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Nekhret help

Nekhret help

May 6, 2022, 01:0405/06/22

Nekhret help

So  far  amazing  champ  just  need  to  know  where  to  use  him.  And  what  stats  and  masteries  to  concentrate on.

May 6, 2022, 08:2805/06/22
May 6, 2022, 08:33(edited)

He is an amazing champ. Are you able to book him? With +200 SPD and A2, A3 booked (total of 2 books) he is fast enough to have the entire team under all three buffs. This is where I have my Nekhret, just over 200. I use him everywhere but built him for Arena.

Hes got a base resist of 50 when fully ascended, and his passive will still proc if he gets locked down from debuffs,since, obviously, this happens before anything else at start of round.

Nekhret is a great counter to Hegemon. He is also very useful in CB if you dont have UK or are just struggling to add more damage per round.

He's there to keep your team alive, so you want to build him as tanky as possible. Put your best gear on him, no matter what. Focus of HP gloves and chestplate with DEF &RES substats, as well as SPD. Speed boots almost mandatory for him.

I have mine @ 65K HP and 3,700 DEF w/ about 400 RES and I dont think ive ever seen him die except in CB. Lol.

I would say any DEF on him over 4,000 is a waste, stack as much HP as possible first.. his passive shield is based off his own MAX HP. And defense can be ignored, HP cant. In a manner of speaking.

Masteries I would go Defense and Support trees.. set him up for CA masteries and RESIST masteries then start with MAX HP in support followed by lore of steel, maybe everlasting gift or whatever its called that can extend buffs. TM increase masteries in both defense and support if you want him to be even faster (however you wont be able to speed tune him foranything, already presents a problem for a speed tuned CB team because of the extra turn with cooldown decrease from passive.)

Hope this helps.

May 6, 2022, 20:4105/06/22

Yes  this  helps  so  much!  I  think  i  went  too  much  hp  not  enough  def .  i  have  him  booked  with  87k  hp  and  2k  def  still  working  on  scrolls for  masteries  but  i  will  definitely use  this  info  to  build  him  the  best  i  can  with  the  gear  i  have  thank  you!  

May 6, 2022, 20:4405/06/22
