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Fire Knight help

Fire Knight help

May 4, 2022, 12:5605/04/22

Fire Knight help

Fire Knight isn't my top priority, but I'm at the stage where beating stage 13 will get me a sacred shard. He's giving me an incredible amount of trouble. What's my best strat to deal with him?


May 4, 2022, 13:0205/04/22

I don't think you have a team that can handle him unfortunately. You need champs with multiple-hit attacks, and you don't have enough of them leveled yet. I wouldn't try forcing it. Just wait until you pull some better multi-hit champs.

May 4, 2022, 13:0505/04/22

I don't think you have a team that can handle him unfortunately. You need champs with multiple-hit attacks, and you don't have enough of them leveled yet. I wouldn't try forcing it. Just wait until you pull some better multi-hit champs.

That how I was kind of feeling. Unfortunate. Appreciate the feedback.

Aug 8, 2024, 05:3608/08/24

Need help with stage 13 fire knight  these are the champs I got  I tried with the first 5 champs no luck plz some 


Aug 8, 2024, 20:4408/08/24
Aug 13, 2024, 18:51(edited)

So nothing really matters until you have a maxed champ, usually your starter, so that you can farm solo farm brutal 12-3 campaign with 3 food champs, to max food to max more champs. Using energy on FK right now is a waste of resources. Also taking a bunch of champs to 50 and 40 is also a waste of time and resources. So focus on building 5 star food champs to take elhain to 6 star and worry about FK later.

Aug 11, 2024, 22:1608/11/24
Aug 11, 2024, 22:24(edited)

FK took me a while to get outfitted for.  I had to be patient for a good time, myself.  Finally got over the hump with Athel, Tallia, and Coldheart for the multi-attackers.  Coldheart is the critical one for me with her heal reduction.  Athel and Tallia could be replaced by just about anyone, but both have Relentless gear.  My other two slots are Adelyn for the hp destruction heal, and a resurrect-toon.

Aug 11, 2024, 22:5208/11/24

Coldheart is amazing for Fk

Rhazin is also very good.

Eventually you'll get to the point where you drop the shield and use tm redux to keep him from ever getting a turn, won't need block heal or revive

Aug 13, 2024, 12:3308/13/24
Aug 23, 2024, 07:41(edited)

The Fire Knight has a unique mechanic that makes him tough to deal with, primarily his shield and multi-hit requirement to break it.

Use champions with abilities that hit multiple times in one attack (Coldheart, Alure, Apothecary, and Bellower). This is crucial for breaking the Fire Knight's shield, which requires multiple hits to be removed.

Or bring champions that can reduce the Fire Knight’s turn meter. This helps in controlling the pace of the fight and prevents him from getting too many turns.

Also include healers or support champions to sustain your team, especially if your damage output is not extremely high.

Focus on using your multi-hit abilities when the Fire Knight’s shield is up. Coordinate your team to ensure you have enough hits to break it quickly.

Prioritize using champions who can attack multiple times per skill to remove the shield efficiently.

Once the shield is down, focus on controlling the Fire Knight's turn meter. Use champions with abilities to reduce his turn meter and prolong the time before his shield comes back up.

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Good luck, and may you earn that sacred shard!

Aug 14, 2024, 01:5308/14/24

Regarding OP...beating FK 13 gets you a sacred shard?

Aug 14, 2024, 02:3108/14/24
Aug 14, 2024, 02:33(edited)

That previous post is almost guaranteed to be reddit spam. Also, @Mods, spam post higher up as well.

Aug 14, 2024, 03:0908/14/24

That previous post is almost guaranteed to be reddit spam. Also, @Mods, spam post higher up as well.

Haha, was wondering that.  I certainly didn't get one at lvl 13.  🤪

Aug 14, 2024, 03:2608/14/24

Haha, was wondering that.  I certainly didn't get one at lvl 13.  🤪

the reward for clearing the last set of dungeon challenges is a sacred shard and the final challenge is to clear stage 13 of the fire knight's castle on auto.