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tag team arena

tag team arena

Jun 5, 2022, 22:0206/05/22

tag team arena

What the hell is going on in tag team arena. You have to be well over 300-400 level to win a match. For F2P players this is a lost cause and it is totally not fair.

Jun 5, 2022, 22:0606/05/22

We all agree.  Raid is not going to change it.  All you can do is fight only battles you can win.  Take the FREE refresh every 15 mins.  Tag is very low on my priority list now.  

Post your full roster and ask the forum to help you build some good teams.  It helps.  

Jun 5, 2022, 23:1506/05/22
Jun 5, 2022, 23:16(edited)

Idk im heading into bronze 2 , 40 days in , because i stopped everything i was doing to check on refresh every 15mins when im playing ! Using same strat for arena , not only tag team !

Pick the easy fights , check refresh when playing every 15mins , make sure your defense doesnt look like easy win and you'll progress slowly .

Arena and tag team arena is all about picking your fights and using as many refresh as possible(free ones every 15mins)

EDIT: yes ive had tons of refresh where i didnt do 1 fight cuz the options werent to my advantage .

Jun 5, 2022, 23:3006/05/22

The basic rule of tag arena is that you want the following five teams:

  1. Speed nuke team with CC - example: Arbiter + Maulie + Lydia + nuker
  2. Control team with sustain nuker - example: Kymar + Kimi + Roric + Rotos
  3. Go-second team with sustain nuker - example: Raglin + Rotos + Brogni + Doompriest
  4. Cardinal Stoneskin team - example: Skullcrown + Cardinal + Brakus + Big'Un
  5. Speed nuke team without CC - example: Arbiter + Kimi + Serris + Rae

These are all teams that I personally have built, and served well to get me to gold tag.

  • If you have only one of the above teams, you won't get much beyond bronze
  • If you have two of them, you'll be comfortably in lower silver, perhaps silver 2
  • If you have three of them, you can probably push silver 3
  • If you have four of them, you can be comfortably in silver 3, possibly into silver 4
  • And if you have all five of them, you can push gold

Personally I have something around 30-35 champs that are all geared and have masteries specifically for arena. They don't all see use in every fight - many of them are very situational. But if you want to be able to progress far in tag, you need to have lots of options to choose from.