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Faction Wars - 826 out of 882 - Advice Welcomed

Faction Wars - 826 out of 882 - Advice Welcomed

May 2, 2022, 05:4105/02/22

Faction Wars - 826 out of 882 - Advice Welcomed

Recently I've refocused my efforts to complete Faction Wars, but I am quickly hitting a brick wall. Part of the challenge is just having enough silver to level quality gear. The main issue, however, is team composition on these remaining uncompleted crypts. Part of the frustration, which I am sure many of you have felt, is leveling champs just to complete faction wars, and then likely never using again. Lydia is definely worth the efforts, but  the grind for these last stars is going to be real.

Below is where I stand on the remaing crypts. I've included champs in use, levels and then champs I could swap in, but would need to level)

Shadowkin (61 out of 63 - Ninja *60, Karato *60, Yoshi *50, Burangi *50 and Hotatsu*50) This one should be a minimal investment to complete. I just pulled Toragi, so I think getting him to at least 50 and subbing him in for Yoshi will help overall survivabity for the boss fight.

Knight Revanant (60 out of 63 - MM *60, Doompriest *60, Sinesha *60, Golden Reaper *50, and Sepulcher Sentinel *60) - Simply, I can't get through the 2nd wave. I know I could survive the boss encounter, but I can't get pass the 2nd wave with all of the counter attacks. If I had Rector, it might not be an issue, but so far I don't have her. I could level Thylessia and/or Gaius, but I don't think it's enough to bust through. 

Any advice on this crypt would be helpful.

Sacred Order (60 out of 63 - Armiger *60, Fenax *50, Cardinal *50, Astalon *60 and The Tower *60) - This one is likely needing better gear than anything else. Hwoever, there is also the question ofleveling Cardinal and Fenax to 60 or possibly leveling Lightsworn and/or Inquisiter Shamael in order to complete the crypt. Seems like a lot of investment to complete one level. I feel like the answer is to replace Fenax and Armger with Lightsworn (50) and Inquister (60). 

Ogyrn Tribe - (55 out of 63 - Uugo *60, Maneater *60, Shatterbones *60, Ghrush *50 and Bellower *50) - This one I am really struggling with because I have good champs for the crypt, but I can't get pass this stage. I have Galkut in the wings at level 50, but I don't think an extra aoe nuke will help. This one seems like I need to get Bellower to 60 for surivablity and farm better stun gear for him.

Lizardmen - (54 out of 64 - Rhazin*60, Vergumaker *60, Aox *60, Broadmaw *50 and Jareg*50. - I think this one just needs higher DPS, but don't have anyone on deck that could perform the task. Getting the remaing two to 60 would seem to help, but not sure if this is a wise investment of resources.

Skinwalker - (Ursine *50, Steelskull *50, Warchief *50, Basher *60 and Smashlord *60) - With this one I think the answer is to 60 Ursine and possibly Steelskull and then get Hoforees to at least 50 for revive (he would replace Warchief). I am about to get Cleo, but I don't know if she would replace Basher. Again, seems like a big investment.

Undead - (41 out fo 63 - Frozen Banshee *60, Gravechill Killer *60, Zelotah *60, Dark Ethlain *50, Seducer *50) - I sadly don't have many options here. All of the epics and rares that I have for this crypt are considered trash and I wouldn't bother investing in. Leveling Seducer could help, but I need some other champs to get me through. Until I pull some more quality champs, I am kind of stuck on this one.

So, there you have it. Any advice with everything I've listed is welcomed. Again, the goal to all of this is to be able to complete Faction Wars without have to making some many more 6 star investments.

Thanks all!

