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Should I take Apothecary and Coldheart to 50, or rush 1 champ to 60?

Should I take Apothecary and Coldheart to 50, or rush 1 champ to 60?

Jul 15, 2022, 19:4207/15/22

Should I take Apothecary and Coldheart to 50, or rush 1 champ to 60?

So  my  main  priorities  have  been  Uugo  and  Gorgorab  this  past  week.  Just  got  Gorgorab  to  6  star  today  and  now  looking  to  prioritize  my  next  champ.  For  me  it  feels  like  Coldheart  and  Apothecary  are  extremely  useful  for  Spider  and  Fire  Knight  right  now.   I  also  just  pulled  Royal  Guard  today  and  I  was  reading  he's  a  strong  nuker.  My  only  concern  with  Apoth  and  Royal  guard  is  that  would  prioritize  4  magic  champs  as  my  60s,  so  I'm  leaning  towards  Coldheart.  Other  honorable  mentions  are  Delania  and  perhaps  Bellower.  


Should  I  get  2  champs  to  50  before  I  get  one  to  60?  I  was  thinking  Apoth  and  Cold  both  to  50,  or  should  I  rush  1  to  60?  

Jul 15, 2022, 19:5807/15/22

RG is no good for FK20. Wrong affinity. He's generally a strong champ though, yes - but you'll want to build him more for Spider than for FK.

Apoth doesn't really *need* to be 60. Especially considering you already have Uugo, Deliana, and Gorg, I'd daresay you can just leave Apo at 50. CH, though, definitely wants to be 60 to benefit from the extra stats.

Jul 15, 2022, 20:2707/15/22

But  what  I'm  saying  is  my  Apoth  is  only  40.  Same  with  CH.  Should  I  take  both  Apoth  and  CH  to  50  or  should  I  skip  Apoth  and  rush  CH  to  60?  

Jul 15, 2022, 20:2907/15/22

Oh  also,  I'm  only  on  FK  stage  12.  Most  of  my  stage  max  is  around  level  12-15.

Jul 16, 2022, 01:2307/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 01:23(edited)

I think I'd go Royal Guard to 60 first. Works in pretty much all dungeon content, will get better as you move up in Dungeon stages too. 

If/when you take Coldheart up, take her straight to 60.

Jul 16, 2022, 01:3207/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 01:33(edited)

I  guess  I'm  just  struggling  a  bit  with  FK  in  particular  right  now.  Using:

60  kael,  60  uugo  60  gorgorab,  40  apoth  and  40  coldheart.  My  largest  problem  right  now  is  passing  Stage  13  since  its  force.  I  also  have  to  use  CH's  A1,  Apoth's  A1  and  then  my  other  champs  A1  or  Kael's  A3  if  it's  off  cooldown.  Its  not  super  efficient  cracking  his  10  hit  shield  and  when  I  do  I  don't  have  enough  burst  initially.  

Wouldn't  adding  another  Magic  as  my  main  lineup  kinda  nerf  me  overall  against  force  stages  in  particular?  

Jul 16, 2022, 01:4007/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 01:41(edited)

With regards to the question of prioritizing more 50's over getting a single champion to 60, I would recommend the latter.  Building up a solid group of level 60 champions is better than having a wide range of level 50 champions.

With regards to who to take to level 60, depending on where you are with content I think you should consider Deliana, and put her in retaliation gear.  There's been some videos out there but she can essentially carry a lot of people through early and mid-game content, including in some cases solo'ing things.  The AOE leech and block buffs is quite dramatic, even without any books

Edit: If it's FK that you want to focus on then don't use Deliana for that.

Jul 16, 2022, 01:4707/16/22

Taking Coldheart to 60 would help with your FK issue. So if that's your current biggest goal, definitely take her up. She'll be a staple in your account for pretty much its entire life, so it seems like a fine option. :)

I was just thinking in a long term outlook. Both champs will be great for you at 60 as you push up through dungeon content, though Coldheart shines in FK/Spider. 

I'd re-evaluate what you want to do after you take Coldheart to 60. This will make it easier to gear her, get her faster so she can bring down the boss's shield and then turn meter control him with her A3. 

Jul 16, 2022, 02:3707/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 03:32(edited)

I just beat level 13 aand 14 Fire Knight. I used pretty simple stuff:

level 40 crusader (the uncommon dude with the red scarf) He's kinda key if you dont have anything better, book him up (using duplicates) and use one speed set and one relentless set. He'll do join attack every 2 turns and more if he procs his extra turn. Oh ya, give him 0 crit, 0 crit damage, and 0 accuracy! His only job is to survive and put hits on the shield. Beefing him up on HP and defense, you can use him against spirit no problem

Fayne level 50 for 13, Elhain level 60 for 14. So you have double hitters there

Apothecary 60 for both level, triple hitter and healer :P

Kyoku 60 for both (i dont have any other stronger lego, so why not, there are most likely much better choices)

Coffin smasher level 50 unbooked, triple hits here also (ofc, i got Athel after raising him to 50... Athel would have been a better choice)

Note. I tried using Armiger, and even though he had positive affinity, he couldnt survive the mobs, too weak right now. So i went with the join attack formula instead

2nd Note: You might want to buy up a few 5-6* accessories from the clan shop. Those give a 5% counterattack, so a couple of those in yourr team could help getting the shield down faster

Jul 16, 2022, 11:4507/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 11:47(edited)

Keep an eye out for Runic Warder.  This rare dwarf has essentially carried me to FK 19 because of his reflect damage skill , and I've kept him at level 50 even.  Having reflect damage on when the fire knight attacks you will automatically reduce the shield points by 5 (assuming 5 of your champions are still alive).  He also brings a small heal, a decrease attack, and all of his attacks hit twice, which also helps reduce the shield points.

