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Need Help with Dragon and CB Teams

Need Help with Dragon and CB Teams

Apr 27, 2022, 01:4504/27/22

Need Help with Dragon and CB Teams

To: harleQuinn ; 

Here is my forum post you suggested for Dragon and CB. Thanks again for your help!

I am looking for help building a Dragon team for stage 20 or higher and also a team for CB up to Nightmare.

Currently my Dragon team wins stage 19 about 75% of the time and can take up to 5 minutes. My CB team can do 10M+ damage on hard and survive 28+ rounds. I have included screenshots of my teams below with their gear. The first group is the Dragon team and the second group is the CB team. Some of the members are common to both. I will post a third group. It is just the rest of my roster in case some of them are better for Dragon or CB.

Thanks for any suggestions and help you can give.

Dragon Team:






Apr 27, 2022, 01:4604/27/22

Vlad, Ghostborn, and Dracomorph are the same for my CB team. Here are the rest:



Apr 27, 2022, 01:4804/27/22

And finally the rest of my roster:



I have some other rare champions but looking at the tier lists from several source they look like they are not worth building up. They are more useful as fodder or as chicken replacements.

Apr 27, 2022, 01:5004/27/22

BTW, I have been searching through other peoples forum posts that in the same boat as me for prior suggestions.

Again any help is appeciated.

Apr 27, 2022, 01:5104/27/22

Have you tried the team I suggested in the other post yet Tony? If so, how is it doing, what times are you seeing with it?

I will repost here in case you wanna give it a try:


This team should fill up the debuff bars of waves and Dragon with poisons, while stacking up Continuous Heal buffs on the team and cleansing any debuffs. Kymar should get some resets done.

Apr 27, 2022, 02:2704/27/22

Here's my thought for CB:

  • Wythir - DEF up and Stun Cleanse. Need to tune the team so that she doesn't get stunned, and so that she is faster than whoever does
  • Draco - Poison, DEF down, Weaken
  • Venomage - Poison, ATK down, DEF down, damage mitigation
  • Vogoth - Leech, damage mitigation, extra healing
  • [Missing] - Counter-Attack or Ally-Attack champ. Can you look through your roster and see if maybe you have one that you didn't post? That would round the team out perfectly. If you don't, then I would probably just run whoever your hardest-hitting champ is. 
Apr 27, 2022, 02:3704/27/22

To: harleQuinn 

I am building up the team you and other suggested for arena. I will build up the team you suggested for Dragon.


Baerdal Fellhammer he has the counter attack buff, otherwise my hardest hitter right now is Vlad. I will build up the team you suggested. 

I will repost to let you know how it is going. Just trying to get clan point right now as the clan I am in is getting their behinds kicked, badly, lol!

Apr 27, 2022, 02:4904/27/22

To: harleQuinn 

I am building up the team you and other suggested for arena. I will build up the team you suggested for Dragon.


Baerdal Fellhammer he has the counter attack buff, otherwise my hardest hitter right now is Vlad. I will build up the team you suggested. 

I will repost to let you know how it is going. Just trying to get clan point right now as the clan I am in is getting their behinds kicked, badly, lol!

Sorry - to be clear, when I said Counter-Attack, I meant team CA. There's only two champs who do it - Skullcrusher and Martyr. There's a few Ally-Attack champs. The commonly used ones are Fahrkahn the Fat, Kreela Witch-Arm, and Lanakis the Chosen. Less commonly used is Catacomb Councillor.

If none are available and you choose to run Vlad, you may want to consider dropping Vogoth in favour of someone who has Ally Protect, since Vlad brings Leech. Another option would potentially be running Geomancer - he brings quite a bit of damage.

Apr 27, 2022, 02:5204/27/22

Here's my thought for CB:

  • Wythir - DEF up and Stun Cleanse. Need to tune the team so that she doesn't get stunned, and so that she is faster than whoever does
  • Draco - Poison, DEF down, Weaken
  • Venomage - Poison, ATK down, DEF down, damage mitigation
  • Vogoth - Leech, damage mitigation, extra healing
  • [Missing] - Counter-Attack or Ally-Attack champ. Can you look through your roster and see if maybe you have one that you didn't post? That would round the team out perfectly. If you don't, then I would probably just run whoever your hardest-hitting champ is. 

This is a good team so far. I would run Hotatsu here, and in the lead slot. Can get a lot mroe turns out of the defensive aura and increase defense he brings. And, since he will take the stun, we can use Wythir to cleanse the AoE 2 debuffs and let Hotatsu self-clear the stun.

If there is a Skullcrusher, Catacomb Councilor or Farhakin we go with that instead.

