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another unkillable CB team question

another unkillable CB team question

Jul 8, 2022, 14:3607/08/22

another unkillable CB team question

ive tried to look on deadwoodjedi, but didnt find anything. so... i have Pain Keeper, Warcaster, Hellmut, Aniri and ive got Demytha today. sadly, i dont have any of the few counterattackers, no bats and no deacons.

is there a chance to gather an unkillable out of those champs? i mean the core of it.

Jul 8, 2022, 14:5207/08/22

You have most of the core, but you'll need one of the various boosters.

Did you get Helicath? If so, you can easily do one with just Helicath + Demytha.

Jul 8, 2022, 15:1807/08/22

You have most of the core, but you'll need one of the various boosters.

Did you get Helicath? If so, you can easily do one with just Helicath + Demytha.

nope, i would mention him, if i would :)

yeah, boosters would be good to have, but i dont... maybe ill get one of them in the next pull. for now i dont have anything good enough it seems. apothecary, khatun and arbiter is everything i have in terms of turn meter

Jul 8, 2022, 15:4207/08/22

nope, i would mention him, if i would :)

yeah, boosters would be good to have, but i dont... maybe ill get one of them in the next pull. for now i dont have anything good enough it seems. apothecary, khatun and arbiter is everything i have in terms of turn meter

Okay, I think this should give you a starting point. The rest of the team I just put random people in. Bushi is interesting in that he can be the stun target and rely on his RoD to keep him alive, but tuning that is trickier. This tune gives you block damage for the first two attacks, you just need to find a way to handle the stun:



Jul 8, 2022, 15:4707/08/22

so it is possible then? ty. they are all 4 stars level 1. didnt even touch them yet, so i cant try it right away, but it seems i have a target point in the game now :)

Jul 8, 2022, 15:5507/08/22

so it is possible then? ty. they are all 4 stars level 1. didnt even touch them yet, so i cant try it right away, but it seems i have a target point in the game now :)

It's possible, yes, but it really depends on whether you can find a way to handle the stun. There are a few ways to do that, but the easiest relies upon essentially having someone with either unkillable, block damage, or revive on death become the stun target. There are a fair number of champs with self-buffs for those. Common choices are Skullcrusher, Torturehelm, and Bushi.

Another option is to use someone with a big shield to absorb most of the damage on the stun, so that you can survive despite being relatively squishy. Champs like Valkyrie and Helicath are the common choices, but there are others that also can put big shields up.

The last option, which is the trickiest by far, is to get a 3rd champ like Warcaster on the team, because if might be able to run two 4:3 champs and arrange it so one of them is last on turn 1, and the other is last on turn 3, and Demytha is last on turn 2. 

Jul 8, 2022, 19:1507/08/22

Could you post your roster? I'm curious to see what kinds of block debuffs, cleansers, etc. you have available. 

Jul 8, 2022, 20:0807/08/22

Could you post your roster? I'm curious to see what kinds of block debuffs, cleansers, etc. you have available. 



Jul 8, 2022, 20:4807/08/22

That's your entire roster? Are you intentionally eating epic champs you think you won't be using, or something?

In any case - that's neither here nor there. I think you *might* be able to run something with a 4:3 Tatura, relying on her A3 to veil everyone else and shield herself, coupled with her DEF up beforehand, to weather the stun. You'll need to have Warcaster 4:3 to act twice on turn 1, and Tatura 4:3 to act twice on turn 3. Give me a bit and I'll see if I can scrape something together.

I would guess the other two slots would go to Rhazin and Venomage, so I'll build it around that, but I would say - they're not exactly stellar choices.

Jul 8, 2022, 20:5707/08/22

That's your entire roster? Are you intentionally eating epic champs you think you won't be using, or something?

In any case - that's neither here nor there. I think you *might* be able to run something with a 4:3 Tatura, relying on her A3 to veil everyone else and shield herself, coupled with her DEF up beforehand, to weather the stun. You'll need to have Warcaster 4:3 to act twice on turn 1, and Tatura 4:3 to act twice on turn 3. Give me a bit and I'll see if I can scrape something together.

I would guess the other two slots would go to Rhazin and Venomage, so I'll build it around that, but I would say - they're not exactly stellar choices.

nope. ive made food out of fayne and gorgorab once, in my very first days into the game, but thats it. since then i checked everything i get on mlove, hellhades and youtube. actually everything usable, but not needed now is in storage. except for urogrim, which im gonna build in near future - ive got it today, along with demytha.

i thought this roster aint that bad for 7 monthes. and its my first and only account :)  so i dont even have drextar yet - i will get him in the next clan war.

Jul 8, 2022, 21:0207/08/22
Jul 8, 2022, 21:03(edited)

nope. ive made food out of fayne and gorgorab once, in my very first days into the game, but thats it. since then i checked everything i get on mlove, hellhades and youtube. actually everything usable, but not needed now is in storage. except for urogrim, which im gonna build in near future - ive got it today, along with demytha.

i thought this roster aint that bad for 7 monthes. and its my first and only account :)  so i dont even have drextar yet - i will get him in the next clan war.

Did you post your storage champs? Is that the second list?

