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May 18, 2022, 13:4605/18/22


i think fusion is a waste of time no point of having it. you fuse certain champions of rarity to make a better champion then fuse the better champion to get a legendary but you only get one legendary champion (since i have been playing it) the fusion system really needs to get change or  just gotten  rid of it . you have to waste space filling with champions that you are not going to use only use them to fuse.  you  can only get legendary champions by shards or fragments or by promo codes. the fusion system needs to be changed eg: more champions(epic or legendary) to be summoned by fusing other champions

May 18, 2022, 13:4805/18/22

I don't really get the point you're trying to make. Maybe clarify? Fusion is one of the very few ways in the game to get guaranteed champions. Why is it a waste of time?

May 18, 2022, 14:0205/18/22

the way it is set up  i have only got one legendary champion(1 only)  and there is only three epics that is it.some  of the three epics  can be obtained by shards.  the fusion doesnt allow you to get  enough legendary champions, i have plenty of fusable champions to fuse together but have only got 1 legendary chamion

May 18, 2022, 20:1605/18/22
May 18, 2022, 20:23(edited)

Dude you don't have to participate at all.    You don't have to waste space saving champion  you're not going to use. You can completely ignore it.    I've gotten around a dozen legendary champions in the fusion system.    The only thing you need to do is fuse one epic champ in order to progress  in  missions. After that ignore it.

May 18, 2022, 21:2805/18/22

I think Slucan is talking about the fusion champions that are around all the time, such as Rhazin.  Their challenge is that they heaps of the champions needed for Rhazin (i.e. the champions that have the fusion icon below their portrait) and these are just taking up space, and at most it will just get 1 legendary.

@Slucan , the game isn't set up in a way so that the same champion can be used to fuse multiple legendaries.  The ones for Rhazin will only be used for Rhazin.  Every month there are fragment/fusion events, and if it's a fusion then new rare and epic champions are introduced for them.

As a result, you shouldn't keep hundreds of rare champions that can be used for Rhazin.  They won't be used anywhere else.  If you don't care about fusing the epics for Rhazin multiple times (i.e. for points in tournaments) then keep just a single one of each fusion rare and use the rest for food

Jun 29, 2022, 15:5806/29/22
Jun 29, 2022, 15:58(edited)

Which suggestion?

(Are the computers getting smarter again??? 0_0 )