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Personal Rewards CvCs

Personal Rewards CvCs

Apr 14, 2022, 22:4104/14/22

Personal Rewards CvCs

We've had a lot of these lately, including starting to see them back to back now. Thoughts?

For me, it's been a real grind on my clan and our heavy hitters. Resources are scarce now going into the fusion.

Apr 14, 2022, 22:4904/14/22

As with CvC in general, for me it's more of just "free stuff for doing what I already do".

I'm not in a situation where I'm really trying to maximize my CvC potential. I got 150K points in the last one, and that's probably near the upper end of what I'll be able to pull off. I had fewer lego books this time around than usual, but not by much.

I can see why CvC would be an area for clans to band together and try to get some high-end objectives, but personally I see this game as more of a fun thing to do on my spare time. I have no intention of letting this game drag me back into the "okay everyone, make sure you're online at 7PM for raids, and don't expect to have any time for anything else".

Apr 15, 2022, 01:3704/15/22

Not a fan of cvc or personal rewards.

Nothing is free, I assume even most mid level clans have a min point requirement by now. Mine is pretty modest only requiring 75k but people seem to want to up it to 100k now. At my level in the game really just doing all daily and advanced quests then using multi battles on what ever dungeon is bonus will net 120k-150k points, but still it puts pressure on people and removes the "this is just a fun game" atmosphere.

Also having to wait for every other week to do things like booking a champion or making a great hall upgrade is just bleh.

Apr 15, 2022, 02:1504/15/22

People are getting burnt out and dropping like flies.

Apr 15, 2022, 02:5204/15/22

I joine a new clan a few days before CvC.  They are low key.  This was my first CvC and I enjoyed it.  In 3 months I might hate the grind.  

Things would be a lot better if I knew what each month would bring.  I played World of Warships and at the beginning of the month they posted all events.  I could schedule.  I cant do that on Raid.  

Apr 15, 2022, 03:3204/15/22

According to my records on this, and they are far from completely accurate,there were back to back no personal rewards on January 4 and the January 18 cycle, but the last two cycles on March 29 and April 12 were both personal rewards.  Other than that I believe it's pretty much alternated.   

 I was in a T6  clan  getting  the  top  X  milestone  for  3  or  4  monthes.    Rewards were actually pretty nice (3  voids  and  lego  tome  every  2  weeks  +)  added  up.    But the grinding was horrible and I couldn't do it if I was still working full-time.    (My max was around 210 without paying.)  (i'm sitting on well over 200 epic books,  and around 40 legendary books, and I will not use any of them unless I have a champ worthy of them, not just for points in cvc.)

Currently in a clan that is pretty low-key and has practically no cvc  requirrments.    Much  happier.

To  the  op,  I think the basic pattern is going to continue to be alternating,  with a few blips here and there.  

The one thing I've learned in this game is that the grinding it's never worth the grind unless you just love to grind.    (Sometimes I love to grind.)

Apr 15, 2022, 06:0904/15/22

As one of the Guild leaders, we established the following guidelines concerning CvC:

- Noone is forced or required to do points on CvC. Coordination for CvC is however given and in front of every CvC, we voice our oponion whether to go hard for the event or whether to see it in a relaxed way. (This CvC was relaxed because many players spend most of their ressources on the CvC before and with the fusion in view, we did not want the clan members to feel forced to spend ressources they might need in it). We also monitor the event and in case we see a chance to win in the last hours, we ask how many players have ressources left and are willing to use them for a last-minute sprint.

Personal rewards is everything, but not personal. They might give nice rewards...but they are solely bound to a large number of people spending ressources. It is a very shady method to bring a lot of people to spend ressource. It should be solved in another way as there are: 

  • Give personal rewards regardless of winning or losing
  • Exchange personal rewards and clan rewards: personal rewards you get by reaching the point limit, Clan rewards if you win

Apr 15, 2022, 07:0304/15/22

As with CvC in general, for me it's more of just "free stuff for doing what I already do".

I'm not in a situation where I'm really trying to maximize my CvC potential. I got 150K points in the last one, and that's probably near the upper end of what I'll be able to pull off. I had fewer lego books this time around than usual, but not by much.

I can see why CvC would be an area for clans to band together and try to get some high-end objectives, but personally I see this game as more of a fun thing to do on my spare time. I have no intention of letting this game drag me back into the "okay everyone, make sure you're online at 7PM for raids, and don't expect to have any time for anything else".

