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Jun 17, 2022, 15:2106/17/22


Hey Guys,

I loved the response of the community on my post for my main account  so I was wondering if you could also assist me in my decision of which champ to max in my second account. I started a new account because I chose Galek on the main and was soooooo disapointed that he is weaker than the others by a mile. And I kinda got rewarded as I avoided a lot of the mistake I made on the main account + I got some nice champ during my first week of playing : 

I got 

-Kael 50 et Delianna 50 (btw the MYDELIANA code didn't work for me)

-Geomancer (that I love so far) 40

-Tallia 40 (I am starting to ask myself if the promo code that gives her is a trap or not)

-Marquess 40 (an early pool and some people grade her good some bad so I don't know if she is going to stay or turn into food)

-Husk 1 : hellhades seems to love it but dunno 

-Bellower 30 : nicely rated (don't know if he will fit in my team as I have a lot of wave clearers even tho he is listed as a supp)

-and Finally just farmed my first warmaiden 1  (and unless somebody on my team is better I think she might be here to stay)

So who should stay and who should go ? (In my mind it's Kael then delianna then geomancer then Husk maybe, or warmaiden, that I probably need for arena anyway)

I need to do labyrinth x10 for my quest and I don't want scrolls to go to a champ that is not usefull. Maybe I should solo laby with Kael but with the early game stuff I have (lifesteal from delianna's pack) I am not sure it will super effective.

Thanks guys ! Love

Jun 17, 2022, 15:3506/17/22

Anyone who grades Duchess as bad is a scrub, plain and simple. She is one of the absolute best champs in the game.

Leave Kael at 50. You can pretty much ignore him, you don't need him.

Priority 1: Get Bellower to 60. He'll be your campaign farmer

Priority 2: Get Duchess to 60. She'll be your main dungeon support

Priority 3: Get Geomancer to 60. He'll be your boss killer

After that we'll see. Don't waste time leveling random people just for the hell of it. Level food and boost those above three to 60. Get masteries on all three. Fully book all of them. 

Jun 17, 2022, 17:1206/17/22

Thx again mate  ! Your advices are greatly appreciated !

Whoo that is a good thing that I ask because I would have went for Kael + Delianna + Geomancer + Warmaiden.

I am so sorry I don't have Duchess liltu on this account. I have marquess (def champ) that I see as yet another dommage dealer (I mixed up the tittles there and I will modify the original post) that is why some people find her good some bad (as Duchess lilitu is trully godlike). That change probably your all post as I am lacking a support (except bellower but he will probably be build differently to be the clearer).

For stuffing : I go lifedrain on geomancer (+acc) + Bellower (+speed) ?  

I am very surprise to abandon Kael that fast as I rerolled because I thought he would be a good option mid game and decent end game champ. In my main account I see a ton of Kael 60 in arena (with warmaiden). So I assumed it was the direction I was supposed to go.

Jun 17, 2022, 17:2306/17/22

Kael isn't bad. He's just easily replaceable. As a campaign farmer, Bellower does the job better, and as a poisoner, there's a ton of better options.

Marquess is just w/e. Ignore her.

Bellower -> Deliana -> Geomancer would be my new recommendation.

Jun 17, 2022, 17:5506/17/22

Nice thanks ! Obviously I wouldn't trash Duchess lilitu but Marquess I got a chance to see what she was. Nothing special. 

If you don't mind : speed + lifesteal sets for both bellower and deliana right ?

Jun 17, 2022, 18:0806/17/22

Nice thanks ! Obviously I wouldn't trash Duchess lilitu but Marquess I got a chance to see what she was. Nothing special. 

If you don't mind : speed + lifesteal sets for both bellower and deliana right ?

Bellower, yes. Deliana doesn't want lifesteal, she doesn't really hit that hard. I'd just focus on getting her stats up. You want her to have 200+ spd, 200ish ACC, and pretty high HP and DEF.

Jun 17, 2022, 18:3306/17/22

Sorry I meant Geomancer (what is wrong with me today xD Can't say one name right) : the lifesteal prock of the passive + hp burn right ? I may need an acc set on him for now to hit the HP Burn all the time

For delianna I like retaliation (given with log in reward) and Immortal (or maybe speed, immortal, resilience)

Jun 17, 2022, 18:3806/17/22

Sorry I meant Geomancer (what is wrong with me today xD Can't say one name right) : the lifesteal prock of the passive + hp burn right ? I may need an acc set on him for now to hit the HP Burn all the time

For delianna I like retaliation (given with log in reward) and Immortal (or maybe speed, immortal, resilience)

I can't be certain, but I do not believe that Geomancer's passive triggers lifesteal.

Immortal is good for Deliana, yeah.

Jun 17, 2022, 19:0506/17/22

I can't be certain, but I do not believe that Geomancer's passive triggers lifesteal.

Immortal is good for Deliana, yeah.

This is correct, re: Geomancer. That was the nerf that hit him hard specifically in Clan Boss.