Just build him with high HP, defense and some speed.  He doesn't need to do any damage at all.  The only reason he is on your team is to keep the shield down.  He is essentially built for FK, and is a quiet achiever on this front, as most people look straight to legendaries or epics, but in my opinion he outclasses most by far


Jul 16, 2022, 13:0607/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 13:08(edited)

Keep an eye out for Runic Warder.  This rare dwarf has essentially carried me to FK 19 because of his reflect damage skill , and I've kept him at level 50 even.  Having reflect damage on when the fire knight attacks you will automatically reduce the shield points by 5 (assuming 5 of your champions are still alive).  He also brings a small heal, a decrease attack, and all of his attacks hit twice, which also helps reduce the shield points.

Just build him with high HP, defense and some speed.  He doesn't need to do any damage at all.  The only reason he is on your team is to keep the shield down.  He is essentially built for FK, and is a quiet achiever on this front, as most people look straight to legendaries or epics, but in my opinion he outclasses most by far


How  is  Stout  Axeman  in  a  similiar  thought?  I  have  Stout  and  he  seems  to  do  the  same  thing  for  the  most  part.  

Edit:  Hmm,  I  misread  his  A3,  seems  like  Stout  only  puts  it  on  himself  and  1  random  ally.

Jul 16, 2022, 13:1107/16/22

Do  you  think  it's  worth  it  to  bring  Fodbor  the  Bard?  He  has  a  3  hit  A1  and  a  decrease  def  A3.  He's  only  level  40  in  my  team  right  now  but  perhaps  he  could  help  me  (especially  with  the  force  stage).  

Jul 16, 2022, 20:0507/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 20:06(edited)

Taking Coldheart to 60 would help with your FK issue. So if that's your current biggest goal, definitely take her up. She'll be a staple in your account for pretty much its entire life, so it seems like a fine option. :)

I was just thinking in a long term outlook. Both champs will be great for you at 60 as you push up through dungeon content, though Coldheart shines in FK/Spider. 

I'd re-evaluate what you want to do after you take Coldheart to 60. This will make it easier to gear her, get her faster so she can bring down the boss's shield and then turn meter control him with her A3. 

Am  I  misguided  in  that  goal  btw?  Actually  just  today  I  was  able  to  clear  Minotaur  stage  15  for  the  first  time  so  that's  really  pretty  big  for  me  so  I  can  start  farming  masteries  better.  

The  main  reason  I  was  saying  FK  is  a  goal  is  to  help  during  FK  tournies   like  right  now  while  the  fusion  event  is  going.  I'm  basically  just  doing  Stage  10  right  now  since  its  Spirit  affinity  and  I  clear  it  fast.  

Other  than  that,  I've  been  doing  Stage  13  dragon,  hopefully  14  and  15  soon.  

What  should  I  focus  on  as  my  goal?  I  figure  I  need  to  farm  Spider  quite  a  bit  more  soon  since  my  Kael  doesnt  even  have  a  banner  or Amulet  yet...

Jul 16, 2022, 20:1307/16/22
Jul 16, 2022, 20:13(edited)

1) Get 5 champs to 60

2) Farm dragon 20

3) Repeat step 2

Jul 16, 2022, 20:5307/16/22

1) Get 5 champs to 60

2) Farm dragon 20

3) Repeat step 2

But  which  5  :(  

I've  got  Kael  60,  Uugo  60  and  Golgorab  60.  I'm  assuming  I  should  be  getting  Deliana  to  60...I  also  will  be  getting  Walking  Tomb  Dreg  this  event  BUT  I  want  to  save  his  summon  for  the  next  Champion  Chase  I'm  a  month  away  from  getting  him...even  though  I  know  him  being  Spirit  would  REALLY  help  me...sooooo  should  I  get  Coldheart  and  Deliana  to  60?  

Jul 17, 2022, 01:3207/17/22

Kram does have the right idea of it. 

The better overall value for your account is going to be taking your most impactful champions to 60, ones that will help you in as many dungeons as possible. You have the supports and defense down covered, so I think focusing on a few DPS will be the most helpful. This is why I like the idea of taking Royal Guard and/or Coldheart to 60 now, over taking champs to 50. 

I've no issue with the Deliana option for reasons Rose laid out, too. 

Jul 17, 2022, 14:0107/17/22

Well aint that grand guys? a little over one day after my reply above... for the Summon rush, i had some headway done with the greens, finished it with 3 sacred, 6 voids and 25 ancients.

Got Kinagashi, some garbage, and.... ta-dam! +> Cardiel !, so two join-attack champs (goodbye Crusader!)

Got 5 garbage rare voids... but... ta-dam! +> Coldheart ! (solves the dillemma over Coffin Smasher or Armiger)

the 25 ancients got me 3 more epics, nothing worth writing about.

So it seems the system REALLY wanted to help me in Fire Knight LOL... :P

So to answer the question from the OP, i'm now in same boat.... Coldheart all the way baby, Deliana can wait