have access to the characters or resources to overcome the obvious problem.  This is just bad game design full stop, please stop being appolagists. 

Yes this will be and has been for three years the major reasons people leave the game.    And after three years I'm still waiting to see any player that actually knows how to play the game leave  because  of  this.

offense has every advantage  over  defense.

If someone is sitting in silver it's not because they're trolling you it's because they can't make it into gold.

If you're whining and complaining about the people sitting in silver that can't make it into  gold,  do  you really think you deserve to be even in silver?

Jul 17, 2022, 18:0007/17/22
Pankus Telos

Nice gaslighting Roseroyal, you describe the problem say we have to work around it and tell ppl to deal with it, gg back in your box buddy.  The team doesn't indicate how it is build, also I did mention I am a new player and get limited match ups that are even close to beatable... The fact that a player can build a team to sit in silver 2 and troll new players is unacceptable no matter how much you try to justify it.  This will be the major reason for ppl leaving this game.  Starting late is hard enough as is and this creates a frustrating experience as you are learning. Also even if you learn that you need X to over come Y as a new player you do not have access to the characters or resources to overcome the obvious problem.  This is just bad game design full stop, please stop being appolagists. 

RoseRoyal is probably the most helpful and polite person on this forum, you should heed her advice.  Lack of patience and unrealistic expectations of progress for those that don't attempt to properly learn the game is what causes your type of frustration. 

Jul 17, 2022, 22:2307/17/22
Pankus Telos

Not calling for removing the ability to heal, just once a fight has repeated a cycle for over 50 turns with no end possible it is an indication of an imbalnce or broken mechanic.  Given what I now understand about these builds, once I have all the town hall unlocked and no further reason to push arena rank, I can just build a broekn team and troll others like these pllayers are doing.  To be blunt this is not a strat its abuse of a game mechanic.

All of us have been where you are.  DThorne asked you to share your roster.  The forum members will offer advice how to build a better team and how to overcome specific teams.  It wont be easy but this game is not intended to be easy.   I posted my roster, got a lot of suggestions and chose one that took me into G5.  

There is one lesson that has not been mentioned.  Avoid the battles you cannot win.  Wait for the next free refresh and choose a battle you can win.  Once, I stopped adding to the loses with poor battle choices, I rose steadily.  Its about NOT losing as much as it is about winning.  

Take a deep breath and post your roster.  No one is mad.  We have all felt the frustration.  

Jul 18, 2022, 00:3507/18/22

Thanks for being so great everyone! 

And @RoseRoyal thanks for sharing the Hellhades F2P links, and being awesome in general. His ability to reach Gold arena without fail on F2P accounts in under 3 months is always a good lesson in team building, and account building.

I'm gonna be like the 6th person to suggest you post your roster, and your current arena team and their builds. This group of folks can usually suggest a variety of solutions to most arena issues. Sometimes that is team comp, sometimes that is build advice, sometimes that is gear farming or leveling advice. No matter what, you can come out of the experience with ways to handle "too much healing" or "speed teams too fast" or "can't land debuffs" or whatever issues you'd like to handle better in arena.

Jul 18, 2022, 00:3707/18/22

I should point out no one is gaslighting you, Pankus, nor being apologists. You are looking at people who have all beaten the content you are struggling with, and a number of people on the forums "started late" as well.

I know I did a second account and took it to G4 right before G5 came out. The strategies were the same for the new account the same as the old one, I just had to pick and choose my fights better. Some of the videos Rose linked can help you with that I would think.