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Help with early Clan Boss Team

Help with early Clan Boss Team

Apr 8, 2022, 16:0004/08/22

Help with early Clan Boss Team

I know 12:3 Brutal, Lvl 60 and full masteries. 😛

As I work towards perfection who do I change in my present team to increase my damage stats that can stick around through to mid or late game?

I figured out chasing arena isnt important right now

Present team 


Whats Available


Galek is just in there because is developed slightly more than the other champions.

Do I add someone like Anax or Faharkin or do I muddle through until I get some additional support type champions like Apo or similar, as I conrinue to build the main four  Kalvalax  UUgo  Kael and Mordecai.  Or is my thinking completely wrong on this and i need to do more wholesale changes


Apr 8, 2022, 16:1004/08/22

So, just to echo your own statement - get those champs to 60, full masteries, full ascension. I know it's probably tiring to hear, but the difference is night and day. *Especially* for CB, where Warmaster and Giantslayer are such huge contributors.

For CB, here's my first stab:

  • [MISSING]: A champ with DEF up. This is hugely important, and you have nobody for that role, yet. Until you get one, your ability to progress is going to be seriously impacted. Hopefully, also get that same person to bring ATK down.
  • [MISSING]: A champ with Block Debuffs or Cleanse debuffs, on a 3-turn cooldown. You have Uugo, but her A3 is 4-turn, which limits her usefulness considerably. If you have a good Reflex set, you might be able to get her to work by disabling her A2.
  • Anax - DEF down and Weaken
  • Fatman - Ally Attack
  • Kalvalax - Poison
Apr 8, 2022, 16:4804/08/22

For a Defence up champion are you talking someone like Valerie from the first level of campaign?

So short term until I get more champions leveled or get better replacements should I just muddle through with what I have. I can two key normal easily but would like to progress to Hard and Brutal in the near future. Problem is I only have so much energy a day to 12:3 on Brutalhaven't really started building up a reserve yet.

Apr 8, 2022, 16:5604/08/22

For a Defence up champion are you talking someone like Valerie from the first level of campaign?

So short term until I get more champions leveled or get better replacements should I just muddle through with what I have. I can two key normal easily but would like to progress to Hard and Brutal in the near future. Problem is I only have so much energy a day to 12:3 on Brutalhaven't really started building up a reserve yet.

Valerie has a shield buff, not a defense up buff. I don't know if there are any easily farmable ones. One of your rares may have it - I don't know all of those champs just by their looks.

The icon you're looking for is this one:


Apr 8, 2022, 17:4004/08/22

Thanks ill check

isnt Hotatsu one of those champs, i keep hoping for him lol

Apr 8, 2022, 17:4304/08/22

Yup. And Hotatsu would fit perfectly too, since you can use him as the stun target, as he removes his own stun.

Apr 8, 2022, 21:4804/08/22

Annax  is  amazing.  Weaken  and  def  down.  Get  another poison  champ  and  awyay  you go!