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Tag Arena changed too? For the worse.

Tag Arena changed too? For the worse.

Apr 6, 2022, 04:4404/06/22

Tag Arena changed too? For the worse.

Tag Team arena was a haven for my stress levels for months. It always had some I couldn't hope to beat and some I could definitely beat. This was every day for months  and months. I never went up to the next level, stuck at first. I assumed because it's hard to fill out three good rounds, and because people probably go mad at the last minute before ranking and you get bumped, but I didn't mind at all.

Why would I? I could do some clan missions, get my dailies. Was able to feel like I was PLAYING the game, not drowning. I would win some, lose some, try every team on the page before refreshing. You know, play my video game. PLAY IT.

Last week that all changed. I went into Tag Team arena and suddenly every team is unbeatable. Way out of my price range. Not a prayer of winning. Hundreds of points of power over me (as much as those numbers mean anything at all.) I can't spend 15 gems at a time to refresh just so I can do five tag team matches for advanced quests. 

Another part of the game unreachable.

Why is this? I have been stuck at silver 3 (and very rarely four) for months and months in classic arena. It's impossible. I have been there SO long that I thought I forgot it was silver, thought I was in bronze. I've seen some threads here and realize that's not a unique problem. It's impossible to advance any higher for me. If I don't spend 50 or more gems a day I can't even stay in the *current* level, can't imagine how I could advance.

But tag arena still had some semblance of entertainment to it. The sense that I was playing a playable game.

With that gone too I just don't know anymore. I just seems like the game keeps getting harder to play. I can't beat dungeon levels that I was beating. I can't hit times I was hitting. I can't win in arena. Now I can't win in tag arena. I can't stay at the level I'm at in the game, much less go farther. 

I don't know what's the source of all the problems in the arena, but I know it's making the game not fun. If that's something anyone cares about, then I hope it's something that someone will try to fix. Or give some kind of understandable explanation for.

Apr 6, 2022, 07:0504/06/22

It's a problem that will keep getting worse - basically Plarium reckon they have a million daily users so

TAG Gold has a total of  8750 available slots thats 0.87%

Gold 1 if you're trying to get in G1 has 3125 spaces thats  0.3%

Silver has 45,000 spaces thats 4.5%

which leaves about 94% 0f users in bronze 

Why will it get worse?  Because eventually players will get to the extended mission Get to G1 in TAG - so you tell me how when even 10% (100,000) daily users need to do that mission how it will be possible when you only progress once a week and get bumped out of 'qualifying' overnight

Apr 6, 2022, 12:2304/06/22

3v3 is comic too and need to fix as arena.

Apr 6, 2022, 13:0504/06/22
Apr 6, 2022, 13:05(edited)

I'm in silver 3 as well, and I'm finding the exact opposite - it's almost effortless to remain in silver 3, I find. I had a much harder time staying in silver 2.

NVM - thought you were saying silver 3 tag. Ignore me.

Apr 6, 2022, 13:5204/06/22

Right, I am talking Bronze I, the very bottom. The default you just started the game level. Overnight it changed to impossible. Crazy powerful teams 3 or 4 times my total power. Literally overnight, not figuratively.

Apr 6, 2022, 13:5804/06/22

Silver feels about the same, breaking into G1 has been a challenge though, i can hit S4 if i go for it, but struggle to break into G1

Apr 6, 2022, 14:0404/06/22

Silver feels about the same, breaking into G1 has been a challenge though, i can hit S4 if i go for it, but struggle to break into G1

Tag or classic? I found it reasonably easy to get into silver 4 tag for the mission, but getting to G1 tag was ... another story entirely, lol.

Apr 6, 2022, 14:0504/06/22

Right, I am talking Bronze I, the very bottom. The default you just started the game level. Overnight it changed to impossible. Crazy powerful teams 3 or 4 times my total power. Literally overnight, not figuratively.

I think the lowest tiers are, paradoxically, sometimes harder than those a bit ahead, because, as far as I'm aware, that's where inactive accounts start at when they become active again. I know it's not the most realistic advice, but if you can power out of Bronze 1, it might actually be easier to stay at whatever rank you end up at.

Apr 6, 2022, 14:1304/06/22

I guess it depends on their matchmaking, theres over 900,000 players in bronze so realistically you 'should' find easy teams but given the mess they have made of classic then their tag matchmaking is probably garbage

Apr 6, 2022, 14:2704/06/22
Apr 6, 2022, 14:27(edited)

I guess it depends on their matchmaking, theres over 900,000 players in bronze so realistically you 'should' find easy teams but given the mess they have made of classic then their tag matchmaking is probably garbage

Lots of refreshes required the first time I made it out of Bronze, after I had built 2 decent 3v3 teams. Just kept it open on a Saturday and Sunday at work and fought out. Repeated for B3, B3, etc....