Apr 27, 2022, 02:5304/27/22

So my team would be:

Hotatsu (Lead), Wythir, Draco, Venomage, Vogoth

Apr 27, 2022, 03:1904/27/22

harleQuinn ; 

OK, I have Hotatsu and Farhakin. My Hotatsu is currently built up to level 50, 5 purple stars, and maxed skills. So Farhakin over Hotatsu once I have him built up would be good until I get Skullcrusher.

So does RES help avoid getting stunned? You siad on Wythir that DEF needs to be up, so your are saying her DEF is too low? On the others where you say DEF or ATK down do you mean to lower their ATK and DEF numbers? On them what should I be increasing?

harleQuinn  on the team you suggested for Dragon can you give me an idea of what attributes (like ATK, DEF, RES, SPD, etc.) should I being looking to get as high as my gear allows?

Both of you thanks again for the help. Do you two just have to spend hours on top of hour playing to figure all of this out?

Apr 27, 2022, 05:0904/27/22

harleQuinn ; 

OK, I have Hotatsu and Farhakin. My Hotatsu is currently built up to level 50, 5 purple stars, and maxed skills. So Farhakin over Hotatsu once I have him built up would be good until I get Skullcrusher.

So does RES help avoid getting stunned? You siad on Wythir that DEF needs to be up, so your are saying her DEF is too low? On the others where you say DEF or ATK down do you mean to lower their ATK and DEF numbers? On them what should I be increasing?

harleQuinn  on the team you suggested for Dragon can you give me an idea of what attributes (like ATK, DEF, RES, SPD, etc.) should I being looking to get as high as my gear allows?

Both of you thanks again for the help. Do you two just have to spend hours on top of hour playing to figure all of this out?

Go with Fatman over Hotatsu. The ally attack is going to add a lot of damage. You will need to be a bit careful about how you set the team up, since Wythir is handling both the DEF up as well as the stun cleanse, so you need to make sure she isn't the stun target.

Also, since you ask - a few clarifications.

  • RES cannot prevent CB stun. I don't think I ever suggested it could, but if so, apologies. That said, RES is not completely useless for your team. Since you aren't running anyone with the Block Debuffs buff, you are vulnerable to the debuffs that are being placed by affinity CB (ATK down on Force (red), ACC down on Magic (blue), SPD down on Spirit (green)). Wythir can technically cleanse those, but she's going to be used to cleanse the stun target.
  • When we say things like "DEF up" or "ATK down", what we're referring to are buffs/debuffs. Wythir does a team DEF up buff on her A2. Similarly, Venomage does an enemy ATK down and DEF down debuff on his A2.
  • In terms of stats, broadly speaking, you want to run about 45K HP or more on all your champs, and about 2800 DEF + the DEF up buff on them. DEF-based champs (such as Hotatsu) will run higher DEF for damage, while HP-based ones (such as Wythir) will do the same for HP.
  • Absolutely critical for CB is proper speed tuning. You should consult, enter all your champs speeds, and make sure that each 3-turn cycle happens identically. Every champ needs to be running in very specific orders. 
  • You'll want Wythir to be the slowest on the team to provide the DEF up buff last, so that it stays for both of the first two attacks. You'll also want Vogoth to be team lead, so that CB targets him with the stun. He's the only one of the five that can afford to lose turns. The other three matter less in terms of order, but you probably want Draco to be 2nd fastest, so the others can benefit from the debuffs.
  • A few other small notes - Venomage requires the enemy to be poisoned before he can place his ATK down debuff, so make sure Venom uses his A3 on turn three of each rotation, right before the stun. That'll allow him to use his A2 on the first turn of each rotation to place the ATK down.
  • Also, this team is very sensitive to affinity. CB will always try to target weak affinity with his stun. This means when CB is blue, he will prioritize targeting Vogoth, since Vogoth is both green affinity and lead. However, when CB is green, despite Vogoth being lead, he'll ignore him and target one of your red champs. Since Wythir is the only one of your team that is red, this means green CB will usually target her - and that's catastrophically bad, as it'll throw all your rotations off. You may need to find another red champ to run as team lead, so that it gets targeted instead of Wythir. Your damage will still suffer greatly, but it'll be better than Wythir being stunned. Red CB isn't as bad, but still isn't great - you'll probably want to put Venomage as lead against red, because he's the least important as far as being stunned is concerned. If possible, try to target CB when it is either blue or void - those are your easiest colours.
Apr 27, 2022, 05:3204/27/22

Thanks again, it was me misunderstanding what you were saying. The clarification helped.

Apr 27, 2022, 08:0204/27/22

BTW it seems the system does not like periods in the middle of user names so I changed tony.stram to tiger19tony72 if anyone tries to ping me.