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Relentless Gear Question Avoided

Relentless Gear Question Avoided

Apr 24, 2022, 16:4804/24/22

Relentless Gear Question Avoided

"I've seen some ridiculous conspiracy posts since I've been playing, but this is one of the craziest.

Those of us who use Relentless in Clan Boss (like me) and have done
so for a long, long time would have noticed your issue about 2 years
ago, if it existed. And this issue absolutely does not exist, to make it

As you can see, CB resistance goes from 30 all the way up to 225. My
Kreela accuracy is in no way enough to overcome that resistance, but
somehow she gets all the extra turns in the world, over all the time I
have had her, right at about 9-10 per run. As does Jintoro, as did Fayne
and Anax too...... and long before that, Duchess when she was on the
team and in Relentless. And it stays 9-10 per run whether Hard, Brutal,
Nightmare or UNM.

It is not common for me to find someone whose account here is older
than mine, but you've been around since 12/1/2019. How are you so off on
this? Did you join the forums before you had an account in Raid? Or did
you purchase your account perhaps and just start playing? 

PS....signing your posts "I effin hate Plarium" is not a good way to
keep your posts open and your account available on the Plarium owned

This DID NOT answer my question. In fact, it further demonstrates how I already feel about Plarium. Mods can't even remain professional ffs lolll. "Angry customer!?? Well I'm angry too!! In fact, you're a crazy conspiracy theorist!" Lmfaooo. I'd repost my question also, but I was unable to reply because the thread was immediately locked😁 so I'll pass and just post the reply..

Again, your CB example does not answer my question. You simply avoided it and provided an example where it works as intended. You guys use A/B testing, so why would it be out of the realms that you would do the same across gameplay modes?

Apr 24, 2022, 17:0204/24/22
Apr 24, 2022, 17:05(edited)

Your question was answered, it just wasn't the one you were looking for. There is no known interaction between resist and Relentless gear. Whether you get another turn or not is entirely based upon the RNG that exists within the gear itself, not interactions with enemies or enemy champions. 

Your initial post was a thinly veiled conspiracy post that ended with a childish signoff. Furthermore, I am not sure how it works in your world but typically if one is making a claim - in your case unfounded - they are the one who the burden of proof is on. 

Anywho, since I see you couldn't be bothered to take a gander at the rules I sent you the first time around, you can have another break. 

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