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Just stop making new champions!

Just stop making new champions!

Apr 29, 2022, 13:3504/29/22

Just stop making new champions!



How does a VOID LEGENDARY get to have a WORSE skill than a rare champion we acquire from campaign? 

And please, I understand this void legendary is from Doom Tower and is technically free, but shouldn't champions be held to a certain standard? 

Executioner is a better and more useful champion than this guy. It's 2022, Executioner was here since the start of the game AND he got nerfed ! 

Make it make sense you guys, don't tell me about synergy or whatever - Ginro's passive is straight up trash, and even Executioner's A1 is more useful (25% chance stun vs 60% chance to "PuT rAnDom SkiLl oN  CoOlDoWn"

Seriously, between the pityful buffs you give to champions and how utterly weak and useless you release them - please just stop releasing new champs, make DT secret rooms reward a Sacred shard or something. This is embarrassing. 

Apr 29, 2022, 13:4404/29/22

Did you seriously only look at just that and decide that's the end of it?

Look - I have no idea if he'll end up being a good champ, and I'm a long way away from getting him. But to me, by far the most interesting part of his kit is his A2. 3-turn cooldown, 2-turn duration stun that gets through block debuffs. That has some serious arena implications.

I don't know if the rest of his kit is good enough to earn him a spot, but that alone makes him worth looking into at least.

On a go-second team in arena against a speed nuke team, once he gets his turn, he can stun their nuker and then gets an auto-provoke against their team as well.

Apr 29, 2022, 14:1404/29/22

Passive is really good, stack resist. Though I guess the provoke will require accuracy? Definitely better than executioner. 

The void legendary complaint is invalid, since it is not a shard champ.

I am not wowed by this champ, but will be annoying to have to fight against on whale teams.

The speed race was annoying, but making tag battles 30 minutes long is more annoying lol.

I'd rather get a new champ for hydra than more slow down champs for tag.

Apr 29, 2022, 15:2304/29/22

"oN a Go SeCoNd TeAm ..." 

At this point all I can do is laugh when I come here to discuss these Champions

I wonder which content creator you guys watch that gets you hyped for these champions time and time again

I swear I've had the same discussion here back when I complained about Yoshi release and guess what? Noone ever even thinks about Yoshi (or ever did for that matter)...  

Even then I realized how pointless it is to try and argue here (especially since there was numerous absolute garbage champs released since then) ... 

But I'm sure Opardin Clanfather would also be giga OP on a go second team, I mean the champ's got a FREAKIN block buffs removal and two heals holy shizz guys ! 


Apr 29, 2022, 15:2704/29/22

Yoshi? I literally just lamented about half an hour ago, how much I regret not getting him. He is literally one of TWO champs in the game that can let you recover from losing a speed race. Terrible example. Try again.

Apr 29, 2022, 15:3604/29/22

Yoshi? I literally just lamented about half an hour ago, how much I regret not getting him. He is literally one of TWO champs in the game that can let you recover from losing a speed race. Terrible example. Try again.

Yoshi has ended up being a pretty good litmus test for figuring out how well people evaluate champs. Whew. 

Apr 29, 2022, 15:3704/29/22

Yoshi? I literally just lamented about half an hour ago, how much I regret not getting him. He is literally one of TWO champs in the game that can let you recover from losing a speed race. Terrible example. Try again.

Platinum pushers love depending on RNG to win their fights. Yoshi is so good ... 

But you're right about it being a terrible example, at least Yoshi has a decent team lead, this champ is just garbage through and through

Apr 29, 2022, 15:4304/29/22
Apr 29, 2022, 15:46(edited)

RNG? Do you honestly think the only reason why Yoshi is good is because of his fear?

Yes, the fear is useful. But the reason he's good is because he lets you cut in due to his passive, and then potentially clip away the other team before they can finish their setup. Sometimes that'll be using his A3, yes, and relying on fear. But other times it'll just be a question of using his A1 to proc Evil Eye on the person who is set up to go next, so that your speed let cuts ahead of them, and then boosts into your own rotation.

On top of those reasons, Yoshi is one of a *very* short list of champs who have an increase ACC buff, which is hugely beneficial for DT hard if you didn't happen to get one of the others.

As for the topic of this thread - any time there is someone with a unique passive, it *always* warrants a second look. This is the only champ in the game that passively provokes the other team. That allows for some super unique interactions. You can A2 to get through a block debuffs and stun a target. You can also A1 for an Evil Eye proc and a pretty good chance for a skill cooldown increase. I expect most of the time you'll A3 though, especially against teams not running block debuffs.

Apr 29, 2022, 15:5204/29/22

He is clearly designed to be a situational arena counter. I have read his passive and im not sure how well it would work in reality (the provoke comes after his turn ends)

Personally i think he is a bit underwhelming, but there are worse void legos (Jingwon who i pulled a couple of weeks ago being an example)

I do think there has been a tendency to flood the pool with mediocre champions and make it hard to get the really good ones, but as this cant be pulled i guess that doesnt apply here.

Apr 29, 2022, 15:5504/29/22

RNG? Do you honestly think the only reason why Yoshi is good is because of his fear?

