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Arena fix idea - your opinion?

Arena fix idea - your opinion?

Apr 19, 2022, 19:2504/19/22

Arena fix idea - your opinion?

Hi  guys

what  do  you  guys  think  of  this  idea  to  fix  the  current  arena  problem?

split  arena  into  TWO  modes:

1)  Ranking  Match  mode  -  you  fight  real  players  (no  bots).  This  mode  will  get  difficult  as  you  move  up  the  ranks  and  you  likely  hit  your  limit  at  some  point.

2)  Non  ranking  Match  mode  -  you  still  fight  real  players  using  arena  tokens  but  you  do  NOT  gain  or  lose  points.  Instead  you  only  gain  the  medals  for  winning  (so  you  can  farm  for  the  great  hall),  also,  you  get  to  CHOSE  which  tier  you  want  to  fight  in  up  to  your  current  tier.  For  example,  if  you  are  current in  gold  2 ,  you  get  to  chose  oppoent from  gold  2,  gold  1  or  silver  4.  This  way  you  always  have  a  good  chance to  win  and  get  medals.  

I  feel  this  way,  you  won't need  bots  in  the  game  that  ruin  competitive  play  in  higher  tiers  but  still  allow  the  non  competitive players to  farm  great  hall.

what  do  you  guys  think?

Apr 20, 2022, 02:5604/20/22

The issue is linking game progression to PVP game progression being great Hall

Apr 20, 2022, 06:1404/20/22
Apr 20, 2022, 06:19(edited)

Ya great hall is ridiculous. Say a player like me, that mainly sticks aruond in S-3, sometimes a few in S-4 but not significantly enough to make a real dent in the equation.

And for starters, let;s be generous and assume you dont work on any void bonuses. I need 18x1750 silver medals (because the bronze ones i get 2 for 1). so 31500 medals. I get 2 per win, 0 for losses. So i need to win 15750 times. at say 25 wins per day if i manage that many cuz i have i life and other things to do, this means it will take me like 4000 days to max all those. And of course, then there's gold LOL

I mean come on, if that's not ridiculous, then walking around in a bunny suit during christmas in the subway while singing "This is Halloween" is not ridiculous either.

So i say, start by giving one extra medal of whatever tier, per tier, for each win. And then, give 1 medal for any loss, at least that way it gives incentive to actually use tokens if all you get are impossible matches.