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May 12, 2022, 06:3305/12/22


Hey all

Pulled a few shards NOT for the x10 but to help me tick over the points on my personal rewards quickly.

I pulled chaagur, not exactly pleased as i broke my mercy for a champ i do not want.

Just hoping someone can suggest a use for him? i do not get his kit.. i can see him as an arena debuffer maybe? Or lockout once poisons placed? (still have to win a speed race and beat resist etc)

Yes i know im an idiot for pulling a void, i just wanted to get over the final tier before going to work.

May 12, 2022, 11:0805/12/22

There's two areas where he has value.

You can use him in arena, and some in my clan do - he serves as a lockdown champ, yes, but he also hits pretty hard. Personally I don't love him for that role, because honestly, if I win the speed race, I could use just about anyone and still win. That said, the fact that he's void is a nice touch, and the A1 does give you quite a bit of insurance if things go wrong.

Personally, though, I think his best role is in DT hard. He can absolutely lock waves down with his A1. Especially when coupled with either a sleep or a stun set. Run him and Roric and waves basically will never get a turn. Add Kimi (or some other ACC up) or Nari (for RES down) and you should have no trouble gearing for it.

May 12, 2022, 11:2405/12/22

Thanks, i agree on arena, if i win the speed race i have a million ways to win the fight as i have control.

On DT hard i run a rather strange hp burn/freeze control team for waves - it works pretty well on full auto except for the floors with folis etc.. i could see him being used there thanks.

I have pulled so many shards chasing the 10x and never got one, then i pull ONE void not wanting it..and hey presto :)

May 12, 2022, 11:4005/12/22

One other place you may find value for him is in arena on a go-second team. You can build him tanky along with the rest of your team, and his A1 can serve as a pretty valuable lockdown if you can somehow build into your team a buff stripper to remove block debuffs.

Just theorising here, but maybe something like Kyoku/Seeker + Chaagur + Serris + Vogoth could work?

May 12, 2022, 12:2705/12/22

One other place you may find value for him is in arena on a go-second team. You can build him tanky along with the rest of your team, and his A1 can serve as a pretty valuable lockdown if you can somehow build into your team a buff stripper to remove block debuffs.

Just theorising here, but maybe something like Kyoku/Seeker + Chaagur + Serris + Vogoth could work?

It is an option to look at thanks, but his base stats dont exactly help with a tank build :)

May 13, 2022, 23:1405/13/22

I pulled this champion on my f2p. I'm early on and using him on every single team right now lol.

Imo he is a really good champ as already discussed he is great at lock out, brings good debuffs, ignores block damage or unkillable, cd resets and extra turn on kills. Great overall and can be used in any content.

I would be happy to pull him on my main account, he wouldn't bring anything but is fun and because I have a problem I would max him out. At some point champions don't matter as much as what kind of gear you can put them in. Sure there are some account changers but for the most part it is just using who you have with the best champions around them for the best synergy.

All I'm saying is sure he isn't going to change your account but he is a great champion, and I wouldn't be bummed out for pulling him.