Anyway - here's what I've got for you. Pay special attention to the delays. Ignore the delay on Rhazin A2, that's just an artifact of me swapping things around. The move order is set up so that Demytha extends Tatura's A2 long enough for it to remain active to help protect her from the stun. You'll hopefully also benefit from Venomage's passive to reduce the damage further:



Jul 8, 2022, 21:3207/08/22

hmmm... thank you for your work. ill save the img and ill try it out as soon as ill can :) im just ran out of silver, while getting demytha and warcaster to exactly those speeds. others was kinda tuned for NM CB on low speed - 171 or so. so i need to rebuild them and probably farm. i need to book out warcaster and demytha anyway, so i have a lot of time on my hands to do so :) it seems ill get another ancient pull before that time, so maybe ill even get something better.

Jul 8, 2022, 21:5507/08/22

hmmm... thank you for your work. ill save the img and ill try it out as soon as ill can :) im just ran out of silver, while getting demytha and warcaster to exactly those speeds. others was kinda tuned for NM CB on low speed - 171 or so. so i need to rebuild them and probably farm. i need to book out warcaster and demytha anyway, so i have a lot of time on my hands to do so :) it seems ill get another ancient pull before that time, so maybe ill even get something better.

No prob. Here's the base version:

You need the 3 version, so you need the three dps to be between 186-189 SPD.

Jul 12, 2022, 14:0607/12/22

No prob. Here's the base version:

You need the 3 version, so you need the three dps to be between 186-189 SPD.

just started to book up demytha and on today's event, after a dozen of shards ive got a Skullcrusher. looks like a game changer and ive got to build a whole another team, right?... im not even sure its worth it to try to make this "unkillable-ish" to work now, if i would be able to deal more damage with less turns. untill ill get my hands on another pieces of grown-up unkillable.

Jul 12, 2022, 14:3107/12/22

just started to book up demytha and on today's event, after a dozen of shards ive got a Skullcrusher. looks like a game changer and ive got to build a whole another team, right?... im not even sure its worth it to try to make this "unkillable-ish" to work now, if i would be able to deal more damage with less turns. untill ill get my hands on another pieces of grown-up unkillable.

You have a few options:

1) You could switch to a "killable" comp - something along the lines of Skullcrusher, Frozen Banshee, Venomage, Aniri, and Tatura. With the right tuning, you can have Skullcrusher use his CA on turn 2, so he's immune to the shared damage, and then Tatura keeps him perma veiled so she becomes the stun target and also has block debuffs to prevent the stun. The downside to killable comps, though, is that typically the gear requirements are higher. You can use this team as a model:

2) You could keep the comp as-is, and see how it goes.

3) You could swap Tatura out for Skullcrusher in the exact build earlier. Since SC will be 4:3, he'll use his CA every time on turn 3 right before stun, making him unkillable. You do have to make sure he has some HP though because otherwise he won't be targeted - you can look up some guides on how to make that work. You're losing a lot of SC's value by using his CA on turn 3, though - you only get one turn of CA instead of two. You'll want to drop Venom for FB, and then you'll want to probably experiment with whether you get more damage out of Rhaz's Weaken + DEF down and only one round of CA, or if you get more damage by switching Rhaz for Aniri to extend the CA for FB.

Jul 12, 2022, 14:4107/12/22

You have a few options:

1) You could switch to a "killable" comp - something along the lines of Skullcrusher, Frozen Banshee, Venomage, Aniri, and Tatura. With the right tuning, you can have Skullcrusher use his CA on turn 2, so he's immune to the shared damage, and then Tatura keeps him perma veiled so she becomes the stun target and also has block debuffs to prevent the stun. The downside to killable comps, though, is that typically the gear requirements are higher. You can use this team as a model:

2) You could keep the comp as-is, and see how it goes.

3) You could swap Tatura out for Skullcrusher in the exact build earlier. Since SC will be 4:3, he'll use his CA every time on turn 3 right before stun, making him unkillable. You do have to make sure he has some HP though because otherwise he won't be targeted - you can look up some guides on how to make that work. You're losing a lot of SC's value by using his CA on turn 3, though - you only get one turn of CA instead of two. You'll want to drop Venom for FB, and then you'll want to probably experiment with whether you get more damage out of Rhaz's Weaken + DEF down and only one round of CA, or if you get more damage by switching Rhaz for Aniri to extend the CA for FB.

ty. guess ill try to go with killable for now. im like a kid, who've got a new awesome toy and now he wants to play with it asap. 

also i still need a bunch of epic books, which i dont have yet :D

Jul 12, 2022, 14:4507/12/22

Just be aware that killable teams typically have higher gear requirements, since your damagers need to not only do damage, but also survive. My guess is the unkillable team will do less damage, but it'll be easier to gear. There's a pretty wide gap between 2-key UNM and 1-key UNM, but reaching 2-key is typically fairly easy with an unkillable team.

Jul 12, 2022, 15:0007/12/22

Just be aware that killable teams typically have higher gear requirements, since your damagers need to not only do damage, but also survive. My guess is the unkillable team will do less damage, but it'll be easier to gear. There's a pretty wide gap between 2-key UNM and 1-key UNM, but reaching 2-key is typically fairly easy with an unkillable team.

my current target would be at least 4 keys UNM lol. now im at 2-3 keys NM. im actually waited to get CA or unkill to try to UNM, to even touch it. so where im at 4 keys looks pretty good.