May 2, 2022, 09:2405/02/22

mind posting screenshots of your collection? it'll be a lot easier to advise if i know what you have available to work with, but i'll see what i can do for now.

for the knights revenant, i really don't see thylessia helping much. gaius has more potential though you're right, i don't see him changing anything on his own (particularly with sinesha on the team, as she makes his sleep debuffs useless far too frequently). you could try using theurgist if you have her and pick off one enemy at a time using the block buffs from her a2. otherwise, i'd replace golden reaper with any healing champ if you have one.

i would absolutely recommend bringing cardinal to 60 for sacred order. she carried my faction wars team by herself for all 21 floors and she's pretty useful in arena, so it's not a waste of resources outside of faction crypts. i could also see replacing fenax, but certainly not both him and armiger. the boss is infinitely easier to clear with a revive blocker and armiger's tm control is a lot more helpful than any of fenax's debuffs.

lizardmen sounds like you have thre right idea, though i would say jareg is worth bringing to 60. he's pretty useful in doom tower

for skinwalkers, i'm a bit worried about your damage output. most of your champs are geared toward support which will make surviving easy, but you may run into issues dealing enough damage to the boss before his meddle with fate resets its cooldown. if you have any additional poisoners to add on top of steelskull, i'd try running one of those. as for cleo, i don't think she would be a big improvement but if you were going to try her i'd definitely say to replace ursine instead of basher. his block buffs is great against the boss, especially with the likes of hakkorhn and steelskull in your team. (btw, icecrusher or ironhide? same advice regardless, basher is better than either one.)

for the other three, i don't have anything off the top of my head. shadowkin is the one crypt i still don't have all 63 stars on (thankfully i got my lydia before it first opened), undead sounds like you're still several good pulls away from it even being a possibility, and i can't remember what most of the setups are on the stages below 21, so i'm not sure what the sticking point is for ogryn. i can tell you that they have the easiest stage 21 in the game, so once you're past your current stage you should be golden.

May 2, 2022, 16:4505/02/22

6star shameal, need for hydra anyways. Keep armiger in team. Cardinal will work at 50.

Hippo at 50 is good enough too.

Jareg worth 6star, broadmaw leave at 50.

Knight rev, u need to manual 2nd wave and get good rng with stun gear on sinesha. 

Shadowkin probably just better gear

Undead, looks bleak with that lineup :)

May 2, 2022, 16:4905/02/22

You are close, but far enough way I wouldn't level just for FW. Champs like jareg (doomtower) and shamael (hydra) would be next on my list because it  helps elsewhere and gets you closer to Lydia. How many champs do you 6star a month? 

I would build just for fw, until you are on last faction. You never know what you will pull before you get there...

May 2, 2022, 18:5005/02/22
May 2, 2022, 18:56(edited)

Thank you guys for the feedback, it's all very welcomed and I invite any other feedback from other players.

This is what I'm reading:

Lizard Crypt: Level Jareg to 60 and move some gear around. That may be the difference. I have Jarang also at 50, but I don't think he would make a difference versus anyone else in the team.

Orgyn Tribes - I can't open this one for another week, so it's hard to pinpoint the issue. I believe stage 17 or 18, the final wave I lose to some counterattack mechanics. I get left with Uugo and Maneater. Maneater won't die quick enough, which means I can't rez with Uugo. The following stages I think it's getting through the high defence/healing walls of stages 18. So this one may boil down to gear (especially bellower) and Grush. I do have Occult Brawler at 60, but I don't think he will be much help for the waves. Good to hear the boss is easy when I get to it.

Skinwalkers - The hippo to at leats 50 seems to help (replacing warchief). Ursine Ironhide may be worth taking to 60 (hellhades has him ranked high for faction wars). I agree, I don't think replacing basher with Cleo will help.

Undead - I'm just out of luck with this faction. Everytime they announce a new fragment champ I always hope its undead (but this is unlikely do to how many undead legos they already have). I do have Catacomb Councilor, Dark Athel, Lich, Hexia, Defiled Sinner and then all of the rares. With the exception of doomscreech, I don't think they are worth the longterm investment. I know they did Vlad last year, but I was taking about a 9 month long break from the game.

