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Sandlashed Survivor Passive.

Sandlashed Survivor Passive.

May 29, 2022, 07:2205/29/22

Sandlashed Survivor Passive.

Just want to know if anybody can confirm this or not. 

Her passive places an ally protection buff on all allies whenever an ally's HP drops below 50%, then places a block damage buff on herself for one turn.

In a scenario where Sandlashed was attacked first, and killed with one shot, would the block damage buff kick in before the death occured kind of like godseeker's passive? To me it sounds like , if that were to happen then they would have just made her place an unkillable buff or revive on death buff instead

. So I know the answer is probably no.

My second question for those of you that have her, in a scenario where any ally other than her were to be one shotted, and killed, would the 50% Ally protect still kick in? Or does the ally in question have to have remaining HP for it to proc.

Thank you.

May 29, 2022, 07:5505/29/22

Based on my experience, the answer to your first question is indeed no. I have had mine one-shotted often enough that I had to put her in stoneskin. The way I understand the game mechanics, when the enemy attacks with AoE, he attacks the lead first, then whoever is second, then third, and finally herself. For Block Damage to be put, she needs to first place Ally Protect on whoever first drops bellow 50% HP, then on everybody else except her, and only then puts Block Damage on her self. We can't see that, but as far as the in-game coding is concerned, that seems to be how it works.

To your second question, yes, Ally Protect will be placed, but there's no guarantee you won't have someone one-shotted regardless, and that's ordinarily whoever is the most squishy. The rest should be fine for two more turns bc of the ally protect, but the squishy character is gone, so it's always a good idea to have some kind of reviver just in case that happens.

May 29, 2022, 09:0605/29/22
May 29, 2022, 09:13(edited)

I figured, and since block damage cant be placed if she were to die, otherwise it would indicate in the description, like Godseeker's, "before that ally takes a fatal hit, preempts the damage and instantly places a revive on death buff for 1 turn."

But I had to ask since there is just an overwhelmingly hidden amount of mechanics like you said we cant see.

This helps though, I had planned on using her in my arena team, and my Defense relies more on RES than ACC so any buffs, especially passive buffs that dont require a turn being taken, are very beneficial to me.

I pulled Sandlashed and Cardinal on the same day, three days ago. Cardinal has a really interesting A3, she revives all allies, then boosts their turn meter to "Max". Does this mean what I think it means? What exactly is Max as far as the game is concerned, is this just until it reaches full bar on screen or does it take it beyond what all other enemies' TM currently is at time of revive? If so, this seems overpowered. Please inform me on this ability as well. Thx

May 29, 2022, 10:3105/29/22

I figured, and since block damage cant be placed if she were to die, otherwise it would indicate in the description, like Godseeker's, "before that ally takes a fatal hit, preempts the damage and instantly places a revive on death buff for 1 turn."

But I had to ask since there is just an overwhelmingly hidden amount of mechanics like you said we cant see.

This helps though, I had planned on using her in my arena team, and my Defense relies more on RES than ACC so any buffs, especially passive buffs that dont require a turn being taken, are very beneficial to me.

I pulled Sandlashed and Cardinal on the same day, three days ago. Cardinal has a really interesting A3, she revives all allies, then boosts their turn meter to "Max". Does this mean what I think it means? What exactly is Max as far as the game is concerned, is this just until it reaches full bar on screen or does it take it beyond what all other enemies' TM currently is at time of revive? If so, this seems overpowered. Please inform me on this ability as well. Thx

cardinal's ability brings all revived allies' turn meters to full, meaning that they will each get a turn immediately after she revives them. it certainly is powerful, but it's balanced somewhat by the fact that cardinal's other abilities are awful.

May 29, 2022, 10:4105/29/22
May 29, 2022, 10:44(edited)

There are two legendary champions with similar revive mechanic that come to mind: Siphi and Raglin. However, they only fill TM "to full". This does not guarantee the revived champion taking a turn immediately upon revive. Cardinal is special. Once she revives, everyone she revives takes a turn immediately, first whoever is fastest, then the second fastest and so on. That way you can build a very good go second team with Cardinal, making sure your debuffer is at least 1 SPD faster than the nukers. 

