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Building Lydia for Tag

Building Lydia for Tag

May 10, 2022, 21:0205/10/22

Building Lydia for Tag

Hi all. Got a dilemna. Trying to figure out what the "right" gear is for Lydia.

Right now, I use her primarily on two teams:

  1. Standard speed nuke - Arbiter + Maulie + Lydia + [Nuker], usually Rotos. When she's used, she's on this team about 90% of the time.
  2. Stoneskin Cardinal - Lydia + Cardinal + Brakus + Rotos. Purpose here is mainly to give Cardinal the extra 100 RES, for a bit higher chance at resisting the buff removal, and to block revives.

The thing is, on team 1, her gear almost doesn't matter. As long as she's faster than my nuker, and has around 250 ACC, the other stats are irrelevant. I run team 1 against their speed nuke teams typically, and as long as I win the speed race, I basically always win.

Team 2, on the other hand, her entire purpose is just to give Cardinal the extra resist, and to block revives. So, again, her stats simply don't matter.

Given those two thoughts - what's the best way to gear her? Do I just ... not bother? And put the bare minimum and don't give her actual good gear, and give the gear to other people?

May 11, 2022, 15:5405/11/22

So, after thinking about this a bit ...

I feel the best I can do is to have Lydia run a Stoneskin set, and then build her as a nuker. With proper gear, she should be able to land 25K+ crits on her A3, so, on two hits, about 50K damage. This'll still work fine on the first team, since she'll have enough speed and acc to do what she needs to do, and on the second team, it gives me insurance - if Cardinal resists the buff strip, then I win because of her, and if Lydia resists the buff strip, then I use her to kill their nuker, and then rely on her passive to revive the rest of the team.

It's definitely an odd plan but ... I think it could work. It'll mean that I can run the team against their primary speed nuke team, and have around a 75% chance of winning (would have to fail both of the 50% checks against Stoneskin to lose).


May 11, 2022, 16:5505/11/22

Never considered that build, would certainly catch me by surprise lol.  I would build for hydra myself if I was regearing. So not a nuker for sure but more of hybrid build with speed acc res and tanky enough.

 flexible to use in both go 1st and 2nd arena comps