""As with CvC in general, for me it's more of just "free stuff for doing what I already do". ""

For me, lift up the clan members activity in CvC for more resources. Maybe this brings more increased competition against the opponent clans.

Apr 15, 2022, 15:4604/15/22

As one of the Guild leaders, we established the following guidelines concerning CvC:

- Noone is forced or required to do points on CvC. Coordination for CvC is however given and in front of every CvC, we voice our oponion whether to go hard for the event or whether to see it in a relaxed way. (This CvC was relaxed because many players spend most of their ressources on the CvC before and with the fusion in view, we did not want the clan members to feel forced to spend ressources they might need in it). We also monitor the event and in case we see a chance to win in the last hours, we ask how many players have ressources left and are willing to use them for a last-minute sprint.

Personal rewards is everything, but not personal. They might give nice rewards...but they are solely bound to a large number of people spending ressources. It is a very shady method to bring a lot of people to spend ressource. It should be solved in another way as there are: 

  • Give personal rewards regardless of winning or losing
  • Exchange personal rewards and clan rewards: personal rewards you get by reaching the point limit, Clan rewards if you win

Would love to see the personal and clan rewards system swapped during PR cvc's.

Apr 15, 2022, 18:0104/15/22

I like CvC (mostly) and am at the point where I don't mind slowrolling my resources for a few weeks. My clan has fairly lax (25k points) requirements but 5+ of us are able to put up 200k+ consistently, which keeps us around T4. I don't want to put pressure on people to be around constantly if they don't want to or can't be. I'm competitive and want to win, but also don't want to force people into that same approach.

That said, I'd like to see some sort of less punishing middle ground for personal rewards, especially if we're going to see them doubled up like this, or see them more than 2 times in a row. Partial personal rewards for the losers would be significantly better than what it is now. 

Overall, not a fan of back to back personal rewards because it just gets sweaty and requires me to empty my account.

Apr 15, 2022, 18:2704/15/22

If you had to win the cvc to get clan rewards, but always got personal rewards, it'd encourage more participation imo.

What's tough is you naturally grow in tiers, so eventually you'll be at t6 and need 150k points or more from everyone.  There's a lot of things to do to plan for cvc to hit 150 though, dailies alone gets you most of the way there.  Saving GH upgrades, saving forge, saving ascending champs, books, rolling artifacts to 15 before hand, etc. all make raking them in easy.  I always do my mino runs during cvc too.  A little bit of strategy and planning goes a long way.

Apr 15, 2022, 20:2504/15/22

I think players would take part more in CvC, if they changed personel rewards to everyone , not just the winning team.      Let the winners win their rings.     But when a clan knows they have no chance at anything, they could care less about spending any of their resources.

Apr 15, 2022, 22:2304/15/22
Apr 15, 2022, 22:23(edited)

We have quite a modest minimum point requirement and as long as people let us know in advance it is ok to miss a cvc.

Actually this was our highest scoring cvc ever, the first time we topped five million, and we won for once.

But i dont like the way you get tougher and tougher opponents each time you win, and the pressure just keeps going up.

It is the same with personal tiers, my personal last tier for rewards was 400k or something daft, which i didnt reach.

I get that it is 'free stuff' but i feel the pressure to play much more than i would normally in order to not let the clan down even though i easily meet the 'minimum' i want to pull my weight.

Part of me thinks they are too frequent, but i only use books etc during cvc so if they become less frequent i will have to wait longer to book champs!

Apr 16, 2022, 00:0004/16/22
Pc Mouse

I think players would take part more in CvC, if they changed personel rewards to everyone , not just the winning team.      Let the winners win their rings.     But when a clan knows they have no chance at anything, they could care less about spending any of their resources.

Yes that is an interesting thing. 

Personal rewards zero if someone did 220k but lose his clan, no matter how tried to help his clan and did all his efforts. When at the winner side someone did 8k and did almost nothing and however he got personal rewards for nothing.

Should better solution. If just the both team upper section should receive personal reward.  (allways in all cvc)

Maybe over 15th place to 1st.  The winner team members better rewards, the looser team members worse rewards.

Thats generate rivalry inside clan and maybe make better or balanced CvC fights.