While Siphy and Raglin boost tm only to 100%, she can go even beyond that, making sure they all take a turn right away. 

She has to survive the hit, though, so make her as tanky as possible, ideally in Stoneskin. 

May 29, 2022, 12:2405/29/22

The answer to both questions is no,  I'm fairly 

May 29, 2022, 15:4905/29/22
May 29, 2022, 15:50(edited)

0Well, if I can manage to get Cardinal to a minimum 75HP, 40

May 29, 2022, 15:5805/29/22

Well if i can get her to 75khp 4k defense and minimum 600 res then she will be stronger than the rest of my team 🤣 I think im going to use Sandlashed to replace my Bivald, he really only brings an HP aura and shield set to the team, which can be stripped right away. She will provide more fuctioning with a def aura and the ally protect being an immediate passive proc. And the extend/strip one turn enemy buff on an aoe is fairly better than a provoke and aoe in my opinion, since i couldnt put any accuracy on my bivald.

In my mind, you cant rely on debuffs and buffs at the same time in arena. Not against most teams that were in gold before the arena change.

People either build with a crap ton of acc, or a crap ton of res, if you try to do both you usually end up getting resisted and getting debuffed.. atleast this is what i dealt with before i started stacking res. 

With buffs, you dont need accuracy and they cant be reduced/stripped with enough accuracy. I guess there are people with insane gear to manage acc and res while still having crit and damage, or hp and def. 

May 29, 2022, 16:1205/29/22

Can't really use as sandlashed as lead for aura.  Want in last position for passive to work. 

May 29, 2022, 16:1305/29/22
May 29, 2022, 16:16(edited)

Well if i can get her to 75khp 4k defense and minimum 600 res then she will be stronger than the rest of my team 🤣 I think im going to use Sandlashed to replace my Bivald, he really only brings an HP aura and shield set to the team, which can be stripped right away. She will provide more fuctioning with a def aura and the ally protect being an immediate passive proc. And the extend/strip one turn enemy buff on an aoe is fairly better than a provoke and aoe in my opinion, since i couldnt put any accuracy on my bivald.

In my mind, you cant rely on debuffs and buffs at the same time in arena. Not against most teams that were in gold before the arena change.

People either build with a crap ton of acc, or a crap ton of res, if you try to do both you usually end up getting resisted and getting debuffed.. atleast this is what i dealt with before i started stacking res. 

With buffs, you dont need accuracy and they cant be reduced/stripped with enough accuracy. I guess there are people with insane gear to manage acc and res while still having crit and damage, or hp and def. 

Probably, but not many. There's always a trade-off. Sandlashed is a good choice, I use her in both Arenas and she has rarely let me down. 

Also, what Trips said, make sure she is the last on your team, that's crucial. 

May 30, 2022, 05:2005/30/22

Can't really use as sandlashed as lead for aura.  Want in last position for passive to work. 

Simply put, and the way it works

May 30, 2022, 15:5605/30/22

Can't really use as sandlashed as lead for aura.  Want in last position for passive to work. 

Why so? I mean Ive heard this I think, but how does the game process champion position in relation to passive abilities like Ally Protect? Please explain how you know plz

May 30, 2022, 15:5805/30/22

To my knowledge, I believe I got this bit from Hellhades, so Im not fairly certain of the reliability of it, but champions with damage reduction abilities or passives, this may include Ally Protect, should be closest to the Lead position as possible? 

Ill probably use my Resist aura in lead, or a speed lead, 25% DEF doesnt help as much.

May 30, 2022, 16:0205/30/22

The basics are that the champ in the lead position will have its effects go off first, while the champ in the tail position will have them go off last.

That would logically make you think you'd want Sandlashed in the lead position - except that her passive triggers *after* damage is dealt, which means it won't protect the rest of the team. However, and this is the key part - I think that her block damage will trigger *before* she takes damage, and so it'll help her survive if people ahead of her get hit.

Seeker and Kyoku are the only two champs in the game whose passive triggers *before* damage is dealt.

May 31, 2022, 15:0805/31/22

Well said, thanks for that breakdown.