I'm not saying it was an easy thing to build a second Gold4 team to use in tag, but once I did, it just took patience and time to work out of the Bronze tiers. With all those accounts, 900k or so, you can find matchups, it just can take some refreshes.

Apr 6, 2022, 14:5004/06/22

Tag or classic? I found it reasonably easy to get into silver 4 tag for the mission, but getting to G1 tag was ... another story entirely, lol.

Tag, i am clinging on to G4 in classic, although it is rough 

Apr 6, 2022, 14:5704/06/22

Lots of refreshes required the first time I made it out of Bronze, after I had built 2 decent 3v3 teams. Just kept it open on a Saturday and Sunday at work and fought out. Repeated for B3, B3, etc....

I'm not saying it was an easy thing to build a second Gold4 team to use in tag, but once I did, it just took patience and time to work out of the Bronze tiers. With all those accounts, 900k or so, you can find matchups, it just can take some refreshes.

I don't mind TAG but I think the tier capacity is ludicrous and the weekly progression is also crazy - if they restrict the tier capacity so much to have a weekly move just does not work

The only thing Plarium have got lucky about is everyone complaining about classic and that very few actually bother playing TAG

Apr 6, 2022, 15:0604/06/22

I don't mind TAG but I think the tier capacity is ludicrous and the weekly progression is also crazy - if they restrict the tier capacity so much to have a weekly move just does not work

The only thing Plarium have got lucky about is everyone complaining about classic and that very few actually bother playing TAG

The tier capacity is absolutely going to be a hard wall for Ramantu, yeah. As more people get into the game, it'll become increasingly difficult to reach.

Apr 6, 2022, 17:3204/06/22

After much thought, here is the ultimate solution. The problem is quite simple. There are just too many players. And each older player makes each new player's game more difficult.

So, start separating players not ONLY according to where they are in the game, but ALSO according to when they started.

Basically, divide all the players according to when they first logged in. Like open one server per month, each player in that month will only ever compete with players who started at the same time.

Because as it is, to beat players (yup even free-to-play ones) who started when the game was released takes not a whale, it takes a gargantuan godzillian mega-ultra whale. Regular whales will get blocked by all the old-timers very fast. And it doesnt take long to realize this trust me.

In context, regular PS2 or Nintendo games dont penalize you for being the last person on the planet to buy the game. But this game does.

Apr 6, 2022, 17:3604/06/22

After much thought, here is the ultimate solution. The problem is quite simple. There are just too many players. And each older player makes each new player's game more difficult.

So, start separating players not ONLY according to where they are in the game, but ALSO according to when they started.

Basically, divide all the players according to when they first logged in. Like open one server per month, each player in that month will only ever compete with players who started at the same time.

Because as it is, to beat players (yup even free-to-play ones) who started when the game was released takes not a whale, it takes a gargantuan godzillian mega-ultra whale. Regular whales will get blocked by all the old-timers very fast. And it doesnt take long to realize this trust me.

In context, regular PS2 or Nintendo games dont penalize you for being the last person on the planet to buy the game. But this game does.

Yeah I'd thought of a similar construct, but it's a bit too simplistic. How do you handle players dropping out of the game? You'd eventually end up with some pools that are far more empty than others.

Also - time joined doesn't necessarily translate into progress. Putting aside random variance and spending habits, there's also the simple question of some players just being better at the game than others.

I think the basic idea of having buckets of players is the right approach, but I think it needs to have a much more complex algorithm than simply saying "put everyone who joined on month X into bucket Y"

Apr 6, 2022, 17:5304/06/22

Oh i agree, and here's me maybe over-simplifying things. But the point is this. To create "hope". Without hope, hope of reaching the end game, hope of being #1, you know... then new whales are easily discouraged from joining, or from eventually becoming a whale.

By creating clusters around time-of-joining, any new player can become #1 without having to worry about all the players who joined last year and worse, the ones the year before, etc.... So what if after 10 years there's 100 number 1 players? That means more whales and more mini-whales trying to catch them and a steady flow of income for the game. 

Right now, a would-be whale discovers after about a month of play that to ever reach anywhere near the top will require INSANE amounts of cash, of time, of luck. of everything really. At this 1-month period approaches, you are faced with the question "should i even bother? or maybe i should just continue as F2P until i get  bored?" Because the top is so far out of reach, and becomes further away every day that passes.

To solve the drop out issue, maybe squeeze 2 servers into one when enough time passes. Difference between them should be minimal. Like make server 1 and server 2 now becomes server 1-A. Next server is still server 3, or something like that?