Yes, the fear is useful. But the reason he's good is because he lets you cut in due to his passive, and then potentially clip away the other team before they can finish their setup. Sometimes that'll be using his A3, yes, and relying on fear. But other times it'll just be a question of using his A1 to proc Evil Eye on the person who is set up to go next, so that your speed let cuts ahead of them, and then boosts into your own rotation.

On top of those reasons, Yoshi is one of a *very* short list of champs who have an increase ACC buff, which is hugely beneficial for DT hard if you didn't happen to get one of the others.

As for the topic of this thread - any time there is someone with a unique passive, it *always* warrants a second look. This is the only champ in the game that passively provokes the other team. That allows for some super unique interactions. You can A2 to get through a block debuffs and stun a target. You can also A1 for an Evil Eye proc and a pretty good chance for a skill cooldown increase. I expect most of the time you'll A3 though, especially against teams not running block debuffs.

First of all Yoshi is not good. Let's stop right there.

Yoshi is a joke, and noone uses him.

If you are going to argue that he is good in Gold 4 arena (Gold 5) I'm just gonna exit the conversation right here. 

A champion who's only "strength" is a single game mode (arena) and he can't even get you to the top of it? Laughably bad. 

Doom tower argument makes me chuckle also - especially considering there are EPIC champs who perform better than him there in every aspect, and if you are that starved for accuracy just get a freaking accuracy lead my God I can't believe I'm even talking about these fantasy theories ... 

I can make any champion look good using your logic. Bro, if you need heals in DT just plop Opardin Clanfather in there he's amazing, not to mention he has block buffs removal for arena - not that many champs have that, very unique ! 

Onto the topic : yes they warrant a second look, a third, but if you're not aware you're starring at a pile of trash by the fourth look you probably shouldn't be discussing champions anywhere. I'll just ignore the evil eye proc and skill cooldown increase comment lol 

Apr 29, 2022, 15:5804/29/22
Apr 29, 2022, 15:59(edited)

He is clearly designed to be a situational arena counter. I have read his passive and im not sure how well it would work in reality (the provoke comes after his turn ends)

Personally i think he is a bit underwhelming, but there are worse void legos (Jingwon who i pulled a couple of weeks ago being an example)

I do think there has been a tendency to flood the pool with mediocre champions and make it hard to get the really good ones, but as this cant be pulled i guess that doesnt apply here.

Nooo man you just don't get it.

Jingwon has a very unique passive, you didn't give him a second look. 

He can put a cleanse and a debuff protection on your nuker (providing them with an immunity set basically) without even getting a turn. 

He's also COMPLETELY immune to any CC (built in immunity set? yes please!) 

Did I mention he has a DECREASE acc debuff (very useful I swear, ChoFly told me so) on his A2, now if you don't realize but me and my boys in Gold 2 are killing it with this champ. 

What is a debuff removal? Never heard of it btw

Apr 29, 2022, 16:4104/29/22

So, just to be clear - where are you in arena? Specifically, in tag? I want to know what experience you actually have to back up your comments. Are you in gold tag?

Apr 29, 2022, 16:4304/29/22
Apr 29, 2022, 16:44(edited)

First of all Yoshi is not good. Let's stop right there.

Yoshi is a joke, and noone uses him.

If you are going to argue that he is good in Gold 4 arena (Gold 5) I'm just gonna exit the conversation right here. 

A champion who's only "strength" is a single game mode (arena) and he can't even get you to the top of it? Laughably bad. 

Doom tower argument makes me chuckle also - especially considering there are EPIC champs who perform better than him there in every aspect, and if you are that starved for accuracy just get a freaking accuracy lead my God I can't believe I'm even talking about these fantasy theories ... 

I can make any champion look good using your logic. Bro, if you need heals in DT just plop Opardin Clanfather in there he's amazing, not to mention he has block buffs removal for arena - not that many champs have that, very unique ! 

Onto the topic : yes they warrant a second look, a third, but if you're not aware you're starring at a pile of trash by the fourth look you probably shouldn't be discussing champions anywhere. I'll just ignore the evil eye proc and skill cooldown increase comment lol 

Just so we're clear here: 

Is the metric whether a champion is good or great in arena - or any content really - if they can get you to the top of it? if so, what is your definition of that? top 50 plat? 10?

Yoshi definitely sees play in Gold tag, classic. If the metric is a champion needs to be ubiquitous to be good or great in a given piece of content, well then we're just an impasse there because that's not really rooted in reality. 

Re: Doom Tower. The value Yoshi brings is having all these things in one kit coupled with the speed aura. Thus freeing up more slots on the team, lessening gear reqs, so on and so forth.

Apr 29, 2022, 17:0904/29/22

So, just to be clear - where are you in arena? Specifically, in tag? I want to know what experience you actually have to back up your comments. Are you in gold tag?

Pretty certain airmaxx is very endgame. Probably g4. Its hard to have perspective on usefulness of a champ to the rest of us :)

But to support his point, by the time anyone gets him they probably have little need for a niche arena champ. 

