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I lasted 4 months

I lasted 4 months

May 15, 2022, 14:4305/15/22

I lasted 4 months

I’m sure you guys have heard this before. Love this game. It's super fun, and addictive even though it's VERY repetitive. However, it has recently occurred to me that I have no business trying to enjoy this game as it is clearly catered to the wealthy, and that's fine. It is what it is. I'm just sad because it's been a while since I've had a game I got into so much, and now I'm done. 

I've spent like $1k in the last 4 months (and believe me that hurt and I had to make sacrifices elsewhere in the budget) and I have spent MANY, MANY hours griding like everyone else. My problem is the gear. Even spending money on sets, or energy to keep grinding for artifacts and accessories, it has gotten me nowhere. I have an inventory full of shit gear. (actually not anymore as I sold everything yesterday in frustration)

I can count on 1 hand the 6* leg items I have gotten from rewards. I have purchased some 6* leg sets, and I got the forge pass and crafted hundreds of 5-6* Instinct pieces. I currently have 7 or 8 good artifacts, and a few nice accessories after all that time and money. That's it! So, the first problem is just getting good gear is not happening for me. I'm not going to beat Spider 21 or win in Arena Gold 5 with purple or blue gear like this:



The next problem is when I finally do get good pieces with a good main stat, the sub stats are absolutely stupid. Everyone needs speed, right? It's the main ingredient for success in this game. Of all the boots that have come through my inventory over the 4 months, guess how many of them had speed as the primary stat? ONE! I have gotten 1 pair of boots with primary stat as speed after 4 months! Not only that, but I've had maybe 5 or 6 items TOTAL that have speed on a sub stat. I'm lucky if I can get 1 champ to 180 speed, much less the 320 I need to be able to compete. After 4 months I am still speedless, and that is quite curious. Accuracy banners?? HA! Good luck. I have 1. 1 lonely accuracy banner even though I've spent countless energy and hours in spider. The rest of the items are always the same. I'll get a 6* purple speed chest with HP% primary and get excited, only to get sub stats like: Attack - Defense - Resistance - Crit Rate. I swear to god like 90% of my items have Attack, Defense, and Resistance sub stats together on the same item. So very frustrating. 

I have all the best items I could muster on my Coldheart, as she is a key champ for farming. This is the best I could do after 4 months, and $1k. As you can see she's barely at the 70% crit rate 200% crit damage requirement for her to be effecitve. These were the only items I have that even remotely get her close to crit and speed requirements, and MAYBE I'll see a 500k heartseeker hit every now and then. If she lives long enough to get off a heartseeker that is... 



As such, I leave you now having had my ass thoroughly kicked and defeated. Good job Plarium you got some of my money. But I see the light now. Shoulda saved that 1k for some good weed instead.

Good luck all, happing Raiding!

May 15, 2022, 17:5005/15/22

OP the game takes a lot of time. Spending can and does speed it up but not as much as you would think,as it's seems you have realized.

There are many successful f2p players, it is just a long term game.

You said you really enjoyed raid, there is no reason to trash the account. Especially after that kind of monetary investment. Take a week off cool down, and play some without spending.

Either way good luck.

May 15, 2022, 18:3305/15/22

Thanks for that thoughful reply. I hear ya, but I'm not gonna make it. Based on how it's gone so far I would estimate 2 years of consistant play to hopefully have enough items (and enough silver to level them all to 16) to build 1 team. I don't have that kind of patience. 

I'll consider the money and time spent as a lesson learned, take my loss and move on. 

May 15, 2022, 18:5505/15/22
May 15, 2022, 18:55(edited)

Thats understandle to become frustrated with the game, and I can relate as a spender. For a game thats been around for 3+years, you really have to take into consideration that the people at the top, have been playing for much longer than us, and probably have gear we cant get anymore. Ive been playing for almost a year and while happy with my account, there is still much room for improvement.

My advice would be to never EVER buy gear sets from the store. You're spensing money on only 6 items that are highly likely to have trash substats or main stats on them. You're better off spensing some money on energy, if you need it, to grind dungeons and get the gear you need for FREE instead of buying it. Can you run Dragon 25 yet? This is your best bet for god tier Speed gear, and remember, focus on one thing at a time. A team of 5, nicely built champs can take you further than having many just OK champs not maxxed out. I remember I ran the same team of 5/6 champs for months when i started cause thats all the resources I had to book them/masteries etc. 

May 15, 2022, 19:0305/15/22
May 15, 2022, 19:04(edited)

And your coldheart is pretty nicely built.. shes super squishy so you need another champ with her to keep her alive, since you said youre having problems seeing her get her A3 off... maybe try a shield set or a champion with an AoE shield or ally protect with her?

