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Just a rant about Silver and Energy

Just a rant about Silver and Energy

Jun 19, 2022, 07:0406/19/22

Just a rant about Silver and Energy

Hi  Everyone ,  I  have  been  playing  raid  since  about  november  and  its  been  alot  of  fun but  i  have  been  geting  frustrated  lately  with  silver  and  energy  management.  Ive  watched  videos  and  tried  various  things  to  help  manage  it  better  but  im  at  a  point  were  i  just  cant  get  anywhere  without  running  out  of  something  that  i  need  to  keep  going .  I  bounce  back  and  forth  from  F2P  and  spending  money  when  i  can  but  i  just  wish  there  were  cheaper  ways  to  gain  resources  or  even  free  ways  other  than  daily  quests  to  get  the  energy  i  need .  My  ADHD  is  really  bad  when  it  comes  to  micro  managing  my  resources  .  Im  sure  im  not  the  only  one  who  has  these  issues  so  some  more  suggestions  would  be  greatly  appreciated .  I  just  feel  completely  bummed  out  on  this  Fusion  especially  when  i  come  close  to  getting  the  next  Goat  and  watch  the  time  tick  away  on  the  event  before  i  can  gather  more  energy  to  get  500  more  points.  Some  more  options  in  the  shop  would  be  cool  too,  like  the  blue  shard  for  $0.99  i  know  you  can  get  175  gems  for  $4.99  but  those  are  really  the  only  2  options  at  that  low  of  a  price ,  Oh  and  one  last  thought  selling  potions  for  silver  that  would  be  a  cool  option  if  they  could  ever  impliment  it but  anyway  feel  free  to  share  your  thoughts  and  suggestions .

Jun 19, 2022, 20:5406/19/22

You mention that your ADHD is really bad when micromanaging your resources, but I'm not quite sure I follow.  Can you elaborate?

The challenge with Raid that I have found is that it isn't a 24/7 type of game, unless you are willing to spend.  It is a game where you focus on specific goals each day, but otherwise you build up resources.  Silver shouldn't really be a restiction once you get into the flow of things.  Where are you using all of your silver on at the moment?  

You've been playing since November, so you have seen a couple of fusion/fragment events come and go.  Have you participated in any during that time or was this the first?  They really are events that you need to plan for, and have quite a lot of resources saved up if you wish to complete.

I'm not asking these questions in an accusatory manner, I'm just trying to gauge your playstyle so that I can potentially offer some suggestions.  My only suggestion so far is that any gems you get should go towards energy rather than any other shop purchase, unless you are swimming in them, but I'm not sure if you are using gems for other things?

Jun 19, 2022, 21:5406/19/22

You mind posting your roster so we can see where you're at development wise? And what dungeon levels you are farming for Dragon, Spider, and Fire Knight? And where you are at on Clan Boss?

Fusions, and obtaining the resources to do them, is a very different story depending on the development level of your account. Perhaps we can help better with a little more info. :)

Jun 21, 2022, 20:4806/21/22

stupid mistakes  all players  the dont care about energy the farm like  crazy to get 100 energy only to have

i just fused  hellcath on my free to play account dint spend single penny i prepared over 20000 energy for  events and tons shards and everything else 

it was easy as hell

so prepare for fusions

do daily quest    all each day 

stay logged until you get energy from login reward

do advanced all quest if you have op champions

do doomtower

so calculate like this

each day

you got let say 300 energy spend 150 energy keep 150

150x 30 days is 4500 energy

300x 30 days is 9000 energy so 

you need only 4 months to get energy you need to do for fusion

20 000 to 30000 you need for fusion

for summon events if you dont have  shards ready farm green shards

i spend 3000 greenshards for event and use it as upgrade champion  events

easy points

Jun 22, 2022, 02:0906/22/22

Keyword about raid , is hoarding ! 

If it fits your mailbox and can be used later on , save it . 

The same applies to just about everything , shard , hoard till proper events or 2x or 10x  . Glyphs ? Wait until you need them for further missons , Books ? use only during cvc ...etc.. list goes on and on .. 

The best thing is to just hoard ressource you can and use whats forced upon you like daily refill , energy regen , daily login , quest ... 

If i learned anything in 2 months and helicath successful fusion , is , you either hoard or spend till late endgame 

Jun 22, 2022, 07:2806/22/22

Keyword about raid , is hoarding ! 

If it fits your mailbox and can be used later on , save it . 

The same applies to just about everything , shard , hoard till proper events or 2x or 10x  . Glyphs ? Wait until you need them for further missons , Books ? use only during cvc ...etc.. list goes on and on .. 

The best thing is to just hoard ressource you can and use whats forced upon you like daily refill , energy regen , daily login , quest ... 

If i learned anything in 2 months and helicath successful fusion , is , you either hoard or spend till late endgame 

This game teachs the value of saving.