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do not store your credit cards in play app

do not store your credit cards in play app

May 13, 2022, 11:5705/13/22

do not store your credit cards in play app

Do not store your credit cards in your play app.

We have a large game group that play more than a few plarium games, we are having issues with accounts being hacked/stolen and cards used.

The account passwords are not shared in any way, and support are aware of the stolen accounts as they assited in recovering these accounts, however Plarium will not do ANYTHING about the people that steal the accounts.  The accounts used had credit cards used, the accounts in other games were then destroyed by the thief by attacking other accounts.

Support blame the victims, and the people using these practices are bragging about their deeds.

If you purchase things in Plarium games using a credit card - remove it from your account as soon as you finish.

Plarium support the activites of account theft, and refuse to deal with this issue.

(sparta has lost several dozen spending members over this as support pretend it is not an issue, blame the victims, and tell us they can not restore lost in game purchases, something we are not asking for, we only want the people doing this stopped) 

Use caution.  Good luck out there and good hunting. 

