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May 8, 2022, 17:3605/08/22


I will never ever pay attention again to people complaining how bad arena is, it is ridiculously easy at this point and yet still, more than couple of weeks in, probably only every 1/5th-1/8th player sets their defense to 1 man team. 

On top of that there is crapload of trolling with Paragon in stoneskin set (I don't care I run double dispel + Genbo), but that is just lame and being a nyerk to others.

I honestly don't get mindset of most of this community, you whine about everything and when you end up getting something nice you act all selfish or plain out trolling others, what a shame.

May 9, 2022, 07:3405/09/22
May 9, 2022, 07:35(edited)

There will always be idiots out there wanting to troll or play their own game, and it doesn't really bother me too much personally.  At the end of the day, it is just a game, and the occasional person doing that for their own amusement doesn't detract from the overall reality that a lot more people are following the 1 man defense set up. 

This is still a net positive for the game at the moment in my mind.  I don't expect an uptake of 50% of players since most probably don't even realize what is happening or know enough to make a change, but I am happy that a decent amount are on board.

May 9, 2022, 10:0305/09/22

I agree, its really easy right now to get into a higher tier than you did before. I dont understand why people are complaining when its the teams that shouldnt be in gold in the first place, that ive been beating the crap out of. Like, if you had trouble getting out of silver III or IV before this arena change, how come so many poorly built teams are floating around in gold IV? Well after the tier placement a few hours ago all of them will likely be down a tier...

The people that had no trouble making it into gold I before, or higher, are the people setting their defense to one man teams for the most part. Which is funny. You can tell which teams are the poorly built ones, usually they have low power and are level 40s and 50 accounts with under 1M total power. But a lot of them seem to have Hegemons, Warlords, Ma shalleds and Bad els 🤔🤔🤔

May 9, 2022, 14:3905/09/22

Honestly, I have a horribly synergized team with Minaya in the lead, Ninja, Scyl, and Mtn King.  I was stuck in S3before the Arena fix...I'm in G4 right now.  Just by being selective in my battles and actively managing them...GOD forbid I play on auto :/

May 9, 2022, 22:3805/09/22

I agree, its really easy right now to get into a higher tier than you did before. I dont understand why people are complaining when its the teams that shouldnt be in gold in the first place, that ive been beating the crap out of. Like, if you had trouble getting out of silver III or IV before this arena change, how come so many poorly built teams are floating around in gold IV? Well after the tier placement a few hours ago all of them will likely be down a tier...

The people that had no trouble making it into gold I before, or higher, are the people setting their defense to one man teams for the most part. Which is funny. You can tell which teams are the poorly built ones, usually they have low power and are level 40s and 50 accounts with under 1M total power. But a lot of them seem to have Hegemons, Warlords, Ma shalleds and Bad els 🤔🤔🤔

I heard RNG matches us based on team power.  That allows new weaker teams to get matches they can easily win and ascend.  

May 10, 2022, 01:3305/10/22

I don't mind people leaving in actual defenses as it's sometimes a little fun to test stuff comps out. For most - not all - there's still enough easy farming opportunities against teams that can't really stand being challenged, bad speed teams, etc. 

That said, I'm mostly leaving in a one defense lineup lately because I've got no intention of pushing Plat.