Sacred Order - Keep Armiger, level Shameal and possibly level Cardinal.

Knight Revenant - I dug through my lineup and remembered that I have Bergomoth. If I get him to 50 (replacing SS), dump a bunch of accuracy and HP into him, his provoke should help with those waves. I can also bring in Thy to extend the debuffs as well. Doing those two things might get me through the wave without having to put Sinesha in stun gear. However, I am not sure if i will have enough DPS to get burn down the boss fast enough. I will have to see.

Shadowkin - I think will try The Frog and see if that fixes it.

To answer your question trips - it depends on a few factors, but I would say three on average 

Thank you both for your input. I think its helping to steer me in the right direction.

May 16, 2022, 01:2805/16/22

I wanted to update this post in the hopes to get further guidance or confirmation on how to proceed.

Currently at 856/882 stars.

Orgyn Tribes - Finished this crypt. As expected, I just needed better gear and a then perfect timing on Uugo's rez.

Sacred Order - Finished this crypt. Armiger and Inquistor were the MVPs.

Shadowkin - Still struggling with 3 starring the boss. Despite his help with controling the waves, I think I need to remove Karato from the team. I'd sub in and possibly 6 star Yoshi and The Frog. I think that in combintation with best/fast gear on my team (which would be Yoshi, The Frog, Ninja, Hotasu (50) and Burangi  (50)), it might be enough to survive and have Ninja speed kill the boss.

Lizardmen - Like I posted in a different thread, I am also having trouble with this boss. I think with taking out Verg and bringing in Basilisk to essentially to act a slow-boy for the boss to target, perhaps I can DPS him down quickly. Team would consist of Broadmaw (50), Rhazin, Aox (DPS focused gear), Jareg or possibly Jarang (50) for extra DPS and then Basilisk.

Knight Revanant - Stuck on the waves and haven't hit the final boss fight. I am swapping out Sepulcher Sentinel and Golden Reaper for Gaius and Thylessia (50) to DPS the boss down quickly. I know Thy's A2 is counteractive to the bomb debuffs, so I'd have to manual the entire fight. My hope is that with Doompriest, Sinesha in Stun gear and MM, I will be able to survive the fight and then it will be a matter of timing the HP exchange from the boss. I have other DPS epics in the vault, but i don't think they are worth 6 starring and I still plan to use Gaius at some point.

Skinwalkers - I can get to the boss, but definitly don't have enough DPS. I just summoned and am about to bring Cleo to 60  to sub out Ursine Ironhide. I am hoping this is enough to beat the boss. The team would be Cleo, Basher, Smashlord, Hippo and Steelskull.

Undead Horde - I am now at 48 stars with this one. Not sure what to do. I think my core team is sufficient for the actual boss fight, but not for three starring the whole crypt.  Current team is: Frozen Banshee *60, Gravechill Killer *60, Zelotah *60, Dark Ethlain *50, Seducer *50). I am going to bring Seducer to 60, but I am not sure about Dark Ethan. Here are all my other epics and rares:

Dark Athel


Catacomb Councilor




Defiled Sinner


Possibly Lich or Hexia might be better for most of the content, but I'm really not sure. Gravechill should be swapped out, but may still be viable for the boss fight due to her synergy with FB. It would be helpful if I had Grinner, but I fed him.

Anywyas, all of this to say, if anyone sees anything I might be missing with these factions (especially Skinwalkers, Undead Horde and Knight Revenant), I'd love to hear it.

Just bringing the characters to level 60 that I plan to will take a while, but I want to make sure I am making the right investments.

Apologies for the long post. As always, thank you for the help.

May 16, 2022, 04:0405/16/22

No Gorgorab, eh? Honestly I'd just wait until you get him. It'll make it super easy.

May 16, 2022, 05:0805/16/22

Nope. I pulled Anax this weekend, so I had that split moment of hope.