Also - her crit is good and high, maybe see if you can sacrifice a little of the accuracy or maybe some HP to raise her attack some more. When it comes to damage calculation, its been determined that your total attack is multiplied by the damage multiplier specific to that champion FIRST in the equation, followed by crit. Having 300% crit on an attack champion with only 1500 attack wont hit hard at all. Her A3 also scales from enemy max HP, then followed by ATK so you're probably already doing close to as much damage as it will do. 

May 15, 2022, 19:1905/15/22

Agree with everything you said. I learned quickly buying sets was a waste, and taking on 1 task at a time will yeild better results.

I have some nice Champs only 4 months in - 5 very functional Lego's (Belanor, Norog, Kyoku, Tyrant, and Gurgoh) and Moss Beard sitting in the vault becasue right now he hurts more than he helps. Plus of course many nice Epics and rares including many of the important ones. But with the gear they have, they just don't have the speed or HP to survive in high level dungeons. 

It takes 10 min, but I can beat Dragon 24 consistantly. Can't beat 25 yet. My Spider team can beat stage 20 in 1.5 min, but gets wrecked in 21 (probably affinity related) and I can only beat some of the bosses in DT (normal) easily, but get absolutely destroyed in Fae, and Nether Spider becasue I don't have the correct champs to counter. 

They really should implement a gifting mechanic in this game. This way all of this doesn't go to waste. I would happily gift champs to someone just starting out since I'm moving on, but I'm less comfotable just giving a random stranger the account. 

May 15, 2022, 21:2205/15/22

There is absolutely no basis to believing any algorithm has changed. All you're seeing is confirmation bias.

May 15, 2022, 22:1605/15/22

@Janetsy Just to let you know, my CH wasn't nearly as good as yours when I was 4 months in... 

May 15, 2022, 22:5005/15/22

You are 4 months into the game and already running Dragon 24, Spider 20 in 1.5 mins and almost clearing normal doom tower.  You talk of aiming to win in Gold 5, which leads me to believe you are somewhere in gold.  I'd say you are doing well above average for someone who is just getting Dark Elhain from the daily login rewards, and still another 2 months from getting Scyl.

You show Coldheart as your best equipped champion, but 4 of her pieces are Instinct, which are from the current forge pass that has only been around a couple of weeks.  This implies that the best gear you have gotten from Dragon at 24 is a crit damage helm and boots, but I don't think that is the case.

I suspect that you might be too critical on the drops you are keeping.  You can get through a lot of content with non-perfect gear, and infact a large number of my champions are still running on 5 star gear, and I've been playing for more than 2 years.  Not all of my gear has perfect substats either.  If you have a purple 6 star speed chest piece with hp% as the primary stat, use it and push on.

Also, have you been using the forge for perception gear?  The materials are quite easy to farm if you are sick of Dragon, and you can churn out some top level gear from that very quickly.

May 15, 2022, 23:0305/15/22

You are 4 months into the game and already running Dragon 24, Spider 20 in 1.5 mins and almost clearing normal doom tower.  You talk of aiming to win in Gold 5, which leads me to believe you are somewhere in gold.  I'd say you are doing well above average for someone who is just getting Dark Elhain from the daily login rewards, and still another 2 months from getting Scyl.

You show Coldheart as your best equipped champion, but 4 of her pieces are Instinct, which are from the current forge pass that has only been around a couple of weeks.  This implies that the best gear you have gotten from Dragon at 24 is a crit damage helm and boots, but I don't think that is the case.

I suspect that you might be too critical on the drops you are keeping.  You can get through a lot of content with non-perfect gear, and infact a large number of my champions are still running on 5 star gear, and I've been playing for more than 2 years.  Not all of my gear has perfect substats either.  If you have a purple 6 star speed chest piece with hp% as the primary stat, use it and push on.

Also, have you been using the forge for perception gear?  The materials are quite easy to farm if you are sick of Dragon, and you can churn out some top level gear from that very quickly.

Well said.

Perception gear is the best "all-around" set in the game, and can be farmed with the daily faction wars grind.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Equip your champs to get the job done, rather than be aboslutely S-tier.

May 17, 2022, 00:2305/17/22

I'm like the OP, 5 months in and spent over $1k.  Where I differ from the OP is that I'm quite pleased with my progression  To me, stage 20 is where it's at and 20+ is for when 20 is trivial.

People running these dungeons is 20 seconds have been playing and paying for years.  You say you have 1 peice of speed boots, I have 48 with 4 of them legendary.  We're peers with about the same time and $ in the game.  You can have bad RNG luck but not that bad.

I never played WoW but I did raid in EQ2 back in the day so maybe my expectation for gear grind is different but to me you are progressing nicely.  But buying those gear sets!  Ouch!