Apr 29, 2022, 17:1604/29/22

From @harleQuinn:





I can accept being underwhelmed by Ginro - especially since best case scenario it's years of Hard Doom Tower SR - but Yoshi doesn't fall into the same boat. 

Apr 29, 2022, 17:2004/29/22

From @harleQuinn:





I can accept being underwhelmed by Ginro - especially since best case scenario it's years of Hard Doom Tower SR - but Yoshi doesn't fall into the same boat. 

These are actually bad examples, since Yoshi really isn't great against Lydia. Too much rng with the fears coming back at you. Guessing Quinn doesn't have Kimi?

I was Yoshis biggest fan, ask Airmaxx lol, but kimi is just so much better. 

Apr 29, 2022, 17:2404/29/22

Does not have Kimi. Quinn probably has more screens/insight but those are what I could find while working. :)

Apr 29, 2022, 17:2904/29/22

Does not have Kimi. Quinn probably has more screens/insight but those are what I could find while working. :)

Don't tell her I am building my 2nd kimi now, and 2nd kymar 

Apr 29, 2022, 18:0304/29/22
Apr 29, 2022, 18:06(edited)

These are actually bad examples, since Yoshi really isn't great against Lydia. Too much rng with the fears coming back at you. Guessing Quinn doesn't have Kimi?

I was Yoshis biggest fan, ask Airmaxx lol, but kimi is just so much better. 

I mean, it's cool for people that have Kimi. I'll look into pulling her at my earliest opportunity, just for you Trips. XD XD 

Oh, and I'd still use Yoshi in most of the above matchuips even if I had Kimi, by the way. I love that he cuts into Nekhret and Krisk teams, as well as teams I think are going to be shield set teams. Immunity or cleanse fixes any fear issues that Lydia brings. Also, with that passive, I can build him a lot better knowing he never needs to be anything more than a touch speedier than my main debuffers. Less speed = overall better build for when he might get smacked going second.

Since he was announced, I was excited to get him and have some ability to challenge super high resist Arena teams and Doom Tower bosses. I will use him regardless of Lydia on the other team or not, and can do so thanks to farming some decent immunity gear ....lolol. Here's why I might use him when looking at my slates....

Some of these screens are from that two weesk arena was SUPER broken and you had to basically fight Plat teams if you wanted to clear your slates in G4. I was always somewhere in the 3400-3600 range during those weeks.

Classic team to bring in Yoshi against:


Obviously shield set Broggers:


Thought we'd get a Stoneskin or Shield Set Duchess here:


Obviously going VERY first thanks to Yoshi's passive with Nehkret AND Krisk:


I have zero idea what this next guy was doing besides High Resist showing off and Mortu shield set, either way, Yoshi helps Serris do her job:


And no, I don't use Yoshi ALL the time. Just against teams I think he'll cut in and provide a much needed accuracy boost. Against regular teams, even Hege or Ramantu lockout ones, I just bring in my classic stuff, going second against Heges with a cleanser. Or going first against Ramantu lockouts with Hege, :)



Apr 29, 2022, 18:0704/29/22

I mean, it's cool for people that have Kimi. I'll look into pulling her at my earliest opportunity, just for you Trips. XD XD 

Oh, and I'd still use Yoshi in most of the above matchuips even if I had Kimi, by the way. I love that he cuts into Nekhret and Krisk teams, as well as teams I think are going to be shield set teams. Immunity or cleanse fixes any fear issues that Lydia brings. Also, with that passive, I can build him a lot better knowing he never needs to be anything more than a touch speedier than my main debuffers. Less speed = overall better build for when he might get smacked going second.

Since he was announced, I was excited to get him and have some ability to challenge super high resist Arena teams and Doom Tower bosses. I will use him regardless of Lydia on the other team or not, and can do so thanks to farming some decent immunity gear ....lolol. Here's why I might use him when looking at my slates....

Some of these screens are from that two weesk arena was SUPER broken and you had to basically fight Plat teams if you wanted to clear your slates in G4. I was always somewhere in the 3400-3600 range during those weeks.

Classic team to bring in Yoshi against:


Obviously shield set Broggers:


Thought we'd get a Stoneskin or Shield Set Duchess here:


Obviously going VERY first thanks to Yoshi's passive with Nehkret AND Krisk:


I have zero idea what this next guy was doing besides High Resist showing off and Mortu shield set, either way, Yoshi helps Serris do her job:


And no, I don't use Yoshi ALL the time. Just against teams I think he'll cut in and provide a much needed accuracy boost. Against regular teams, even Hege or Ramantu lockout ones, I just bring in my classic stuff, going second against Heges with a cleanser. Or going first against Ramantu lockouts with Hege, :)



I find using kimi and ramantu better than yoshi now ;)

Apr 29, 2022, 18:1604/29/22

I find using kimi and ramantu better than yoshi now ;)

I'm proud of you buddy XD

Perhaps one day I will pull a nice arena leggo or two. You know, one that isn't Cruetraxa or the fusion champ while I'm already halfway into it (look at you Tatura). You know, something like a Kimi, Tormin, Warlord, Krisk, Nehktret, Siphi, Rotos, MK, Trunda, Leorius, or Wythir.