Jun 1, 2022, 15:5006/01/22

The basics are that the champ in the lead position will have its effects go off first, while the champ in the tail position will have them go off last.

That would logically make you think you'd want Sandlashed in the lead position - except that her passive triggers *after* damage is dealt, which means it won't protect the rest of the team. However, and this is the key part - I think that her block damage will trigger *before* she takes damage, and so it'll help her survive if people ahead of her get hit.

Seeker and Kyoku are the only two champs in the game whose passive triggers *before* damage is dealt.


Jun 1, 2022, 16:0006/01/22
Jun 1, 2022, 16:04(edited)

Can't really use as sandlashed as lead for aura.  Want in last position for passive to work. 

I just tested her with a 4 man team in campaign, sadly if any champion goes straight to death, the passive wont proc. If sandlashed herself drops below 50% HP, it doesnt seem to proc either, which is probably a good thing.

However, I placed her in the first, second, and last positions with the same champs and the passive was able to proc every single time with no change in any champions' HP loss before, or after. And the block damage was also able to proc. Every time.

The only thing I can think of that is varying here, would be an AoE attack that reduces one or  ally's HP below 50% but above 0%, while simultaneously placing the Ally protect right after champ#1 is (the first champ to drop to 50% HP that is) damaged, then champ #2 and #3 have their damage mitigated by the Ally protect buff next, and the transferred damage is added onto Sandlashe's own damage received from the AoE attack BEFORE the block damage buff procs, meaning more HP loss for Survivor. Or could the block damage be included into the transferred damage calculation from that same AoE attack? I honestly can't figure it out.

And its starting to hurt my head.

Jun 1, 2022, 16:1206/01/22

I just tested her with a 4 man team in campaign, sadly if any champion goes straight to death, the passive wont proc. If sandlashed herself drops below 50% HP, it doesnt seem to proc either, which is probably a good thing.

However, I placed her in the first, second, and last positions with the same champs and the passive was able to proc every single time with no change in any champions' HP loss before, or after. And the block damage was also able to proc. Every time.

The only thing I can think of that is varying here, would be an AoE attack that reduces one or  ally's HP below 50% but above 0%, while simultaneously placing the Ally protect right after champ#1 is (the first champ to drop to 50% HP that is) damaged, then champ #2 and #3 have their damage mitigated by the Ally protect buff next, and the transferred damage is added onto Sandlashe's own damage received from the AoE attack BEFORE the block damage buff procs, meaning more HP loss for Survivor. Or could the block damage be included into the transferred damage calculation from that same AoE attack? I honestly can't figure it out.

And its starting to hurt my head.

Lol. Stop thinking about it and leave sandlashed in last position.  You are correct, the aoe attack will trigger the passive as you stated and the block damage will be up to protect sandlashed. And again correct that it does not proc when she drops below 50pct, only the allies.

Jun 1, 2022, 21:4606/01/22
Jun 1, 2022, 21:49(edited)

Okay, okay.

It did eventually make sense after the information traveled about ,making little synaptic connections then getting stuck in a giant suckhole where all the fried and severely damaged cells from stress and lets just say external influences 🙋‍♂️ over the years have slowed down all new information up , and, then I remembered how to count to 4 and the  basic boolean proof.

- Should be interesting to see how well she blends with a second ally ProtectChampion. 

Jun 1, 2022, 22:0806/01/22

For arena? The short answer is "not very".

Arena team spots are extremely specific. Running two ally-protect champs on a team means you are giving up on something else that you need.

Jun 3, 2022, 02:2906/03/22
Jun 3, 2022, 02:32(edited)

For arena? The short answer is "not very".

Arena team spots are extremely specific. Running two ally-protect champs on a team means you are giving up on something else that you need.

Yeah it is generally not optimal to run two similar champions, but I wanted to try a "sandpit" style setup, where Sandlashed throws up ally protect, build her really slow, then build MM in stone skin to use his A2. Oh and his passive puts fear when  im attacked after the ally protect goes up. And nekhret already with a third ally protect before anything happens in the match.

Do you think im bottlenecking myself with having that much dmg transfer at once?